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Loading…. Finished!. J. J. PRESENT…. ESSE CONSOLE. OHN HENRY. AND. DEATH. CAMP. Instructions: The objective of the game is to escape safely. In each area there will be multiple ways to go. We will take a vote on what to do. Majority rules!

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  1. Loading… Finished!


  3. DEATH CAMP Instructions: The objective of the game is to escape safely. In each area there will be multiple ways to go. We will take a vote on what to do. Majority rules! Click a bubble to choose where you want to go. If you take the wrong path, you’ll have to start over! After every few areas, you’ll reach a checkpoint. Sometimes, you’ll see a glowing object. Click on it to interact with it. It may help! ESCAPE begin begin

  4. The year is 1942. You and your family are all Jews. You were abducted from your home and taken away from your family by Nazis and taken by train to Auschwitz Concentration Camp, even though you never did anything wrong. At the time, you thought you were going to get showered, but really they were leading you into a death trap. The camp is very dangerous and is heavily guarded. You have little chance of escape. Danger lurks at every corner. ] START THE ESCAPE

  5. You and about 50 other Jews are crammed in with barely any space and no food or bathrooms. You’ve been on here for at least a day, but by now you’ve lost your sense of time. You don’t have any idea when or if it will end. The sun starts to set… it looks like another day has passed. You’re beginning to grow tired… You fall asleep standing up and with no space. You are on a train, the destination is unknown. 

  6. You see a building in the distance. Perhaps this nightmare is finally over! You are waken up by a vibration. The train is coming to a stop! 

  7. You’re pulling into the building.. You decided to stay behind everyone else just to be safe. Finally! The train doors are opening! You get your first breath of fresh air in days! But now that you’re outside, you notice that there are two guards posted at the entrance. You walk in the building, even though it seems a bit ominous. 


  9. TIMER BADEZIMMER GO EAST GO WEST The guards take you to a decrepit stone building. It is labeled “bathroom” and there are two more guards posted in front. As the first few people walk in eagerly, you hear something spewing out some sort of gas. They didn’t come out! Wracked with fear, you try to come up with a way to escape. You don’t have much time, so act fast! 

  10. You were spotted… The Nazis heavily guarded their concentration camps so anyone who attempted to escape could be killed. Retry from start

  11. You come to a lightly wooded area. Luckily, the guards didn’t notice you run off.  GO NORTH GO WEST

  12. You were spotted… There are snipers posted at watchtowers all around the camp. Retry from start

  13. From up here, you can see another one of those old stone buildings. There are two more guards, and they are having a conversation. Quick! Get away before they see you!  BADEZIMMER You’re GAY. It’s an escapee! Get him! So, ever been to Bangkok before?. Oh. So how about that airline food? Yep. I’ve never actually been on an airplane before, so I wouldn’t know. Shut up. Hey, is someone up there?

  14. CLIMB WALL You can now get over the wall! Remember, click on glowing objects to interact with them. From up here, you can see another one of those old stone buildings. There are two more guards, and they are having a conversation. There are a few huge bricks on the ground. You’re now at a large brick wall. Quick! Get away before they see you! Maybe you can use them to get over?   BADEZIMMER You’re GAY. It’s an escapee! Get him! So, ever been to Bangkok before?. Oh. So how about that airline food? Yep. I’ve never actually been on an airplane before, so I wouldn’t know. Shut up. Hey, is someone up there? GO LEFT GO RIGHT

  15. You were spotted… The guards saw you! They didn’t seem to show any mercy… Retry from start

  16. 11 BLOCK

  17. Just because you got a checkpoint doesn't mean your escape is through. Keep your guard up! SUCCESS!! 11 BLOCK CHECKPOINT REACHED! CLIMB DOWN


  19. You were shocked… All the fences in Auschwitz are barbed and electrified. Be very careful! Retry from start

  20. You were forced into the building… Clearly they weren’t really bathrooms. The guards were leading you into a trap! Retry from start

