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About India Sudar India Sudar is a registered non-governmental, non-religious and non-profitable social welfare organization. This organization established 2004 as Educational and Charitable Trust and sincerely works for the education of rural children and orphan.
About India Sudar • India Sudar is a registered non-governmental, non-religious and non-profitable social welfare organization. • This organization established 2004 as Educational and Charitable Trustand sincerely works for the education of rural children and orphan. • We implement educational projects using resources of Information Technology.
Vision Develop a powerful India by Providing Education Slogan Educate Elevate
Problem statement Only 65.4% of Indian population know how to read and write. 350 millions(35%) of people can’t read and write. 82 out of 1000 children were sent to hazardous labour jobs due to poverty. 5 Lakhs formal schools for population of 2390 lakhs. 14% of schools doesn’t have proper building. 38% of schools doesn’t have black board. 30% of schools has only one teacher. 58% of schools doesn’t have drinking water. 70% of children are out of school before class 10th.
Education Level 2% 8% High Professional Studies 20% 3 or 5 yrs of Higher education after 10+2 Attended 10th or +2 Dropouts after 5th or just 70% completed 8th std India Literacy rate & Education Level
India Sudar addresses the issue by implementing six types of educational projects and using IS Open Charity Platform in different villages, taluk, districts, government schools, orphanages and for individuals to achieve the vision. India Sudar Approach to Address the Problems
Deploying Teacher: Deploying teachers in selected village schools, orphanages, tuition centers (IS learning centers), Computer Centers (IS computer training centre) to provide consistent and continuous educational training. Education Stationery : Providing books, notes, stationery, school bags, school uniforms and shoes for every academic year. Provide Training: Conducting career path program, seminars, self-development programs, cultural programs, quiz programs and teacher training programs. Individual Education : Providing complete education aid for one academic year for a deserving student. Computer Training: Computer training through India Sudar Computer Training Center at free of cost. IS Library : India Sudar Library for Schools & India Sudar Digital Learning Center. India Sudar Project Activities
Achievement and Beneficiaries India Sudar Achievements(2004 to 2011) 0 Administrative overhead 1 Educational and Charitable Trust 11 Indian states/union territory in scope 18 India Sudar teams 30 Partner organizations 190 Villages, Gov Schools, Orphanages and educational institutions covered 11 Computer center started 27 Library started for government schools 264 Teachers deployed in IS learning/computer centers, gov schools & homes. 121 Individual students received scholarship 685 Projects executed 1252 Registered members 61,668 Students benefited 58,19,935 INR invested to elevate India.
NON PROJECT TEAM STRUCTURE PRESIDENT India Sudar Team Volunteers (Example Finance Team, Branding Team, India Sudar Funding Team, etc) Non Project Team Guidelines: 1. The President will be the Top most leader and owner for the team. Trustee Board has the powers to direct the President. 2. Secretary will report to the President. 3. Every team will contain volunteers of India Sudar, who will work towards a team goal. 4. Raise fund for India Sudar projects. 5. Create awareness to add more members in India Sudar to elevate India. 6. Identify funding organization or fund owners to implement education projects in India.
PROJECT TEAM STRUCTURE (Flat) PRESIDENT, State India Sudar Team Volunteers & Coordinator (Example India Sudar KA team, India Sudar TN Team, India Sudar RJ Team, etc) State Project Team (Flat) Guidelines: 1. A State team will be lead by “PRESIDENT” with support of State Trustee, Secretary and Treasurer. Trustee Board has the powers to direct the President. 2. The President should provide the strategy for Secretary and Treasurer to do their job. 3. Every team will contain volunteers of India Sudar. They will participate in any IS projects based on their interests and requirement. 4. Every project should be approved by President + Secretary + One State Trustee + Managing Trustee. 5. Every project decision should go through President and Secretary. The decision of President will be final for a team, as it helps to negotiate any conflicts/contradictory views. If conflict between President and Trustee Board then the Managing trustee decision will be final.
