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Funding opportunities for Scientific and Technological Cooperation the role of The International Bureau of the BMBF. Inge Lamberz de Bayas. Core-tasks of the International Bureau.
Funding opportunities for Scientific and Technological Cooperation the role of The International Bureau of the BMBF Inge Lamberz de Bayas Forschung und Bildung weltweit vernetzen
Core-tasks of the International Bureau • Supporting the Federal Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF) in the planning and implementation of international cooperation in research and education • SupportingGerman research institutions in planning and implementation of their international cooperation with priority-countries • Developingcooperation opportunities with funding agencies all over the world within the framework of national, bilateral and multilateral programs • Building up and fostering networks with other stakeholders in International Cooperation Forschung und Bildung weltweit vernetzen
Development of an international cooperation project Phase I Exploration Phase II Initiation Phase III Contact Phase IV Funding IB DAAD embassy IB DAAD a.o. IB DAAD a.o. BMBF DFG a.o. Support: Identification of potential fields for cooperation Linkage between institutions and decision makers Exchange of potential project partners – establishment of cooperation Funding of defined projects Objectives: Restricted IB activities Main focus of IB activities • Embassy reports • Expert missions • Studies on “Research Land- scape” • DAAD-consultants • Expert missions • DAAD-consultants • Fact-Finding dele- gations • Innovation Fora • Expert visits at German Fairs • STC-Meetings • Expert -delegations • IB-mobility projects • PPP / 2+2 • Specific programs BMBF • Funding by Federal States • Funding by Industry • DFG Funding • EU Funding Activities: Forschung und Bildung weltweit vernetzen
Supporting STC • Exploring potential fields for cooperation • Studies on the „research landscape“ of Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Colombia and Peru • Fact Finding Missions to Germany or Partner Countries • Exploratory contact travels of experts Establishing contacts and cooperations • Innovation Fora in Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Colombia • Participation of Latinamerican experts at Geman Fairs (Hannover Fair 2008 - 2010 and Biotechnica 2008 + 2010) • Annual calls for Science & Technology Cooperation projects • Offering seed money for the preparation of FP7 projects with Third Countries Forschung und Bildung weltweit vernetzen
Instruments for the Support of ST Cooperation Current Challenge: Few programs for funding scientific projects! • Project funding by BMBF (limited to specific topics for specific regions), DFG, MPG, EU Forschung und Bildung weltweit vernetzen
STC with Chile • ST-Cooperation since 1970 • Steering Committee: Mixed Commission on Science & Technology (last meeting 3.-4. November 2009 in Santiago de Chile; next planed in October 2011 in Berlin) • Common funding of projects with CONICYT. • Last Joint Call IB/BMBF – CONICYT: 18. July – 08. October 2010 Priority Areas Marine & Antarctic research (5) Environmental Research (11) ICT Biotechnology (6) Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Geosciences (3) Health and Medical science (1) Other (2) Physics (1) Optical technologies Genomic Totally: 31 projects Forschung und Bildung weltweit vernetzen
International acitivities of the BMBF – some examples Science Years (since 2004) • With Japan, Poland, Egypt, Israel, China and currently with Brazil German-Argentinian Week of scientific and technological cooperation (Buenos Aires, November 12-17, 2008) Bicentenarios 2009 - 2011: events and presentation of Science Tunnel of Max-Planck Society in Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil and Colombia Involvement in EU projects aiming at improving cooperation with the „Third Countries“ (e.g. ERA-NETS and INCO-Nets) Forschung und Bildung weltweit vernetzen
A campaign by the BMBF to "Promote Innovation and Research in Germany" - launched in November 2006 • Goals: • to highlight research in Germany and the advantages that it offers • to make German research institutions more visible to our partners, customers and competitors. An information platform and contact point for all looking to find out more about Germany's research landscape and its latest research achievements • Web portal: • informs researchers and scientists about what Germany has to offer them • covers the 17 future fields of the High-Tech Strategy and other fields of science and learning • addresses a whole host of other players from politics and government, business and industry, or science and research, as well as our young researchers Forschung und Bildung weltweit vernetzen
Helpful documents and web sites (examples) German Funding Programmes for Science and Research This document provides a good overview of the funding opportunities available for international students, graduates, postdocs, scientists and researchers that are offered by various institutions and organisations. German Research Institutions at a Glance The brochure has been designed to give a brief insight into the scope of the major research institutions and research funding organizations in Germany. High-Tech-Strategy Internationalisation Strategy Excellence Initiative at a Glance (DFG) The Research Explorer contains over 17,000 institutes at German universities and non-university research institutions, searchable by name, geographic location, subject and other structural criteria. Listings contain current postal and internet addresses. Forschung und Bildung weltweit vernetzen
Förderberatung „Forschung und Innovation“ des Bundeswww.foerderinfo.bund.de/en/ Forschung und Bildung weltweit vernetzen
Specific Funding, Provided by Different Ministries Forschung und Bildung weltweit vernetzen Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): ICT 2020, Health Research, Bio-Economy, Research for Sustainability, Nanotechnology, Optical Technologies, Material Innovations, Research on Manufactoring, Research on Security, Basic Research, Energy, Work Processes and Services, Humanities and Research on Education. Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) Non-nuclear Energy Research, Efficient Energy Transformation, Nuklear Safety and Ultimate Storage, Transportation, Space Flight, Navigation, Offshore Technology. Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) Sustainable Energies, Climate Initiative, Biological Diversity. Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) Research in Agriculture, Renewable Resources, Bioenergy. Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) Research on Construction, (Hydrogen) Fuel Cell Technology, Electromobility.
Central (Public) Information Portals Forschung und Bildung weltweit vernetzen Federal Funding Database – all recent funding notifications www.foerderdatenbank.de Funding Catalogue – overview of funded projects www.foerderkatalog.de Research Portal – search engine including all servers of publicly funded research institutions www.forschungsportal.net Portal „Cooperation International“ – information on research infrastructure abroad www.kooperation-international.de
Thank you for your attention Contact Information International Bureau of the BMBF Inge Lamberz de Bayas Heinrich Konen Str. 1D-53227 Bonn inge.lamberzdebayas@dlr.de +49 - (0) 228 - 3821 436 www.internationales-buero.de www.kooperation-international.de Forschung und Bildung weltweit vernetzen