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Sudarśana Chakra Daśā. We tend to ignore what is so simple and seek answers with complicated methods Sudarśana literally means something “easily seen” and is of the nature of Lord Śiva It refers to the weapon of Lord Viṣṇu which was crafted and gifted by Śiva from surplus rays of the Sun!.
Sudarśana Chakra Daśā We tend to ignore what is so simple and seek answers with complicated methods Sudarśana literally means something “easily seen” and is of the nature of Lord Śiva It refers to the weapon of Lord Viṣṇu which was crafted and gifted by Śiva from surplus rays of the Sun!
Draw Sudarśana Sudarśana is the East-India Chart used by the Sun worshippers of Kaliñga (Odisha) and Gauḍa deśa (Bengal) Fixed signs like South India Chart Anti-clockwise like North India Chart Sudarśana is where the light is … work, life path, focus
Typical Chart Just use the simple, normal chart you use for Jyotiṣa No need to complicate this by drawing three circular charts that maybe seem easy for calculating but can be confusing Total period of Sudarśana Chakra Daśā = Total Period of Nārāyaṇa Daśā = 144 Years = 2 x 72 years which is time taken for ayanāṁśa to progress 2° In 72 years (1° ayanāṁśa change) Sudarśana moves through invisible half from Lagna to 6th Bhāva; then in next 72 years it progresses from 7th to 12th
Sudarśana Chakra Mahā Daśā • Mahā Daśā are the ‘big picture’ and have periods of 12 years each starting from Lagna • Each Mahā Daśā has 12 Sudarśana Chakra daśā of the 12 signs • Since this daśā was used (and taught) by Brahma, the order of the 12 daśā, in every Mahā daśā as well as Mahā daśā themselves are (a) Regular and (b) Zodiacal • Mahā daśā always starts from Lagna and progresses to 2nd, 3rd and other houses • Exception: Kala Sarpa or Kala Amṛta Yoga where all planets caught in nodal axis, then node starts Sudarśana Chakra
ParamhansaYogananda 1915, formal vows monastic Swami Order 'Swami YoganandaGiri Vi Mahā has UL with Sat, 6H from AL 1917 Founded School ( Yogoda Satsanga Society of India) Li Mahā Starts also 1920 USA, SRF Li Mahā with Mokṣa Kāraka Ke Mar 7, 1952 Samadhi Sg Mahā (last year) with Me (2L), A8
Barack Obama Illinois State Senator: 1997–2004 Pi Mahā last year starts career, Ar Mahā (opposes Bush admin Iraq invasion) U.S. Senator: 2005–2008 Ar Mahā US President: 2009 Jan – Present Ar Mahā – Ta Mahā: Focus shifts from war (Ar) to health, wealth (Ta)
Sudarśana Daśā Years • Every Mahā Daśā has 12 Sudarśana Daśā of 12 signs • The first daśā starts from the Mahā daśā sign and progresses zodiacally @ 1 year per sign • Results of Years are known from the Sudarśana Daśā sign • If death occurs when Rāhu has graha dṛṣṭi on Sudarśana daśā, then rebirth guaranteed. • Rāhu is bhoga planet having digbala in 7H; exception celibate monks • Good and bad is known from planets in daśā year • Tithi Praveśa Chakra provides Gochara for year
S Adolf Hitler S 20 Apr 1889 – 30 Apr 45 (57th Year) Aquarius Mahā Libra Sudarśana Daśā Daśā sign Libra has no planets; lord Ven (marriage) joins Māndi (poison) and also conjoins war in Aries; MKS Rāhu has graha dṛṣṭi on Libra (rebirth sure)
S Van Cliburn S 12 July 1934 - 27 Feb 2013 (79th Year) Pisces Mahā Virgo Sudarśana Daśā Jup in Virgo aspected by Rāhu from 5H (rebirth assured) Jup + Rāhu afflicts Sun = Bone disease; Died of Bone Cancer Abruptly ended public performance in 1978 (44th Year) Sg Mahā Cn Daśā Sg Ārūḍha, Cn 8H from AL with Moon + Ketu eclipse combination Restarted in July 1994 (60th Year) Cp Mahā Sg Daśā; Sg is AL and initiates manifestation of life
