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2013 Legislative Proposals. The webinar will begin shortly. You will not be able to print the slides from your computer. If you would like a hard copy of the slides, you can download them from our website: www.mnallianceoncrime.org. 2013 Legislative Proposals.
2013 Legislative Proposals The webinar will begin shortly. You will not be able to print the slides from your computer. If you would like a hard copy of the slides, you can download them from our website: www.mnallianceoncrime.org.
2013 Legislative Proposals Office of Justice Programs/Safe Harbors MNCASA MCBW MAC/Minnesota Children’s Alliance
Office of Justice Programs2013 Legislative Proposals Suzanne Elwell, Director Crime Victim Justice Unit
OJP Legislative Proposals Harassment to Stalking Restitution Working Group Data Privacy Technical fixes
OJP Legislative Proposals Harassment to Stalking: In 2010, section 609.749 related to harassment/ stalking was changed to strengthened the stalking laws and removed the term/crime of “harassment” from the statute. The proposal would correct various statutory provisions that still refer to the former harassment law, and add stalking victims to those entitled to protection against employer retaliation for taking time off to attend court proceedings.
OJP Legislative Proposal Restitution Working Group: Create a multidisciplinary working group to examine the way restitution is currently being requested, ordered, and collected in Minnesota; identify gaps in the process; and provide recommendations to the legislature for changes to improve the ability of victims to collect their court-ordered restitution.
OJP Legislative Proposals Data Privacy: Protect VINE and CHOICE data, and protect notification information about victims held by jails by classifying identifying information about requests for release and notification as private, nonpublic data. (Sections 629.72, 629.73, and 611A.06) Technical fixes: Correct outdated references to Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services
Safe Harbors Initiative Legislative Proposals Based on recommendations developed by Safe Harbor for Sexually Exploited Youth Committee REPORT FORTHCOMING:No Wrong Door Model: A Comprehensive Approach to Safe Harbor for Minnesota’s SexuallyExploited Youth
Safe Harbor Proposal Statewide Director:Authorize creation of and spending for a statewide director within the department of health, Maternal and Child Health Division. Advisory Council:Authorize the creation of an advisory council on human trafficking within the department of health. Regional Navigators:Provide the department of health with funding to grant up to six entities to serve as regional navigators.
Safe Harbor Proposal Grants for supportive services, training, outreach, and evaluation Transportation fund: Establish a fund within the department of public safety to provide reimbursement to local law enforcement agencies for the cost of transportation of sexually exploited youth.
Safe Harbor Proposal Housing: Provide a modest one-time investment to the department of human services to leverage private investments in emergency housing, transitional housing, and long term supportive housing for sexually exploited youth. Housing operation: Provide the department of human services with funding to grant to entities for the staffing and services needed for the operation of beds providing emergency housing, transitional housing, long-term housing, and specialized foster care for sexually exploited youth.
Safe Harbor Proposal Detention:Ensure limited options for secure detention are available to protect sexually exploited youth who are at risk of immediate harm if released. Defining sexual exploited youth:Recognize sexually exploited children as victims of sexual exploitation, not as delinquents or offenders.
Contacts OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS: Suzanne Elwell Director, Crime Victim Justice Unit Office of Justice Programs Minnesota Department of Public Safety 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 2300 St. Paul, MN 55101 651-201-7312 suzanne.elwell@state.mn.us SAFE HARBOR INITIATIVE: Michele Garnett McKenzie Director of Advocacy The Advocates for Human Rights 330 Second Avenue South, Suite 800 Minneapolis, MN 55402 USA 612-341-3302 mmckenzie@advrights.org
Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault2013 Action Agenda Recommendations Caroline Palmer, Staff Attorney
Public Policy Committee. 28 members. One-year renewable terms. Diverse perspectives. Subcommittees. Process. PPC June / Sept / Nov meetings. Subcommittee meetings. Member review opportunity. Board approval (pending December 17, 2013) Action Agenda. Priorities and focus for current legislative session. Compendium of policies. MNCASA Public Policy Committee & Action Agenda-setting Process
Goals: Establish primary prevention as a MN priority Assure access to sexual assault victim services Ease access to justice for victims What does it mean to be “on” the Action Agenda? What if something is NOT on the Action Agenda? Proposed 2013 Action Agenda
Establish primary prevention as a MN priority Discussion Proposed 2013 Action Agenda • Improve impact of existing state prevention services (intra-agency coordination) • Challenge normalization of sexual violence • Prevent sexual violence by reducing the impact of bullying and sexual harassment in MN schools
Assure access to sexual assault victim services Discussion Proposed 2013 Action Agenda • Assure access to sexual assault victim services throughout MN • Reduce sexual exploitation of young people (support for Safe Harbors legislation)
Ease access to justice for victims Discussion Proposed 2013 Action Agenda • Reduce young people’s vulnerability to inappropriate relationships and sexual assaults (position of authority) • Assure access to justice for young people (child witnesses) • Promote prevention by increasing penalty for repeat fifth degree CSC • Expand presumptive executed sentencing for repeat CSC offenders • Balance prevention and public safety through MSOP, sentencing and service reform
Action Day to End Violence Against Women 2013 • State Capitol • Tuesday, March 12 • Trainings • Rally • Legislator Meetings • Partners: • MNCASA • MCBW • MIWSAC • MN-MAN • MNALL • Mending the Sacred Hoop Coalition
Caroline Palmer, MNCASA staff attorney 612.209.9993 caroline@mncasa.org Bob Tracy, MNCASA consultant/lobbyist 651.329.1794 bobtracyconsulting@gmail.com Contact Us
Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women2013 Legislative Agenda Rebekah Moses, Program Manager
MCBW Legislative Agenda Keeping the Best Interest of the Child as the focus in family court
MCBW Legislative Agenda Funding Stability
MCBW Legislative Agenda Various smaller criminal statute issues
Contact InformationRebekah MosesProgram ManagerMinnesota Coalition for Battered Womenrmoses@mcbw.org(651) 646-6177, ext. 17
Minnesota Alliance on Crime2013 Legislative Proposal Kelly Moller, Executive Director
MAC Legislative Proposal Hit-and-run statute: Problems with the current statute, Minn. Stat. 169.09 State v. Al-Naseer, 721 N.W.2d 623
MAC Legislative Proposal Proposed change will not require the state to prove actual knowledge
MAC Legislative Proposal Supporters Assistance needed
Minnesota Children’s Alliance Enhancing Child Witness’ Courtroom Rights: Child-friendly oath Court explains child’s rights if s/he doesn’t understand question & attorney to rephrase Testimony taken at time beneficial to child and orders recess when necessary
Minnesota Children’s Alliance Court may adjust layout of courtroom Shall permit comfort item May allow supportive person in close proximity Other conditions
Contacts Child Witness’ Courtroom Rights: Marcia Milliken Executive Director Minnesota Children’s Alliance Marcia.Milliken@minnesotachildrensalliance.org 612-615-4605 Hit-and-Run Initiative: Kelly Moller Executive Director Minnesota Alliance on Crime ed@mnallianceoncrime.org 612-940-8090
Thank you!Slides can be downloaded from MAC’s website: www.mnallianceoncrime.org