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Explore the Middle Ages: Society, Feudal System, and Knights

Delve into the Middle Ages from 500 CE to 1500 CE. Learn about the three major groups, noblewomen's roles, education, and the feudal system. Discover the code of chivalry, knight training, and medieval weaponry. Uncover insights into daily life, battles, and tournaments of that era.

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Explore the Middle Ages: Society, Feudal System, and Knights

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1. When did the middle ages start, and when did they end? 500 CE - 1500 CE (CE stands for Common Era and basically means the same thing as AD.) 

  2. 2. In medieval times, there were three major groups of people. They were the nobility, the church, and the commoners.

  3. 3. If people wanted more land, the would simply start a fight with someone.

  4. 5. In the feudal system, everyone was a vassal. What does the term vassal mean? Servant.

  5. 6.What was the ceremony called in which the vassals promised their loyalty to a lord? Homage.

  6. 7.During the middle ages, noblewomen had no rights. They were the Property of their husbands. They could not even chose their own husbands; their Fathers chose for them.

  7.  8.Girls did not go to school. They were taught by their mother how to behave and there was a strict code of behavior in the middle ages.

  8. 9.What was interesting about the way the people ate their meals in the middle ages compared to how we eat today? 

  9. 10.Which church ruled the daily lives of the people in the middle ages? Catholic Church

  10. 11. The common people in the middle ages were the farmers and the peasents.

  11. 12. The Serfs could not leave the manor without permission, but they weren't slaves. They stayed with the land even if the lad was sold to a new owner.

  12. 13. The peasents were free to leave the manor, but usually didn't because there really was no place for them to go.

  13. 14. How did the commoners pay their taxes to the lord?  Grow his crops, tend the livestovk, bake the bread, sew the cloths, make the tools and so the work.

  14. 15. Could most of the common people read or write? No

  15. 16. Times land in medieval times was broken into fiefs.

  16. 17. The fief included at least one village, with huts for the serfs, the manor house or castle for the noble, and areas set aside to grow, feed, or catch food the fields, pasture land, and woods.

  17. 18. At what age did the sons of noblemen begin their training for knighthood? Teenager.

  18. 19. At age 15, he became a and was squireto a knight to learn how to fight and behave.

  19. 20. Once a squire proved himself in battle, he became a knight.

  20. AD. 7. 21. What was the code called that said that all knights had to be brave in battle and is now the basis of good manners in most Western societies? It is called chivalry.

  21. 22. Knights wore shirts of mail, which was made from hundreds of thousands oaf, all linked rings together to protect against the blow of another knight's sword.

  22. 23. What was a knight's most important weapon that blacksmiths invented to be able to cut through mail and bone? Thesword

  23. 24. What was the trajectory weapon called that was used at this time to fling rocks? catapult

  24. 25. What was the name of the weapon that was used to tear down castle walls? Thecatapult

  25. 26. A catapult was like a giant crossbow that shot giant arrows

  26. 27. Tournaments were public contests of skill between knights. Anyone could enter if they had armor, a horse, a sword, and a shield.

  27. 28. The joust was a form of combat between two knights in which the knights rode on horses and tried to knock each other off their horse using a lance

  28. 29. The melee was a team sport in which each side tried to knock their opponent's colored flags off their backs, using clubs and blunt swords. 

  29. 30. The church tried to stop the tournaments because they were too violent, but never succeeded.


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