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My Book

My Book. Leonardo Ibarra. Title. The title of my book is Destined To live. Author. The author of my book is R uth Gruener. Genre. The genre of my book is history . Summary .

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My Book

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My Book Leonardo Ibarra

  2. Title • The title of my book is Destined To live

  3. Author • The author of my book is Ruth Gruener

  4. Genre • The genre of my book is history

  5. Summary • Pretty and carefree, young Aurelia Gamzer had an idyllic life in 1930s Poland. But when the Nazis began to tear through her hometown, Aurelia’s peaceful world was shattered………… FOREVER!. Suddenly, there was danger behind every corner, and no one could be trusted anymore. Forced into hiding, Aurelia could only rely on her inner strength to make it through the terror.

  6. Point of View • First person • The story is told through through Aurelia Gamzer.

  7. Conflicts • Aurelia is hiding from the Nazis and doesn’t want to die.

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