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TREATMENT OF ANAEMIA. BY : DR.ISRAA OMAR. IRON. Total body iron content is 3-4g 70% of the body iron is found in Hb 0.3-1.4g is stored in macrophages Iron absorption occurs in the duodenum and upper jejunum Absorption is aided by HCL in the stomach, Vitamin C .
IRON • Total body iron content is 3-4g • 70% of the body iron is found in Hb • 0.3-1.4g is stored in macrophages • Iron absorption occurs in the duodenum and upper jejunum • Absorption is aided by HCL in the stomach, Vitamin C. • Only 10% of dietary iron is absorbed • Transferrin is a protein that transport iron in plasma and has 2 binding sites for iron and is usually 30% saturated. • Iron is stored in 2 forms: • Ferritin; water soluble form and found in plasma • Haemosidren present in tissue
Deficiency result from negative iron balance due to depletion of stores and/or inadequate intake . • Iron deficiency cause hypochromic microcytic anemia • Ferrous compound are required for treatment of this form of anemia • GIT disturbance is the most common adverse effect of iron supplements • IV\IM preparations are also available.
Iron sucrose can be given IV. • Severe acute toxic effects occur if large doses are ingested • Chronic iron toxicity can occur in patient with chronic blood transfusion like thalassemic patients or in case of hemochromatosis • The treatment of acute and chronic iron toxicity involve use of iron chelators like DESFERRIOXAMINE .
FOLIC ACID • Body stores 5-10mg, normal requirement 50-100µg/day. It takes 4 months to deplete stores • It is well absorbed in the jejunum so it is given orally ;unless the cause of deficiency is an intestinal pathology. • Deficiency occur when there is increase demand like during pregnancy and lactation, reduced absorption by intestinal pathology or taking folate lowering drugs like methotrexate. • Deficiency lead to megaloblastic anemia. • No known toxicities or side effects.
Cynacobalamin B12 • Found in red meat and liver • Absorbed in the terminal ileum and requires intrinsic factor for its absorption • Body store is 2-3mg, daily requirement is 1-3µg/day it takes 3-5 years for stores to deplete
Deficiency lead to megaloblastic anemia and result from : • Low dietary intake (the most common cause) • Poor absorption due to failure of production of intrinsic factor that is produced by gastric parietal cells (pernicious anemia). • Low intestinal uptake of the vitamin • Can be given orally , IM Or subcutaneously . • In case of pernicious anemia the treatment should be given for life .
Erythropoietin • It is a hormone secreted by the kidney • It regulate blood cell formation and proliferation in the bone marrow • Human erythropoietin can be synthesized by recombinant DNA technology . • Deficiency occur in patients with chronic renal failure • It can be administered IV but the subcutaneous route is more appropriate • Side effect include allergies, headache, arthralgia and hypertension .
Erythropoietin • Clinical uses: • Anemia of chronic renal failure • During chemotherapy of cancer • Prevention o anemia in premature babies • Anemia of AIDS • Anemia of chronic disease