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OLA Superconference 2012 The Accidental Manager

OLA Superconference 2012 The Accidental Manager. Rebecca Jones Dysart & Jones Associates rebecca@dysartjones.com 905.731.5836. Focus for today. Offer tools, approaches & ideas to new leaders, managers & supervisors Transitioning Tendencies Creating a Motivating Environment.

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OLA Superconference 2012 The Accidental Manager

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  1. OLA Superconference2012The Accidental Manager Rebecca Jones Dysart & Jones Associates rebecca@dysartjones.com 905.731.5836

  2. Focus for today Offer tools, approaches & ideas to new leaders, managers & supervisors • Transitioning • Tendencies • Creating a Motivating Environment What you will be tomorrow, you are becoming today.Jim Clemmer

  3. Your New ToolKit

  4. Roles  Skills Form follows function Roles dictate the skills required Skills can only be learned through practice We will discuss skills You will learn these on the job

  5. From CEO’s & managers in a variety of settings. New managers need to know: How to assert themselves as leaders today when they were colleagues yesterday. How to determine the priorities. How to manage “up”. That people come first…if staff isn’t on board, you will never succeed. Communicating – getting the point across – now. That the world will not end if they delegate. That politicsare all about relationship building. That balancing of needs and expectations with realistic budgets is one that can only be learned on the job. That doing too much will ultimately become too much.

  6. Some favourite sources: • Harvard Business Review blog www.hbr.org • Hill, Linda. Becoming a Manager. Harvard, 2003 • Sheldon, Brooke. Interpersonal Skills, Theory & Practice • Mintzberg & Gosling, “Five Minds of a Manager” HBR Nov 2003 • Managers Toolkit: The 13 Skills Managers Need to Succeed.   Harvard, 2004.  • Watkins, Michael. The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders. Harvard, 2003 • Ury, William. Power of a Positive No: How to say NO and Still get to YES

  7. Mintzberg on Managers’ Role Setting the context for our conversations managing self managing relationships managing organizations managing contexts managing change

  8. The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins 3 Months Furious activity is no substitute for understanding. H.H Williams • Personal disciplines: • Plan to plan • Defer commitment • Schedule time for priority goals • Go to the balcony to review situation • Use transparent processes • Reflect on how you’re doing • Take breaks • Build & maintain relationships

  9. Critical Skills Establish, impart & implement a vision & strategies that make your organization indispensable Create & maintain a productive & motivating work environment Embrace ambiguity There - simple enough?

  10. As a member of management • We lead people • We manage project & processes • We supervise details Your current role incorporates leadership, management & supervision You do things with people, not to people You work up, down, across & beyond the organization You are responsible for strategies, initiatives & implementation

  11. “Leaders do not sit in the stands and watch. Neither are leaders in the game substituting for the players. Leaders coach. They demonstrate what is important by how they spend their time, by the priorities on their agenda, by the questions they ask,by the people they see, the places they go, and the behaviors and results that they recognize & reward.” The Leadership Challenge Kouzes & Posner

  12. Transitioning requires a plan Start with a plan for you • To plan anything effectively you must know: • What you want • What you’ve got • Barriers and acceleration points that may impact your journey between the two states • Formally & consciously let go of what you were doing and the professional or functional expertise you relied on • “Promote yourself” • Mentally move yourself from colleague or ‘young staff’ to team leader • Develop or re-develop relationships with boss(es), colleagues and staff

  13. Your boss When new leaders falter it’s usually because they “concentrate on doing more of what they have done to succeed…they typically spend too little time cultivating important relationships, especially with their bosses.” Almost Ready: How Leaders Move Up, Harvard Business Review, January 2005, p.49 It’s more important for you to develop a relationship with your boss than vice versa

  14. Your goals must support your managers’ goals • Manage the management relationship • Regular, effective interactions to understand: • Their perception of the situation • Their style • Their preferred communication mode • Keep drafting your expectations while you learn • No blaming of predecessors or the past • No surprises for superiors • Potential solutions for problems you’re identifying • Areas where you need their support • Negotiate – expectations, timelines, approaches, resources

  15. Start by clarifying your role 1. Identify the differences between your old and new positions: 2. Identify the similarities between your old and new positions:

  16. And how you will fulfill & succeed in that role 3. What strengths and skills have made you successful in the past? • Which of these strengths and skills can you continue to draw on? • What skills do you need to develop?

  17. Your individual plan

  18. Highlights the need for: • Clear expectations • You must know what your manager or Board expects of you • What do they expect you to “deliver” in 3 months? • 6 months? 12 months? • How will they define success for you? What will success look like from their view point?