PROJECT TEAM STRUCTURE ( Horizontal Project (Optional) + Vertical District (Optional) + Vertical Zone (Optional) ) PRESIDENT, State PROJECT LEAD (PL) Ex: Project Lead for Teacher Deployment Ex: Project Lead for Career Guidance Ex: Zone Lead for North Karnatka Ex: Project Lead for Computer Center Ex: District Lead for Karur ZONE LEAD (ZL) DISTRICT LEAD (DL) Ex: Project Lead for Library India Sudar Team Volunteers, Coordinator (Example India Sudar KA team, India Sudar TN Team, etc)
PROJECT TEAM STRUCTURE ( Horizontal Project (Optional) + Vertical District (Optional) + Vertical Zone (Optional) ) Project Team (Matrix) Guidelines: 1. A State team will be lead by “PRESIDENT” with support of State Trustee, Secretary and Treasurer. Trustee Board has the powers to direct the President. 2. The President should provide the strategy for Secretary and Treasurer to do their job. 3. Every team will contain volunteers of India Sudar. They will participate in any IS projects based on their interests and requirement. 4. Every project should be approved by President + Secretary + One State Trustee + Managing Trustee. All the project required four level of approval. 5. Every team activity and project decision should go through the President and Secretary. The decision of President will be final for a team, as it helps to negotiate any conflicts/contradictory views. 6. President + Trustee, State + Secretary, State will decide there team matrix level based on their need. They will appoint Project Lead (PL), District Lead (DL) and Zone Lead (ZL) based on the needs of a team. No approvals are required from Trustee board for this purpose. 7. Treasurer + President + Secretary + Trustee, State should discuss and decide the yearly team budget and subsequently find ways towards raising fund for the activities. The Team will use trust fund for projects and they should have team level fund raising activities to full fill state project need. Treasurer should take lead in this activity. 8. President + Trustee, State + Secretary + Treasurershould initiate activity to bring more volunteers and leaders for the team. 9. President + Trustee, State + Secretary + Treasurer should identify local partner like NGO, Corporate and University/College to extend our projects under OCP. 10. President + Trustee, State + Secretary + Treasurer should share and reuse their team experience with other project and non-project teams.
PROJECT TEAM project approval Guidelines: • Pre requirements for project approval: • A State wise team should have yearly project plan with an estimated project budget for every financial year. For example, how many project they are going to execute in a specific year (10 learning centers, 25 career guidance programs, 1000 students education materials, 15 students scholarships, 10 libraries , etc.) • AState wise team should have the fund source plan based on yearly budgets. Example 50% fund from India Sudar, 25% fund from local fund raising activities, 25% fund from partners, corporate , etc. • Every project should have two type of the approval 1. Project approval 2. Fund approval. • Project approval guidelines: • Every project should be approved by President + Secretary + One State Trustee + Managing Trustee. It requires four level of approval. Fund approval will be given by Treasurer . • Team wise strategy + Yearly project plan + Yearly budget plan will be used as important references to approve a project. • A Project should have work coordinator to approve the project. Any India Sudar member can own the project as coordinator and start the work. A Physical visit to the site for verification (visit) will be mandatory for approval. • A high priority should be provided for sustainability of the project. An analysis has to be done to see how many months/years the project could be run to provide a real educational change in the specified site (village/Govt School, etc). • The project should be reviewed in regular intervals to audit and control the project. The availability of volunteers towards this is very important as this is a very critical activity. • A higher priority should be given to projects in rural areas than urban areas. However, a proper volunteer arrangement should be available for work approval. • Renewal of old project gets high priority than a new project. While renewal of the project, the impact and need for continuing the project has to be analyzed. • While approving individual student project, family background & dropout criteria will get more priority than marks scored. • The decision of President will be final for a team, as it helps to negotiate any conflicts/contradictory views. If conflict between President and Trustee Board then the Managing trustee decision will be final.
