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INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT ACCESS Lesson 1 – Access Basics. Objectives. Understand databases. Start Access and open a database. Identify parts of the Access screen. Identify the database objects. Understand database terminology. Objectives (cont.). Create a new database and a new table.
Objectives • Understand databases. • Start Access and open a database. • Identify parts of the Access screen. • Identify the database objects. • Understand database terminology.
Objectives (cont.) • Create a new database and a new table. • Design, modify, name, and save a table. • Navigate a database and enter records. • Print a table and exit Access.
Database management system Datasheet view Design view Entry Field Field name Primary key Record Terms Used in This Lesson
Database Basics • Access is program knows as a computerize database management system—allows you to store retrieve, analyze and print information. • Although a database does not need to be computerized, it is more efficient if it is. • Example—A set of file folders can be a DBMS.
Why A Computerized DBMS? • It is much faster, more flexible, and more accurate than using file folders. • More efficient and cost-effective • Can store thousands of pieces of data in a computer or disk. • Can be quickly searched and sorted to save time.
Quick Quiz True or False? All databases by definition are computerized. Answer: False.
Quick Quiz A database is a system that allows you to store retrieve, _________, and print information. Answer: analyze.
Click the Startbutton, select All Programs, select Microsoft Office, and click Microsoft Office Access 2003. The Access startup screen appears, giving you the option of opening an existing database or creating a new one. Start Access and Open a Database
Starting Access • After selecting Create a new file, you can also choose to create a new database from an existing one or use a template to simplify the process of creating a database. • Start Microsoft Office Access 2003
Open a Database • From the Getting Started task pane, click More files and choose a database from the Open dialog box. • Create a new database by clicking the Blank Database option in the New File task pane.
STEP-BY-STEP 1.2 • Click the More… option in the Open section of the Getting Started task pane. The Open dialog box displays. If the More… option is not displayed, chose Open… instead. • Open the file IA Step1-2 from the data files. The Database window appears. Leave the database open for the next Step-by Step.
Quick Quiz True or False? From the Access startup screen, you can create a new database or open an existing one. Answer: True
Quick Quiz • True or False? After starting Access, you must click the More… option on the Getting Started task pane in order to open an existing database. Answer: False
Quick Quiz • Unlike other Office 2003 applications, what does Access lack? Answer: Standard Document View
The Access screen has a title bar, menu bar, and toolbar. The Status bar is at the bottom of the screen. Identify Parts of the Access Screen
STEP-BY-STEP 1.3 • Make sure Tables is selected on the Objects bar. Highlight the service club members table in the database objects window, and click the Open button. • Open the File menu and choose Close to close the table. • Click Queries on the Objects bar. There is one query object named Lubbock. This query locates members who live in Lubbock.
STEP-BY-STEP 1.3 • Click Forms on the Objects bar. There is one form object named service members form. • Open the File menu and choose Close to close the database. Leave Access open for the next Step-by-Step.
Understand Database Terminology Four terms are essential to know when working with databases. They are related to the way data is organized. • Record – complete set of database fields. (Each member is the service club members table is a record.) • Field –categories of data that make up records.
Understand Database Terminology • Field name –name that identifies a field. • Entry – data entered into a field.
Quick Quiz • A(n) __________ is a complete set of data. • Answer: record
Quick Quiz • Which object is used to retrieve data from tables based on given criteria? • A. form • B. query • C. macro • D. report Answer: B. Query
Create a new database by opening the File menu and choosing New. The Access startup screen appears. In the New File task pane, choose Blank Database. Create a New Database
STEP-BY-STEP 1.4 • Open the File menu and choose New. The Access startup screen appears. • In the New File task pane on the right side of the screen, choose Blankdatabase and the File New Database dialog box appears. • Save the database as Favorite, followed by your initials, and then click Create.
STEP-BY-STEP 1.4 • Double-click Create table by entering data. An new table appears in Datasheet view. • Open the File menu and choose Close to go back to the Database window.
Create a New Table • Create a new table by clicking Tables on the Objects bar. • Click the New button. The New Table dialog box appears, where you can choose a way to create a table.
Create a New Table • The New Table dialog box lists several ways to create a table. The most common way is to create the table in Design view. • This is the view where you will design new table and modify the design of existing tables.