  19. Tendencies Understand your own, how you see the world, and how the world tends to see you Myers-Briggs Keirsey DISC Birkman Strengths-Finder

  20. Your accelerators & Your inhibitors Know your preferences, behavioral style, motivational needs, stressors. Keep The Red Sheet and The Green Sheet

  21. Smart plans rely on smart goals Must be written SMART goals: • Specific • Measurable • Acceptable • Realistic • Timed

  22. Establishing Goals: be smart “By July 20th, identify the 4 critical issues impacting the group that need to be addressed before year end.” “By August, develop a plan for implementing e-book & tablet loans by January.” “By November, 100% of staff will have received training in: • using the e-books & tablets • assisting patrons in using the devices

  23. Focus on the goal • Most common error of new leaders is failure to focus • Focus on 2 or 3 critical areas • Identify wins that: • Enable you to learn about the function or group • Build credibility for both you and the group • Matter to management • Are doable in the culture

  24. Goals are decisions Discipline means choices. Every time you say yes to a goal or objective, you say no to many more. Sybil Stanton

  25. Establishing goals • What are your goals for the next 6 – 12 months? • Refer back to worksheet #1; if there are skills you need to develop, include them in your goal-setting

  26. People Today is really about people It’s all about people

  27. One more time with feeling... • I CANNOT motivate people repeat • I CANNOT motivate people • I CAN create a motivating environment ……………………..and that is my primary job

  28. Context • Be clear on where you are • Be clear on where you are headed • Be clear on the ‘influencing factors’ for the library & the unit • Keep the context in front of everyone To “lead” means to take a library, a unit, a program, a service or a project from where it is today to where it needs to be in the future to be or continue to be successful The library or unit’s context is what is doing today, what is happening around it in its community & beyond, and what it wants to do tomorrow

  29. Establish the context To “lead” means you want to go forward: • decide where • draft the framework • determine the “givens” • describe it in simple terms • Involve the team - their input, ideas & details • make it real

  30. Create a positive pull within the context Your context setting should address 4 things for your team: 1. Why they should want to be in your organization 2. Why customers should want to do business with you 3. Why this is the most exciting organization to be connected with 4. What it “looks” like - the details, as you see them

  31. Establish goals with team Within your organizational structure, work with staff to establish expectations and their goals Ensure their goals “support” achievement of your goals Ensure your goals “support” achievement of the organization’s goals (your manager’s goals)

  32. Start at the beginning 85/15 Rule • Most problems within organizations are the result of people: • not understanding where they are going • how their job fits • what’s expected of them • Forget the 3 R’s; concentrate on the 3 C’s: • Context • Communication • Clarity

  33. Context, Communication, Clarity To link people & what they do to the {library} (business) strategy & vision requires connecting the dots for people. It means making sure that people understand how they can contribute, that they are able to contribute, that they have the right information when they need it so they can contribute& that they’ll benefit from the results they produce. The Leadership Solution, Jim Shaffer

  34. But “where do I fit?” Articulate with each team member: “This is how your job impacts our ability to engage the community/campus/organization..…….. ……….toachieve our vision… ………..to serve our clients...etc..” Always link organizational, team & individual goals, roles & expectations

  35. Motivating environments rely on communication What you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear a word you are saying. Samuel Johnson Visions become real for people when they see where they fit, where they contribute & the benefits they’ll realize when they do contribute You cannot hear while you are speaking If your team doesn’t understand you, they can’t hear you You can’t not communicate

  36. Creating motivating environments Clarity keeps the windshield clean Keep the windshield clean Confusion causes conflict. Clarity diffuses conflict. Insights develop clarity. Feedback produces insights.

  37. Clarity is in an individual’s eyes • Put on their lenses, their perspective • Listen: • For why they are saying what they are saying • for ideas • for words that make it real for others • for gaps • for misunderstandings • for resistance • these will give you the details needed to achieve clarity for all involved

  38. Creating motivating environments • Identify: • An individuals’ strengths • Ways their job can capitalize on their strengths & talents • Rewards that are meaningful for the individual – time with you? Time with a mentor? Time to work alone? • The best ways to coach them or provide them with feedback: • Do they need information? • Need to “do” things? • Need to observe?

  39. What gets in the way? • History • Human nature • Tendency is to try to understand the motives, values & interpretations of those people we like • What happens if we don’t like the person? • Ask yourself this strategic question: What must it be like for “x”, with their character & perspectives, to work with or report to someone like me, with my character, drives & stimuli? “How to Motivate Your Problem People,” by Nigel Nicholson in HBR January 2003, pp 57+

  40. Motivating environments Start with you: What are your strengths or energizers? How does your job capitalize on these strengths? What rewards are meaningful for you? What’s the best way to coach you or provide you with feedback?

  41. Motivating environments Now talk with those you for whom you are responsible: What are their strengths, talents & energizers? How does – or how can their job capitalize on these? What rewards are meaningful for them? What’s the best way to coach them or provide them with feedback?

  42. Trust • Determined by every moment of truth • Difficult to earn, & once gone, difficult to recover • We trust others when they are told something will happen & it does • Relies on communication • When do you lose trust?

  43. Keep the focus “Leaders ..........demonstrate what is important by how they spend their time, by the priorities on their agenda, by the questions they ask, by the people they see, the places they go, and the behaviors and results that they recognize & reward.” The Leadership Challenge Kouzes & Posner

  44. Your New ToolKit

  45. Managing yourself When a you make a decision or take a key action, write down what you expect will happen (what success will look like), and keep going back to it – in 3, 6, 9 months – to measure where you are • Adapted from Peter Drucker, “Managing Oneself” in Harvard Business Review, January 2005, p 102

  46. What will success look like for me in 12 months? Moving forward 2. What personal disciplines or skills do I need to develop to ensure I do what I can to work towards that success?

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