India Sudar Roles: • Managing Trustee • Trustee • CEO, Trust • CFO, Trust • President, Team • Vice President, Team • Secretary, Team • Deputy Secretary, Team • Treasurer, Team • Project Lead, Team • Zone Lead, Team • District Lead, Team • Member • Non-member • Volunteer, Team • Work Coordinator • Partner (NGO, Corporate, University/College) • Our Site (Onsite) • Accountant • India Sudar Divisions: • India Sudar Trust Board • India Sudar Project Team (State) • India Sudar Non-Project Team (Central) • India Sudar Open Charity Platform
Project Team (State) Guidelines: 1. Visit to Villages, orphanages, government schools etc., to identify their educational needs to achieve our vision. 2. Plan and execute India Sudar projects(6 type of the educational specification) as a Work Coordinator. 3. Identify/Initiate project, Plan, Co-ordinate, Execute the project based on local requirement. 4. Frequent visits to existing onsite project places to monitor and control the project progress. 5. Generate awareness among the public about the necessity of education for children. 6. Design new or existing project based on the requirement of the local people to achieve our vision. 7. Create presentations, articles about organization. 8. Refer new members to the organization thereby increasing more contributors to the organization. 9. Generate awareness about the organization. 10. Build more leaders within our team to extend our service to support more students. Non-Project Team(USA Funding, Singapore Funding, India Funding) Guidelines: 1. Raise fund for India Sudar projects. 2. Create awareness to add more members in India Sudar to elevate India. 3. Build new offshore team(s) to bring more funds for IS projects. 4. Identify funding organization or fund owners to implement education projects in India. 5. Build next generation education model using new technology which will be implemented in India.
IT Team Guidelines: 1. Build IS web portal based on our projects, accounts, open charity platform, MOM, activity list, team list, etc process. 2. To maintain our web site based on daily/weekly update as needs. 3. Take care of India Sudar blog, facebook page, Photo albums (picasaweb) and video album (youtube). 4. IT team should provide dedicated person to prepare and publish monthly news letter. 5. IT team will be responsible for all our IT system backups. Branding Team Guidelines: 1. Initiate and Execute any fund raising activity. 2. Initiate and Execute activity to increase members/volunteers. 3. Initiate and Execute any organization promotion and branding activity. Finance Team Guidelines: 1. Prepare and Publish monthly account sheet. 2. Prepare and Post tax exemption certificate for member and non-members. 3. Yearly tax filing and renew Tax exemption (Note: This team won’t involve in any fund raising activity)
India Sudar Open Charity Platform(OCP) Guidelines: 1. OCP used to share India Sudar and Partner organization experience, projects, site, fund, work coordinators to achieve common vision. 2. Indiasudar-ocp@yahoogroups.com will be used for all communication between partners. 3. IS partners will select any project from IS and they can execute on own or with IS based on request. 4. IS partners can support IS project(s) by funding wise and they can monitor. 5. IS and partners will work together in any selected project(s) to achieve common vision. 6. IS members will get first priority while selecting project from OCP. 7. India Sudar Trust board decision will be the final to negotiate any conflict situation. 8. India Sudar partner’s organizations do not have any legal power on India Sudar Trust under OCP.
India Sudar Member Guidelines: 1. To become a IS member, a person has to provide their Name, Address, Phone, Email ID and IS member reference name to join and work with organization to reach India Sudar vision only. India Sudar will assign unique member code for every member. 2. There is no membership registration fee for membership. 3. India Sudar trust having power to accept or reject any membership, if it’s does not meet India Sudar guideline. 4. India Sudar member can donate every month (or) periodic basis like Quarterly, Half yearly and Yearly (or) for specific project (or) when they prefer to do to execute India Sudar projects. 5. India Sudar member will initiate any activities to raise fund for project with Trust approval. 6. India Sudar member should join as team member to execute any educational project in corresponding state with team lead approval. You should follow team rules to execute the project. 7. India Sudar member can work as work co-ordinator or volunteers to join with any existing team (Indian state wise team) with team lead approval. 8. India Sudar member can bring any education requirement and post it to admin@indiasudar.org (or) directly to corresponding team leads (or) Trustees. However, the project will be selected and executed as per team process only. 9. India Sudar member can recommend any village government school (or) Orphanage-home (or) individual which needs education support. However, thetask will be selected and executed as per team guidelines only. 10. India Sudar trust board having 100% power to remove any member at any point, if they violate organization rule. Always Trustee Board decision will be final.
