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Dive into the renovation of the East Area, its new layout, instrument list, budget, and schedule. Discover the responsibilities and changes in beam instrumentation for enhanced performance.
East Area RenovationBeam instrumentation working group #3East Area needs East Hall under construction - 1962 S. Evrard / EN-EA, 11-01-2019 East Area Renovation
Contents • Some reminders • New facility layout • List of instruments (by main observables) • Responsibilities • Budget • Schedule S. EVRARD , BIWG #3
East Area: some reminders • The East Area goes through a complete renovation program with completely new beam lines. The new East Area will be more similar to the North Area in terms of beam instrumentation. Therefore most of the arguments cited in BIWG #1 (instrumentation requirements talk – Lau Gatignon) before also apply here. • Most of present beam instrumentations are kept in the East Area Renovation. The main changes concern their integration in the layout of the new experimental lines. • For the primary beam instrumentation beam loss monitoring must be defined in detail. Also profile and intensity monitoring of the primary beams would profit from developments in the North Area. • Presently, there is a single multi-target station for seconday beam production serving the users. For more flexibility purpose, a second target will be implemented in the East Area with its associated instrumentations • In the secondary beams, XBPF will be a good solution for the profiles. Time of flight is the most realistic tool for hadron identification at the lower energies, whereas threshold counters could cover the higher energy range. The present XDWC are severely degraded. • No profile monitoring exists for T11 (CLOUD). • In the IRRAD and CHARM facility the intensity measurements are difficult, in particular for ion beams. S. EVRARD , BIWG #3
New facility layout Courtesy of M. Lazzaroni & D. Brethoux S. EVRARD , BIWG #3
Beam line Synoptic S. EVRARD , BIWG #3
Intensity measurement and particle counters Color code : blue = primary beam lines Red = secondary beam lines Data extracted from TDR chapter 3.05 (thanks to BE-BI and EN-EA colleagues !) S. EVRARD , BIWG #3
Profile monitors S. EVRARD , BIWG #3
Location of Profile monitors S. EVRARD , BIWG #3
Scintillator-based detectors * three aging gaseous wire chambers (XDWC) in each of the secondary beamlines, which cannot longer provide accurate profiles in all ranges of intensities will be upgraded by dual-planes scintillator fiber monitors. S. EVRARD , BIWG #3
Beam Loss monitors S. EVRARD , BIWG #3
Responsibilities • Many instruments are re-used • Some of them are upgraded • Very few new items ( XBPF, BLMs) • Cabling is the most critical part • EN-EA is charge of mechanical aspects and new hardware • BE-BI in charge of acquisition chain, control, gas • Service groups as usual: EL, RP,…. • For instance XBPF: • EN-EA will supply the four vacuum tanks with their associated supports. To keep the versatility of the new experimental lines, it has been agreed with EN-EA that the XBPF tanks will not be pumped down, but left under atmospheric pressure. S. EVRARD , BIWG #3
Budget (2019 figures) Note: EAR 21 only partially dedicated to Beam instruments mechanics (100kCHF). Issue on BLMs: The budget allocated to the BI work package can cover the cost of the cables only, which could be pulled during the LS2 cabling campaign. The budget for the ICs and their acquisition chain is missing. A complete rack in APRON is available for housing the crates. S. EVRARD , BIWG #3
Schedule • BE-Bi interventions in 3 steps: • Installation: Nov.,Dec.’19 in B.352 (PS side- Primarybeamlines) • Installation: Nov.’19-Apr.’20 in B.157 • Hardware& beamcommissioning: • Aug.-Nov.’20 for primarybeams • Mar.-June’21 for secondarybeams Courtesy of E. Harrouch S. EVRARD , BIWG #3
Thanks for your attention! East Area Renovation S. EVRARD , BIWG #3