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Elanora Uniting Church The Church in the Pines A diverse community of faith, love, healing & purpose in Christ. Home Upcoming Events Contact Us Worship Staff Children’s Ministry Youth Children OSHC Minister's Reflections Bible Study Music Adult Fellowship Leisuretime
Elanora Uniting Church The Church in the Pines A diverse community of faith, love, healing & purpose in Christ. Home Upcoming Events Contact Us Worship Staff Children’s Ministry Youth Children OSHC Minister's Reflections Bible Study Music Adult Fellowship Leisuretime Carpenter’s Workshop Garden Club Uniting Toastmasters Links Our Church family has worshipped on this site for nearly 25 years. We value the heritage given by adventurous Christians in early days in the Palm Beach & Currumbin districts. Each generation is challenged to express our faith in fresh ways and to discover what it means to have our stories shaped by the Christ story in the 21st century. Today we come from a multitude of backgrounds and ages. Address Elanora Uniting Church 17 Applecross Way Elanora QLD 4221 Pone: 07 5534 5817; 07 5534 5881 Fax: 07 5534 1673 Email: elanorauniting@bigpond.com (Link) Church Office: Hours: Mon.—Fri. 9am -12 noon Phone: 5534 5817 Minister: Rev. Glennis Johnston: Phone: 5534 5817 Church Council Chairperson: Jan Drury: Phone: 5598 8005 Sunday Services (Link) 8:15 am and 9:30 am
Contact Details Elanore Uniting Church 17 Applecross Way Elanora QLD 4221 Ph: 07 5534 5817; 07 5534 5881 Fax: 07 5534 1673 Email: elanorauniting@bigpond.com (Link) Church Office: Hours: Mon.—Fri. 9am -12 noon Phone: 5534 5817 Minister: Rev. Glennis Johnston: Phone: 5534 5817 Church Council Chairperson: Jan Drury: Phone: 5598 8005
Worship We warmly welcome you to come and worship with us We have two worship services each Sunday 8:15 am A more traditional style of worship consisting of hymns, sermon, news of the saints associated with Elanora and a significant time of intercessory prayer. 9:30 am A more family style of service including some more contemporary music led by our Worship Team (Link), children’s message, interactive sermon, as well news of the saints associated with Elanora and a significant time of intercessory prayer. On the first Sunday of each month the Youth arm of the Worship Team Y412 (Link) leads the music worship and service is geared on alternate months to youth and children. Communion is held at the 8:15 service on the first Sunday of the month and at the 9:30 service on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Children’s Ministry (Link) is conducted during the 9:30 service each Sunday.
Youth Ministry Youth Group: for children in school grades 7 to 12. Friday nights 7.30 pm Teen Time (TTs): A Program for years 8 – 12 which incorporates time within the class as well as participating in dedicated Youth Services Y412 On the first Sunday of each month the Youth arm of the Worship Team Y412 (Link) leads the music worship and service is geared on alternate months to youth and children.
Children’s Ministry We aim to provide a loving, caring, nuturinga nd growing environment for the children in our care each Sunday. To that end all teachers and helpers have a current suitability (Blue) Card and are members of our Church family, dedicated to the spititual, physical and emotional wellbeing of the younger memebers of our congregation. On Sunday mornings the children are catered for in the following groups: The Munchkins: A staffed crèche facility for infants and toddlers up to 3 years old. Kool Kids (KKs): A structured program for 3 – 5 year olds. Children’s Club (CCs): A program incorporating worship, prayer, teaching, music, drama, outdoor activities, craft, etc. for children in school grades 1 to 7. Teen Time (TTs): A Program for years 8 – 12 which incorporates time within the class as well as participating in dedicated Youth Services High C’s: A community based choir for primary aged children, with opportunities to preform in church and at community orienteted ourtraches of the church.
Out of School Hours Care • Jo is working on this
Minister’s ReflectionsThe weekly reflections of Rev Glennis Johnston as published in our church newsletter the Communicator
Music • Choir: Part singing, opportunities for solos, outreach through a Festival of Christmas Music, entertainment at dinners, leading in worship & lots of fun • High C’s: A community based choir for primary aged children, with opportunities to preform in church and at community orienteted ourtraches of the church.
LeisuretimeTime: 9.30 am until 12 noonEvery Wednesday Morning (excluding school holidays) • Want to widen your interests? • Why not come along and join in our Leisuretime classes. • Meet new people, make new friends. • Our Instructors are Volunteers and have an excellent knowledge of their craft and are willing to pass it on to you. • Classes subject to availability of Instructors and some classes are limited in numbers. • Annual Registration Fee: $2.00 • Weekly Cost: $3.50 (includes morning tea) • Join any time during the year Electives for 2007 Acrylics Beading Calligraphy Canasta Candlewicking Ceramics Crochet & Knitting Cross Stitch Embossed Parchment Cards Embroidery - Grub roses - Silk ribbon - Machine embroidery Folk Art – Begin/Inter/Advanced Fabric Painting Floral Art Glass Painting Knitted Toys (Knit & Chat) Machine Patchwork Mahjong Begin/Advanced Paper Tole Begin/Inter/Advanced Patchwork – Quilting - Traditional - Naïve - Machine Photo Scrapbooking Quilling – Begin/Advanced Sketching - Begin/Advanced Smocked Items Tapestry – Begin/Advanced Watercolour Painting
Adult Fellowship All members of the church are welcome join our Adult Fellowship. Meeting are held on the first Monday of Each month at 10 am. Working bees are held on Mondays from 9 am to help prepare for our Annual Spring Fair, Santa’s Gift shop in the annual Festival of Christmas Lights and knitting projects for overseas needs. A lot of fun as well as work goes on during these times. We also join in with other Adult Fellowships in the South Moreton Region for services and bus trips. Te world Day of Prayer (usually in early March) is a time for us to join in with other churches in our area.
Carpenter’s workshop Jesus, also, was a carpenter The Carpenter’s workshop