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Chancellor’s Office Update. Tim Bonnel SFA Program Coordinator. Season Greetings…. Holiday Greetings and Best Wishes from all of us at the Chancellors Office Vice Chancellor - Linda Michalowski Deans, Sarah Tyson and Jeff Spano SFA Program Staff, Rhonda Mohr, Terrence Gardner, and Myself
Chancellor’s Office Update Tim Bonnel SFA Program Coordinator
Season Greetings… • Holiday Greetings and Best Wishes from all of us at the Chancellors Office • Vice Chancellor - Linda Michalowski • Deans, Sarah Tyson and Jeff Spano • SFA Program Staff, Rhonda Mohr, Terrence Gardner, and Myself • Significant Changes: • New Chancellor – Dr. Brice W. Harris • Vice Chancellor of Government Relations vacant
SFA Program Performance 2011-12 MIS final FA reconciliation: • Pell Recipients: 515,000 (up 21k) • Pell Dollars: 1.61 billion (down $100 mil) • Participation growth is still significant, dollar declines due elimination of year round Pell, availability of units • BOGFW Recipients: 1.08 million (down 50k) • BOGFW Dollars: $602 million (up $191 mil) • Participation decline a reflection of $0 Bogfw reporting and likely offset continued growth; dollar growth reflects enrollment fee increase
Budget ~ Prop 30 Passage of Proposition 30 • Community colleges will receive $210 million in additional funds for the 2012-13 academic year. • Most of the money will be used to accelerate deferred funding commitments by the state, but it will allow colleges to serve an additional 20,000 students in the 2012-13 year.
Budget ~ Prop 30 (cont’d) • If Prop 30 had failed, it would have meant an additional $338 million cut to colleges in January translating into 29,000 fewer classes offered and 180,000 fewer students served throughout the 112-college system. • Prop 30 did not by any measure restore California community colleges to their pre-recession levels. • Recent budget cuts have shut nearly 500,000 students out of community colleges since the 2008-09 academic year, and course offerings have been slashed by 24 percent.
FA Categorical Funding • Board Financial Assistance 2% • Anticipate work load funding adjustment for increased units waived • Student Financial Aid Administration includes $0.91 Base and Capacity • Anticipate work load funding adjustment to base for increased units waived • R2T4 requesting increased currently oversubscribed for the $500k (83% of eligible claims paid)
SSTF and SB1456 Ed Code Changes: • first step to begin implementation of SSTF recommendations 2.2 (mandated services), 3.2 (BOGFW conditions), and 8.2 (Student Support Initiative) • Provides broad “policy framework” for the delivery of core matriculation services in the California Community Colleges • Targets funding to core matriculation services of orientation, assessment, counseling and advising, and development of education plans • Raises as a priority the need to fund core matriculation services critical to increasing student success. When State budget conditions improve and CCC’s receive new monies, first priority of BOG, after funding COLA’s, is augmenting funding for the Student Success Act of 2012 • Ensures impacts to student equity are considered by disaggregating data and requiring college plans that are coordinated with institutional equity planning efforts
Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Student Success Act of 2012 (SB 1456)Student Success & Support Program Planning & Implementation Timeline • Implementation Year 3: • FY 15-16 allocations based on 14-15 year-end data reported • Legislative report due July 1, 2016 • Implementation Year 2: • FY 15-16 allocations based on 14-15 year-end data reported • Application of funding formula beginning this year • System-level Planning Year: • Implementation workgroups convened October 2012 to develop proposals for title 5 Matriculation revisions, new allocation formula, & revised MIS data elements & definitions • New program planning & budget process developed • SB 1456 effective January 1, 2013 • District/College-Level Implementation Year 1: • Program plans & budgets submitted • Continue to ensure accurate & complete data reporting • Allocations remain consistent as prior year, new formula not applied • Legislative implementation report due July 1, 2014 (biannually thereafter) • District/College-Level Planning Year: • Develop program plans • Implement MIS changes & ensure accurate & complete data reporting • Allocations remain consistent as prior year, new formula not applied • Funding targeted to core services of orientation, assessment, counseling & advising, & other education planning services
Board of Governors Consultation Council Student Success Act of 2012 (SB 1456)Student Success & Support Program Implementation Communication Plan Stakeholder Input Final draft proposals submitted for broader review & input Matriculation Advisory Committee Advisory Group on Counseling CSSO Workgroup Implementation Workgroups develop draft proposals for input Title 5 Revision Adhoc Workgroup MIS & Allocation Formula Adhoc Workgroup Student Equity Workgroup Program Reporting Adhoc Workgroup Student Services Categorical Input Workgroup
Crystal Ball for 2013… • State: • SSTF/SB1456 and the Fee Waiver Workgroup* • Implementation of SB1456 and the BOGFW* • 2013-14 Fee Waiver Manual Update* • 2013-14 Fee Waiver Form (integrating Dream Act AB131 eligibility)* • Statewide Default Prevention Initiative* • $0 Dollar BOGFW MIS changes* • Changes to Form 2 re: MOE mid year reporting* • SB1289 Alternative Loan Disclosure requirements* • Continued focus on Fee Waiver program efficiency and effectiveness. • Continued focus on Disbursement Card Services and fees*
Crystal Ball for 2013 (cont’d)… • CSAC: • SB70 reporting requirements* GSA 2012-39 • AB131 implementation for Cal Grants* GOM 2012-33, 34, 37 • Non SSN GPA files for the AB131 Dream Act Cal Grant applicants* GOM 2012-35 • Annual update to CSAC posting of links to the licensing exam data for programs offered at your college. GSA 2012-39 • 2013-14 Webgrants College Cost Estimate sheets Due late January (fee increases to $36 and now to $46)
Crystal Ball for 2013 (cont’d)… • Federal: • FDSLP 150% of program implementation* • Focus on “Distance Education” • Focus on “Fraud and Pell Runners” • Federal Budget – “consequences of sequestration”* and the fiscal cliff / solutions • Elimination of student awards for less-than PT • Elimination of eligibility for non degree/Career Technical Education programs • Refocusing federal aid (Pell) on success and degree attainment as opposed to “access”
Sequestration 2013 • Sequestration's across-the-board cuts would devastate non–defense discretionary programs. • Funding for Pell Grants is exempt from automatic cuts in FY 2013, but many other programs vital to community college student success and institutional improvement would be sliced by 8.2%. Including: TRIO, GEAR UP, Perkins Career and Technical Education, Adult Education, Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grants, Workforce Investment Act programs, and many more. • Cuts of this magnitude would severely impair the ability of community colleges to provide Americans with the education and skills they need for the 21st-century economy.
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