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Adressing health inequalities in the regions of Europe Seminar organised by European Regional and Local Health Authorities Brussels, 11 January 2007 Eddy Hartog Head of Unit European Commission, Regional Policy Directorate General http://ec.europa.eu./comm/regional_policy.
Adressing health inequalities in the regions of Europe Seminar organised by European Regional and Local Health Authorities Brussels, 11 January 2007 Eddy HartogHead of Unit European Commission, Regional Policy Directorate General http://ec.europa.eu./comm/regional_policy
EU cohesion policy in a nutshell Disparities in levels of development between EU27 regions are significant and have doubled compared to EU15 (measured in GDP/head). Based on a strategic approach (Community Strategic Guidelines on Cohesion), cohesion policy instruments invest in endogenous growth potential and competitiveness of regional economies. Cohesion policy instruments account for one third of the EU budget or EUR 350 billion over the 2007-2013 period. Based on the policy’s princples of concentration, programming, partnership, additionality and efficiency, the funds’ implementation follows shared management between the Commission, the Member States and the regions. Regional dimension in other Policies
<50 50 - 75 75 - 90 90 - 100 100 - 125 ³ 125 Regional Disparities in EU27 GDP per head n % in PPS (2004) Index, EUR-27 = 100
235 - 418 418 - 585 585 - 723 723 - 835 835 - 1006 n.a. Hospital beds per 100,000 inhabitants, 2003
EU Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 Eligible Regions Total Budget: EUR 347.4 Mrd. (35,6% of the EU-Budget) Of which 82% for Convergence Regions, 15% for the other.
EU Cohesion Funding 2007-2013 Total investment in Health infrastructure: €5 billion Total investment in ICT applications: €5 billion Total investment in Active ageing and prolonging working lives: €1 billion
EU Cohesion Funding 2007-2013 in % of
From health infrastructure to health promotion The 'Saude' programme, Portugal Example of a comprehensive health programme, funded by ERDF and ESF since 1986. In the initial phase, construction of hospitals and health centres, training of nurses. Focus now as well on health promotion and disease prevention, access to health services and partnership structures in the health sector Budget 2000-06: EUR 698 million, of which 476 million from Structural Funds
Health, research, innovation and ICT Kuopio Science Park, East of Finland Regional cluster for health, nutrition and environmental sciences reinforced by ICT development, in the second half of the 1990ies. 18,000 people work and study in the science park Funding: ERDF
Cross-border health care services Republic of Ireland/Northern Ireland Since 1992, the Co-operation and Working Together (CAWT) initiative Improves planning and commissioning of health and social care services. Funding: Interreg, PEACE (ERDF)
Interregional networking The “Regions for Economic Change“ initiative Between 2007 and 2013, networks of regions working together on 30 selected themes will be created under the initiative. Three of them will be specific for health related issues: Making healthy communities Meeting the demographic challenge Promoting a healthy workforce in healthy workplaces
Summary Health – a cross-cutting theme: Structural Funds support health infrastructure and services in the framework of national and regional programmes which pursue the Union’s growth and jobs agenda. Linking it to economic and social development: health related research, health in the workplace but as well social inclusion and support to local actors may support healthy communities. Linking networks and investment programmes Available funding: Between 2007 and 2013, about EUR 5 billion (1.5% of the total of cohesion policy funding) has been earmarked to support health infrastructure. Within another EUR 5 billion earmarked for « e-services for citizens », e-health projects will be supported.
Adressing health inequalities in the regions of Europe THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! European Commission, Regional Policy Directorate General http://ec.europa.eu./comm/regional_policy