India Sudar Trustee Guidelines: 1. Trust means “Public working for public to achieve a common vision”. Trustee is the Legal owner and legal leader of the organization to achieve India Sudar vision. 2. The Indian Trusts Act should be followed by Trustees. India Sudar trust board has 100% power to remove any trustee at any time, if they violate the trust act or guidelines the defined by India Sudar. 3. Every trustee should bind with themselves with the Primary state team to THINK, PLAN and EXECUTE the activities of the organization. Apart from this, they should initiate Trust board and country level activity to achieve India Sudar vision. 4. Trustee should be involved and guide activity like A) Identify new onsite projects. B) Create new project model. C) Identify and add new partner organization under OCP. D) Build new teams. E) Fund raising activity. G) Advertisements to extend our service. H) Add members, work coordinators. I) Monitor and review ongoing projects by self or existing teams. 5. Trustee should review and approve the project before the team starts the implementation. Trustee should discuss with corresponding state team lead before approval of any project. The combined decision of the trustee and team lead is required for project approval; however trustee decision will be the final and only trustee can sign the project report. 6. Trustee has 100% power to represent India Sudar to any government official, government organization, homes (orphanages), villages or individual to achieve India Sudar vision. 7. Trustee has 100% power to present India Sudar to media with Managing Trustee approval. 8. One 2 One work theories for Trustee: Every trustee has to IDENTIFY and INITIATE new work to achieve our vision. They are the owner for the work and they need to plan, organize and complete their work using the members of their team. 9. Trustee should build more leaders within the organization to extend our service. 10. The Managing Trustee decision will be final at any time for Trustee and Trust board.
INDIA SUDAR MISSION 2009 • India Sudar existing projects (Deploying Teachers, Education Stationeries, Provide Training, Education for Individual, Free Computer Training and Library) will be extended to rural areas in most of the state. • India Sudar service will be extended to North India. Currently we are working only in South India. • India Sudar will setup Library & Digital Learning Center for Government Schools and Home. • India Sudar will setup more Learning Centers (tuition for academic, spoken English) in Villages to support primary education. • India Sudar will extend Career Path program for selected district. This will be demonstrated only for government schools. • India Sudar will setup more Computer Training Centers for all India Sudar selected states. India Sudar will use IT Tools to educate village students. • India Sudar will initiate educational transformation through Math’s, Science models and activity based programs. • India Sudar will initiate the activity to handle dropout through teacher training, fulfill the economical requirement for students and learning centers. • India Sudar will build more leaders within the organization to extend our service to across country. • India Sudar will create more offshore teams for fund raising, inviting more volunteers and broadcast our vision.
INDIA SUDAR DONATION Donation Process: http://www.indiasudar.org/donation.html
Donate INDIA SUDAR DONATION Donation Process: http://www.indiasudar.org/donation.html
INDIA SUDAR VOLUNTEER How do you participate as Volunteer ? The core state wise volunteer teams undertake several education programs(http://www.indiasudar.org/activity.html). If you are interested in volunteering for any activity (conducted mostly over weekends) in AP, AS, TN, KA, PY, KL, MP, MN, WB, OR, MH, RJ. Please send email to admin@indiasudar.org to join as volunteer. How do you post education requirement ? If you come across a govt school or home for children in a bad condition, you can bring it to India Sudar Team Lead's knowledge and get support to visit that school and proceed further. Same thing applicable for any educational requirement for individual as well What are the state wise team available to participate as Volunteer ? We have following state wise team available to execute India Sudar education projects. You can participate any of this team activity. You have to send your interest to admin@indiasudar.org to join as member.
BE AN INDIA SUDAR MEMBER TO ELEVATE INDIA THROUGH EDUCATION! Published by India Sudar Educational and Charitable Trust