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82 o. 296 o. 120 o. 60 o. 500. 0. metres. LEGEND. 1. 2. Unaltered metasedimentary package. Quartzites with muscovitic partings, schist Highly fractured, silicified and stockworked unit 1 with rare chloritic alteration. Fractures often coated with limonite, manganese.
82o 296o 120o 60o 500 0 metres LEGEND 1 2 Unaltered metasedimentary package. Quartzites with muscovitic partings, schist Highly fractured, silicified and stockworked unit 1 with rare chloritic alteration. Fractures often coated with limonite, manganese. *black partings, intense fracturing 2a... 1a... Bleached and silicified. Contains ~5% evenly distributed Fe oxide pods. Usually contains quartz stringers, veinlets or veins to roughly 10%. Stockwork intrusive. Contains >30% quartz veins, randomly oriented. Intrusive component may appear similar to 2a but may also be pervasively limonitically altered. Silicified intrusion with rare veins or veinlets, in areas contains pervasive limonitic alteration Unit 2c brecciated as a crackle or in situ breccia 2b... Quartz 2c... Sample no. 11240(185,0.4,20) Au ppb, Ag ppm, As ppm 2cbx.. 0 10 metres SP-6(10,<0.2,10) SP-7(5,<0.2,10) SP-8(5,<0.2,10) SP-9(<5,<0.2,15) SP-10(15,<0.2,10) gouge 11213(10,<0.2,<5) T R E N C H T R A I L 0.5gpt Au / 12m 2b 11214(35,<0.2,<5) 11215(1.04g/t,2.6,10) 11216(490,2.4,20) 1574ppm Pb 11217(230,0.6,55) 11218(125,7.0,30) 2358ppm Pb 11210(585,11.8,80) 4862ppm Pb 11211(230,3.0,25) 11209(350,22.0,45) 7888ppm Pb BIG 11208(8,5.0,15) 1124ppm Pb 2b 11219(50,<0.2,<5) 40 11220(90,0.4,<5) 50 limonitic partings limonitic/manganese partings in fractures in silcified intrusive banded qtz 30 parting in Qv quartz 2-3cm quartz vein limonitic partings 2c, 2cbx 355o qtz 360o 330o 340o FAULT 360o 11206(900,21.0,20) 9052ppm Pb 70o 11207(10,<0.2,<5) 11205(20,<0.2,<5) 2b 80o 11204(25,<0.2,<5) 20 rubbly2c, sil 2b 11203(15,<0.2,<5) SP-11(30,<0.2,<5) SP-12(45,<0.2, 5) SP-13(<5,<0.2, 5) SP-14(15,<0.2, 5) SP-15(40,<0.2,10) 11212(30,<0.2, 5) quartz 2b 70o quartz str v’lets limonitic/manganese partings 3/4cm 030o 11202(5,0.2,<5) 11201(25,<0.2,<5) 10 179o Quartz is not homogenous white quartz but seems to have been at one time and was shot through with a pyritic silica, resulting in a grey matrix white quartz breccia, to in situ breccia and a white quartz crackle breccia, with limonitic matrix, some white quartz, with grey pyritic silica stringers. brecciated sil flooded intrusive blebby quartz, minor stringers 2c, rare 2a 60 020o SP-1(<5,<0.2,10) SP-2(5,<0.2,20) SP-3(5,<0.2,10) 2b 72o START: 0m 11221(40,0.2,<5) ZONE? 11222(15,<0.2,<5) 2b 70o 2 11223(135,1.2,5) 2540ppm Pb 1058ppm Zn dense limonitic partings 11225(15,<0.2,<5) 40o 11224(20,0.2,<5) 110o 11226(15,<0.2,<5) 11227(10,<0.2,<5) 1 qv Pod of Quartz with random limonitic fractures ~1.5-2/cm O/B 73o green-black gouge 70 80 Mn 1 90 rubbly 100m 1 2c minor trail to camp 2a 274o 06o 2a 155o limonitic/manganese partings 2a 2a 75o QUARTZ VEINS fault rubble VAL CLAIMS 2a JUAL CLAIMS 10 cm stockwork vein SP-4(<5,<0.2,10) SP-5(<5,<0.2,15) 2500 trench trail Tr 00-17 Tr 00-5, 5a Tr 99-1 Jual Creek Tr 00-16 Tr 00-18 Tr 00-09 VAL / JUAL SOIL GRID Tr 00-11 Tr 00-6 Trench 99-2 Tr 00-10 Tr 00-12 Tr 00-15 TECK EXPLORATION LTD. Tr 00-7 K A M L O O P S , B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A Tr 99-3 3000 Tr 00-8 Tr 99-4 Ten Mile Creek Property VAL CLAIM GROUP Tr 00-14 3000 Tr 00-13 Trench 99-02 Soil Sample SP-5 FIGURE SCALE: 1:200 BY: M.P. & J.P. DRAWN BY: S.A.