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Periodic Table: Mendeleev to Moseley

Delve into the history of the periodic table from Mendeleev to Moseley, exploring the laws governing arrangement by atomic mass and number, classification of elements into groups, and the unique properties of metalloids. Discover the significance of transition metals, alkali metals, noble gases, and more.

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Periodic Table: Mendeleev to Moseley

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Presentation Transcript

  1. History of the Periodic Table (Chapter 5. 1)

  2. Mendeleev’s Periodic Law • When elements are arranged by increasing atomic mass, there is a periodic repetition of chemical and physical properties

  3. Moseley’s Periodic Law • When elements are placed in order of increasing atomic number, there is a periodic repetition of chemical and physical properties

  4. The Periodic Table

  5. The Periodic Table • Arranged in increasing atomic number • Columns are called “groups” or “families” • Columns are numbered 1-18 (new way) or 1-8 with an “A” or “B” designation • “A” denotes MAIN GROUP, or REPRESENTATIVE, elements • “B” denotes TRANSITION elements

  6. Classifying the Elements • Group 1 – Alkali Metals (except H) • Hydrogen is placed there for e- configuration purposes

  7. Classifying the Elements • Group 2 – alkaline earth metals • Both Group 1 & 2 elements are very chemically reactive, reacting with air and water violently. • Group 1 is the most reactive

  8. Classifying the Elements • Groups 3-12 (“B” elements) = transition metals and inner transition metals • Transition metals are in the main body of the table • Inner transition metals are the lanthanides & actinides

  9. Classifying the Elements • Groups 13, 14 – a mix of metals & non metals, named for their top element • Group 13 Boron Group • Group 14 Carbon Group • Elements get more metallic as you go down the group

  10. Classifying the Elements • Groups 15-18 include non- metals (and some metalloids) • Mixed elements – more metallic as you go down groups; more non-metallic as you move across the periods

  11. Classifying the Elements • Group 15 –Nitrogen group

  12. Classifying the Elements • Group 16 – Chalcogens (oxygen group)

  13. Classifying the Elements • Group 17 -- Halogens

  14. Classifying the Elements • Group 18 – Noble Gases • Non-reactive • Full valence shell of 8 e- • s & p sublevels full

  15. Metalloids • A special group of 8 elements along the “stairstep” line on the periodic table • Have characteristics of both metals and non metals. • B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, Po, At • Si and Ge are known as semiconductors – used in computers and other electronics

  16. Metalloids

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