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Highlights of School Health Care Services June 4, 2012

Highlights of School Health Care Services June 4, 2012. Ann Powers, MS, RN, CPNP Nurse Leader. At a Glance…. As of October 1, 2011 95% of the Student Emergency Health Cards were returned to the nurse’s office indicating: 21% of our students are on MassHealth 22% in 2010

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Highlights of School Health Care Services June 4, 2012

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  1. Highlights of School Health Care ServicesJune 4, 2012 Ann Powers, MS, RN, CPNP Nurse Leader

  2. At a Glance… As of October 1, 2011 95%of the Student Emergency Health Cards were returned to the nurse’s office indicating: • 21% of our students are on MassHealth • 22% in 2010 • Two MassHealth Dental Providers in Plymouth • 24% have no recorded dental insurance/provider • Decrease of 2% from October, 2010 • 45% of student population could be considered to have limited or no access to routine/preventative oral health care • Represents a 3% decrease from October, 2010 • Represents a reversal in trend of yearly increases of 4% in 2010 and 7% in 2009 • 682 students are participating in the fluoride oral mouth rinse program (approximately 75% participation rate) • 7714 students have signed permission slips for KI administration (95% of students)

  3. At a Glance… Growth Screening Trends 2010-2011 • 34% of Plymouth students screened in grades 1, 4, 7 and 10 are at risk for being overweight or obese • Represents a 1% increase from previous year • 34% of students in the same grades in other ESHS reporting districts in the state are at risk, no change from previous year’s data for other districts for 2009-2010

  4. Polished LLC Dental Program

  5. Suspected Head Injuries / ConcussionsSeptember – December, 2011

  6. Plymouth Public SchoolsHealth Care Services Total Reported Special Health Care Needs2006-2011 Comment: I added your data, increased the Y axis range from 2500 to 3000 since the SHCN for this year was at the top of the old range. I also changed the year in the title to 2006-2011 (Source: Student Health Cards, M.D. documentation)

  7. Plymouth Public SchoolsHealth Care ServicesSelected Special Health Care Needs2006-2011 I added your data, increased the Y axis range from 900 to 1000, and changed the year to 2006-2011 (Source: Student Health Cards, M.D. documentation) *Other Behaviors includes ASD population; data for 2009 is omitted due to inaccurate reporting

  8. Plymouth Public SchoolsHealth Care Services Selected Special Health Care Needs 2010-2011

  9. I changed the year on the title in this slide to 2010-2011 to be consistent with the previous slide. Plymouth Public SchoolsHealth Care Services Selected Special Health Care Needs 2010-2011 (continued)

  10. School Year Activities Report Essential School Health Services Program 1. Month in which these health encounters occurred: School Year 2010-2011 District: PSD 2. Person completing report (include Name and Position): 3. Health Services Activity Number of student and staff health encounters for school year 2010-2011. (Do not counthealth screeningsorcasualconversations) 2010-2011 School Year 1 An office visit for Health Maintenance should include all visits for an illness assessment, acute illness, chronic health condition, etc. It includes scheduled medication administrations (i.e. daily med administration for ADHD) and scheduled procedures completed (ostomy care, scheduled glucose testing) as well as all individual health education provided. These visits do not include visits for mandated screenings (vision, hearing, MDI or postural screenings). 2 Mental/Behavioral Health includes any office visit related to mental/behavioral health need although the student or staff may present with a somatic complaint. 3 Miscellaneous office visits are those that do not require any nursing assessment (i.e. requests for sanitary supplies, cleaning, etc.). I deleted the comments on student/staff encounters since they addresses the old #s. You will need to add something here if you want to keep the Comments Section. • Comments • Total student encounters increased by 12% • Total staff encounters decreased by 19%

  11. Plymouth Public SchoolsHealth Care ServicesNumber of Health Office Encounters District-wide (Sept-Dec 2011) I added your data, and changed the year. (Source: Healthmaster MA Monthly Report)

  12. Plymouth Public SchoolsHealth Care ServicesNumber of Students Returned to Class(Sept-Dec 2011) I added your data and changed the date in the title to 2011. (Source: Healthmaster MA Monthly Report)

  13. Plymouth Public SchoolsHealth Care ServicesSignificant Disposition of Students (Sept-Dec 2011) Numbers for 2010-11 added

  14. In Addition in 2011-2012… • Fall 2011 - Municipal Medicaid was unable to fund the school nurses as in previous years to work 2 days prior to start of the school year, funded by Essential School Health Services Grant • Activities include review new student health records, conduct student/parent health interviews, prepare for known SHCN, immunization compliance, etc. • Fall 2011 • 315 students immunized at Seasonal Influenza Clinics at Middle and High Schools (52% decrease from 2010) • 31 Elementary School students, 16 adult family members and 3 siblings immunized at evening clinic (1st time held due to extra supply of flu vaccine) • Ongoing review/ revision of nursing protocols and health related policies • Completed review / update of district health related policies • New Concussion and Food in Classrooms Policy passed • Concussion Procedural Guidelines complete (MA Concussion Law passed 2010) • Concussion Teams formed at High Schools, Middle Schools, and the Marching Band for implementation of the Concussion Procedural Guidelines • >200 staff, students, Judco drivers, and community members trained by the nurses in Heartsaver AED; Consistent with last year’s numbers • Ongoing student nurse rotations: Cape Cod Community, Laboure, PPS Allied Health Students

  15. School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) • Ongoing discussion and planning for implementation of the MA School Nutrition Regulations in August, 2012 • Community Transformation Grant: Collaboration with SHAC members, Jordan Hospital Staff, and Food Service Personnel for student, staff, family education • Developed Food in Classrooms Policy initial draft, revised version passed by School Committee in January, 2012 • Ongoing discussion regarding implementation of MA Concussion Regulations, including plans to educate students, staff, family and community • Coordinated district wide Walking Works Program with BCBS for staff in Spring of 2011 and 2012 • Over 200 staff participating each year

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