S Margaret Thatcher S 13 Oct 1925 - 8 Mar 2013 (88th Year) Taurus Mahā Leo Sudarśana Daśā Leo is bādhaka rāśi having Moon, 8th Lord from Ārūḍha Died of stroke Rāhu has graha dṛṣṭi on Sudarśana Daśā Rāśi (rebirth assured) 8 Oct 1959: Elected to House of Commons (34th Year) Sg Mahā, Virgo Daśā [Sun + Mars conjoin A10 Rājyapada in Virgo] 4 May 1979: Prime Minister(54th Year) Aq Mahā, Cancer Daśā with Rāhu in 10H in Varṇadā Lagna
Swami Yogananda Samadhi S S Mar 7, 1952 Samadhi (60th Year) Sg Mahā (last year) with Me (2L), A8; Sudarśana Scorpio Daśā with Ve in 8H from AL, Sun in Sg rāśi, Sc navāṁśa – ends Graha Malika Yoga; Mars (Sc Lord) in 8H; Rāhu only rāśi dṛṣṭi – no graha dṛṣṭi of Rāhu
S Swami Vivekananda S 12 Jan 1863 - 4 Jul 1902 (40th Year) Pisces Mahā, Gemini Sudarśana daśā with dṛṣṭi of Saturn; Rāhu does not have any graha dṛṣṭi nor any rāśi dṛṣṭi on Gemini (daśā) Medically stroke (Moon rāśi dṛṣṭi on Ge) but actually icchā mṛtyu - willed his death with prāṇāyāma (Sun AK graha + rāśi dṛṣṭi) Saṅnyāsa: 24 Dec 1886 (24th Year) Cp Mahā with Me + Ve in 6H from AL; Sg Sudarśana daśā with AK Sun in Lagna
Not Restricted • One does not have to be a perfectly celibate monk to escape Rāhu Graha dṛṣṭi which guarantee’s rebirth caused by a strong desire • Rāhu rāśi dṛṣṭi indicates rebirth much later due to karma only • If neither rāśi nor graha dṛṣṭi is present, then mokṣa is indicated Intense suffering in this life, worship of Jyotirliñga, Iṣṭa Devatā and Bhakti remove material desires from the mind aiding the process of emancipation The mind cannot be free of thoughts for too long. Hence give it bhakti to dwell on. • When a node (Rāhu/Ketu) is in Lagna, Sudarśana daśā initiates from the Lagna or 7th bhāva, whichever Node is in the invisible half from the Moon • Similarly, in Kala Sarpa or Kala Amṛta Yoga, the Sudarśana Daśā will initiate only from the node
S Esther Williams S Rāhu is in Lagna; Moon in 2nd bhāva; Ketu (7H) in invisible half (1H-6H) from Moon. Sudarśana daśā initiated from 7H 8 Aug1921 - 6 Jun 2013 (92nd Year) Libra Mahā Taurus Sudarśana Daśā; Venus seems to be the main cause. She had 4 marriages; forced to abandon children due to 3rd marriage (Ta is 9H – children stri jātaka); saw death of one child; Rāhu has graha dṛṣṭi on Taurus (rebirth assured) Venus also rules jala tattva great swimmer, missed Olympics due to Hitler
Alexander Todd S S Just as in previous case, Rāhu is in lagna and Moon in 2H; Sudarśana initiates from 7H with Ketu 2 Oct 1907 - 10 Jan 1997 (90th Year) Cancer Mahā Sagittarius Sudarśana Daśā; Rāhu has both rāśi and graha dṛṣṭi on Sagittarius (rebirth assured)
S Alfred Dreyfus S Like previous cases, Sudarśana starts from 7H with Ketu 9 Oct 1859 - 11 Jul 1935 (76th Year) Capricorn Mahā Aries Sudarśana; Rāhu does not have any rāśi or graha dṛṣṭi on Sudarśana i.e. no desire at all to return to this planet He was falsely implicated as spy, jailed at Devils Island and later reinstated. Read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreyfus_affair “The government of the Republic has given me back my freedom. It is nothing for me without my honor.” … intense suffering, false allegation removes desires [Paraṁparā Yoga of Jupiter and Ketu]
Conclusion • We have shown one type of Sudarśana Chakra Daśā • As applicable from Lagna in the Rāśi Chart • With corrections for nodes in lagna and KSY or KAY • Some astrologers rotate the daśā @ 1 year per sign by return to the ascendant after every 12 years • By implication, their results should be exactly the same after every 12 years! • Parāśara advises using the Sudarśana Chakra daśā from Sun and Moon. We study this later • Some progress the daśā @ 1 month per sign for Sun and @ 1 tithi per sign from Moon. How is this different from gochara?