STEP-BY-STEP 1.5 • Click Tables on the Objects bar and then click New. The New Table dialog box appears. • Choose the Design View option and click OK. The Design viewwindow opens. Leave the screen for the next Step-by-Step.
Design, Modify, Name, and Save a Table • Design the table: Enter the field name, data type, and description. • Save and name the table: Open the File menu and choose Save. • Modify the table: Go to Design view and make changes.
Field Names • First you have to decide what data you need to store • You should divide the data into categories to create fields. • Example, suppose you want to create a database of your family member’s birthdays. Some fields to include would be Name, Address and birth date.
Data Type • After keying the field name, press the Tab key to move the Data Type column. • Then determine the type of data to be stored in each field and choose the appropriate data type.
Description • The last step in designing a table is to key a description of reach filed. The description explains the data in the field.
STEP-BY-STEP 1.6 • Key name the first row of the Field Name column. • Press Tab (or Enter). The data type will default to Text, which is appropriate for the name of the restaurant. • Press Tab to move to the Description column.
STEP-BY-STEP 1.6 • Key Name of restaurant and press Enter to move to the next row. • Key the other fields and descriptions
STEP-BY-STEP 1.6 • Click in the Data Type box for the Specialty field. A down arrow will appear. • Click the arrow and choose Lookup Wizard from the drop-down menu that appears. The Lookup Wizard screen displays. • Choose I will type in the values that I want and click Next. A second Lookup Wizard screen displays.
STEP-BY-STEP 1.6 • Leave the Number of columns at 1 and key the Lookup values as shown, using the Tab key to move down through the list. Click Finish
STEP-BY-STEP 1.6 • In the first blank row, key Last Visit in the Field Name column and press Tab. • Click the arrow in the Data Type field and choose Date/Time from the drop-down menu that appears. • Press Tab. • Key Date I last ate at the restaurant in the Description column. Press Tab
STEP-BY-STEP 1.6 14. Key Reservations in the Field Name column, choose Yes/No as the data type, and key Are reservations required? in the Description column. Leave the Design view window on the screen for the next Step-by-Step.
Naming and Saving a Table • After designing a table, you must give it a name and save the design. • Primarykey— special field that assigns a unique identifier to each record. • To set a field as a primary key, open the table in Design view and click the row selector for the desired field. Click Primary Key button on the toolbar.
STEP-BY-STEP 1.7 • Open the File menu and choose Save. The Save As dialog appears. • Key Restaurants in the Table Name box and click OK. • A message box appears asking if you want to create a primary key. Click NO. • Open the File menu and choose Close and close the Design view window and return to the Database window.
Modifying Tables • You can add fields to the end of the list or you can insert a new row for a field between existing fields. • You can delete a field by placing the insertion point in the row you want to delete. • It is important to make sure you don’t delete the wrong data if you use Delete in Design view
STEP-BY-STEP 1.8 • Highlight the Restaurants table in the Database window if its not already selected. • Click the Design button. The table appears in Design view. • Click in the first blank row’s Field Name column to place the insertion point there. You may need to scroll down.
STEP-BY-STEP 1.8 • Key Meal Cost in the Field Name column. Press Tab. • Choose Currency as the data type. Press Tab. • Key Typical meal cost as the description. • Place the insertion point in the Last Visit field name.
STEP-BY-STEP 1.8 • Click the Insert Rows button on the toolbar. A blank row is inserted above the Last Visit field. • In the blank row, key Favorite Dish as the field name, choose Text as the data type, and key My favorite meal as the description. • Place the insertion point in the Reservations field name.
STEP-BY-STEP 1.8 • Click the Delete Rows button on the toolbar. The Reservations field is deleted. • Click the Undo button on the toolbar. The Reservations field reappears. • Click the Save button on the toolbar to save the design changes. Remain in this screen for the next Step-by-Step.
Navigate a Database and Enter Records • To display a table in Datasheet view, select the table and click Open, or click the View button on the toolbar while in Design view. • Enter records directly into the table using Datasheet view. • Press Enter or Tab to move to the next field as you enter data. • Changes are saved automatically. There is no need to save.