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Achieving Goals: My Writing Project Journey

Explore a semester-long writing project in English where students set, reflect on, and achieve personal goals. Document your progress through a journal, top ten chart, and three little stories. Create a personal statement draft and track your growth.

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Achieving Goals: My Writing Project Journey

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My Book Senior English Writing Project Fall Semester

  2. Table of Contents... Goals Journal………………...…....page 1 Goals slide ………………………...page 2 Top Ten Chart……………………....page 3 Three Little Stories………………...page 4 Personal Statement Draft 1……....page 5

  3. Page 1 Using your stu account, type My Goals Journal into a google doc titled “ My Book”

  4. Goals Journal From the yellow sheet, skipping lines , write ¾ of a page about three goals you have this year.

  5. Top Ten Chart Insert your top ten chart into your google doc page 4.

  6. Three littel stories Type up three of your top ten moments as little stories, like we discussed in class.

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