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Module IV: Systems I: Naturopathic and Homeopathic Medicine

Discover the principles, treatments, and career options in naturopathy. Learn about the history, modalities, and patient care. Explore how naturopathic medicine can improve holistic health.

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Module IV: Systems I: Naturopathic and Homeopathic Medicine

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  1. Module IV: Systems I: Naturopathic and Homeopathic Medicine

  2. There are alternatives to conventional thinking everywhere… I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mind … Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae the human mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh, and I awlyas tohuhgt slpeling was ipmorantt!

  3. In general, what is the practice of naturopathy? What patterns of thought/belief support this form of comp/alt health? What can we learn from an overview of the history and range or variation of associated practices with this form? What examples can we extract and examine regarding diagnosis, treatment, and use of the form? How can we explore the evidence related to ‘scientific’ validation? How can we explore qualitative evidence related to appreciation and understanding of the form? What professional preparation and qualification(s) are needed for this form’s practitioner?


  5. ND Background • “The doctors of the future will give no medicine, but will interest their patients in the care of the human frame, diet and prevention of disease” ~ Thomas Edison • "Bernard is right: the pathogen is nothing. The terrain is everything" ~ Louis Pasteur

  6. The Six Principles [ + 7th ] of Healing: • Vis medicatrix naturae : the healing power of Nature • Identify and treat the cause • First, do no harm • Treat the whole person • ND/Physician as Teacher • Prevention is the best “cure” • [ Wellness as proposed new princip ]

  7. Hippocratic : Naturopathic Oath • I swear to fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant: < > • I dedicate myself to the service of humanity as practitioner of the art & science of Naturopathic Medicine

  8. Hippocratic : Naturopathic Oath [ Hippo in your text, Naturo on Links ] • What is each saying ? • How would you feel saying it ? • How representative of Allop vs CAM ? • Give examples or implications relative to Allopathic medicine & CAM

  9. Basic Treatments • Nutritional therapy is cornerstone tr • Manual therapies { ex: massage } • Hydrotherapy • Homeopathy • Herbal remedies / treatments • Chinese medicines ex acupuncture • Lifestyle counselling • New one: Parenteral therapy . . .

  10. Parenteral therapy

  11. Probiotics - Bacteria • Pro-biotic = for life vs • Anti-biotic = against life • Replacement therapy of implanting bacteria in gut – helps ‘boost’ “host” • Flu and ‘ground zero’ of zero beneficial bacteria ~ yogurt etc • Gut has some 2 kg of bacteria, 400 species of organisms; 85% of these are ‘friendly’, the rest ‘bad’ – antibiotics wipe out fr ones

  12. ND Schools • 5 accredited schools in N Am: in Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Toronto, and Vancouver

  13. Spend time and get to know patients Treating the whole person Challenging career Medicine of the future Great lifestyle Get to run a business Good income potential Time for family You work for yourself I have always enjoyed helping people Kiersten Rody, former BHSc student who went to CCNM: Why I chose to become an ND

  14. Kiersten: How BHSc has helped me • Good background on the HCS. • An understanding of the professions and what patients expect in HC. • Some course overlap in first year studies (physiology, anatomy, biochem) • I had my 3-year degree, but I would recommend having your 4-year degree

  15. First Year - Basic Sciences - Introduction to the modalities Second Year - Diagnosing skills - Specific pathology Third Year - Clinical pearls - polishing up the modalities Fourth Year - 12 months clinical training - patient interaction Kiersten: The program at CCNM

  16. Kiersten:The Modalities

  17. Kiersten:Treatment Example: • K.P. was a 28 year old female who presented with a chief complaint of constipation. Her MD recommended that she use “Metamucil” • Through thorough case taking, it was discovered that K.P. had an eating disorder and had an atonic bowel due to abuse of laxatives

  18. Kiersten: K.P.’s treatment involved: • Acupuncture: to restore bowel function • Nutrition: teaching her and her body how to accept food as nourishment • Homeopathic Drainage: to heal the gut • Counseling: to allow her to connect with the root cause of the problem • Lifestyle modification

  19. Kiersten: Where I see myself in 10 years: • Running a multi-disciplinary clinic • Working 4-5 days/ week • Hospital access • Referring capability • Open communication with MD’s

  20. Kiersten: $$$ Earning Potential $$$ • Hourly rate= $125-$180 • Using $150/hour, 4 weeks vacation, seeing patients 7 hours/day, 5 days/week = $252,000/ year • Remember though: you won’t always be booked solid, you have to pay overhead + insurance + equipment + taxes etc. • Additional income with supplements etc.

  21. Kiersten: Practice Possibilities • With a colleague • With a chiropractor • Out of your house • Sole proprietorship • In a hospital • Profit sharing • Corporation

  22. Ont Assoc of Naturopathic Doctors www.oand.com

  23. ANMA Logo • Vis Meicatrix Naturae or, Practice the healing power of nature

  24. Research • Because it’s eclectic, research is on branches of Naturopathy • Ex: how natural dietary remedies have increased by about 28% in Sweden in last two decades [ meta analysis, Johannsen, J of Internal Med, Aug 2001 ] • Descriptive studies that look at cost and satisfaction factors of Nat as form of CAM

  25. Treatment Examples • Rheumatoid arthritis • Allopathic: NSAID treatment common in allopathic medicine + pain meds • ND: nutr analysis > diet adjustments, exercise assess; natural anti-inflams like bromelain or tumeric or licorice root; homeop treatments + others • Above supported in DB, clin trial research published in 4 major studies thruout 80s

  26. Phone-in naturopathy 1 - $1.99 per min

  27. Any potential problems here ?

  28. ** Best site for info


  30. Huge ethno-botany resource site with all manner of Links . . .

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