  21. You didn’t land safely… Always look before you leap. Retry from start

  22. You tried to open it, but it won’t budge! Maybe you need a key... Finally, off that wall! There’s a curiously unguarded building here. 11 BLOCK GO RIGHT OPEN DOOR

  23. There’s nothing here except some shrubs. Where could you find that key? You found a key! ` GO LEFT GO LEFT

  24. Now that you have the key, try opening the door. GO RIGHT 11 BLOCK OPEN DOOR ENTER

  25. There are people down here? You walk down into the basement, not knowing what you’ll encounter. You’re not sure if you should go down the stairs or not… What horrors await you at the bottom of this evil place? LEAVE As you enter the stone-cold building, you hear cries of despair from downstairs.  GO DOWN

  26. A few have even collapsed on the floor, dead of starvation. These poor people deserve to be freed. They look like they’ve been starved for a very long time. You’ve been exposed to the horrible things Hitler did to these innocent people. There are no words to describe how badly these people were treated. Even if you do manage to escape, you’ll never forget the horrors you’ve seen here. You still have that key—maybe you can put it to good use. You find yourself in a prison chamber, each cage stuffed with captives.  GO DOWN HALL

  27. There’s a security camera. Try to sneak past it. GO EAST GO EAST

  28. There is also a key terminal! Maybe you can finally free all these people! You’ll need a distraction though. Try looking around. Now’s your chance to escape!! You freed them! But an alarm is going off! Quick, find a way to escape! The steam from that pipe provided good cover. This is another prison room.   You found a hammer! GO LEFT Schlüssel

  29. You were spotted… Make sure you don’t let the camera see you! Retry from checkpoint Retry from start

  30. Hurry and escape with the rest of them! There’s safety in numbers! The starving prisoners escaped, thanks to you! Freiheit!!!!!  Keinentkommen! ? Freiheit!!!!! Freiheit!!!!! GO LEFT


  32. LEAVE

  33. There’s a guard coming! Quickly, escape! Whoah, it’s chaos out here! The guards show no mercy to prisoners!  11 BLOCK GO EAST

  34. Oh, no! You’re cornered! Quick, find a way out!! What’s that noise? It looks like you can walk through that bush. Maybe there is a way out! STOPPEN! GO THROUGH


  36. Oh no! You’ve been seen! It looks like this is the end. Yes!! Alliance helicopter to the rescue!  Weristda? !

  37. You were attacked… The guard got you. You need to be faster! Retry from checkpoint Retry from start

  38. You were spotted… Make sure you don’t let the camera see you! Retry from checkpoint Retry from start

  39. You were spotted… Those guards are everywhere! Retry from checkpoint Retry from start

  40. You were attacked by bees… Those stingers sure pack a punch! Retry from checkpoint Retry from start

  41. Luckily, the Alliance arrived just in time to free some of the camp members. All the Nazis at the camp retreated. It looks like another success for the Alliance! Now you can finally go home!


  43. HOLOCAUST FACTS • In 1939, Nazis forced all Jews away from their homes and into ghettoes. • About 6 million Jews were killed by Hitler & his Nazis, 11 million people total. • They were killed by poison gas, starvation, or forced labor. • Only 300 prisoners escaped from Auschwitz alive. 144 out of 802 escapes were successful. • There were 50 people crammed into one tiny train car! • Children, women, and the elderly were sent to “get showered” first. • All others were forced to be slaves before extermination. • Some people were even experimented on!! • The Nazis used “code words” to keep what they were doing a secret, such as “special treatment” and “bath house”. • You could hear gas victims screaming for 15 to 20 minutes. Even motorcycle engines at full throttle could not block out the horrible sound. CREDITS

  44. THE END DEATH CAMP ESCAPE A PowerPoint Production DEVELOPERS & GRAPHICS For Mr. Schaefer’s 8th grade Social Studies Class! SOUNDS & MUSIC Microsoft Office Online Super Smash Bros. Brawl Jesse Console John Henry Made on Microsoft PowerPoint 2010… Facts from www.holocaustfacts.info Thanks for playing!

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