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Evolution of Film Genres: Trends in the Last 80 Years

Explore the changing landscape of popular film genres over the past 80 years, from classic genres to modern trends like CGI and explosion-packed blockbusters. Uncover the evolution of movie-making technology and its impact on cinematic storytelling.

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Evolution of Film Genres: Trends in the Last 80 Years

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Presentation Transcript

  1.  'Trends' of popular film genres over the last 80 years Ivan and Rufina

  2. Popularity of common genres over the past 80 years • The popularity of different film genres over the past 80 years is illustrated in this graph.

  3. Percentage of films made in each genre over the 100 years.

  4. The ‘Explosion’ trend change • As we see, over the past 30 years, the percentage of things exploding in Blockbuster movies has drastically increased.

  5. The usage of CGI and green screen in films • CGI and the usage of green screen is now really popular in films and nowadays you probably wouldn’t see a film, in which CGI isn’t used, whereas years ago, it wasn’t used as much, as the technology available to people now, wasn’t as good as it is nowadays.

  6. Timeline of new trends • Movie camera – late 1800s • Synchronous sound – 1920s • Colour – 1939 (or 1917) • Green screen – 1940 • Lightweight/portable equipment – 1950s-1960s • Camera rigs: the dolly (1907) and steadicam (1976) • Digital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLR) – 1969 (HD video in 2009) • Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) – 1973 • The internet – 1990s • http://memeburn.com/2013/02/9-tech-innovations-that-changed-the-film-industry-through-the-ages/

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