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This presentation provides an update on the background and implementation tools for the Common Core State Standards, with a focus on literacy and mathematics instruction across the curriculum. It aims to increase your knowledge and provide you with resources to share with colleagues in all subject areas.
The Common Core State StandardsConcept, Transition and ImplementationNovember 6, 2012 Patty Ewen Early Childhood Consultant Patricia.Ewen@doe.nh.gov (603) 271-3841
Goals of Presentation • Update background and implementation tools for the Common Core State Standards • Increase your repertoire of available tools • To provide you with the foundations of CC expertise on Literacy and Mathematics instruction across the curriculum so it can be shared with colleagues in the content area and non-tested subjects. • To inspire you to lead with courage ….
Criteria for New Standards • Fewer, clearer, and higher (Consistent, rigorous, and shared aligned with college and work expectations) • Aligned with college and career expectations • Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills – Habits of the Mind • Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards (think DNA of education) • Internationally benchmarked, so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society • Based on evidence and research
CCSS “Habits of the Mind” Literacy Capacities The introduction of the CCSS include descriptions of knowledge, skills and dispositions that operate in tandem with the academic content in the standards. These cognitive and psychological aptitudes are described in the literacy standards as “capacities” and in the math standards as “practices”. As students advance through the grades and master the standards in reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and language, they should be able to exhibit with increasing fullness and regularity the following listed capacities of the literate individual; CCSSO to Advance Student Success, 2011
Literacy and Language Habits of the Mind • They demonstrate independence. • They build strong content knowledge. • The respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline. • They comprehend as well as critique. • They value evidence. • They use technology and digital media strategically and capably. • The come to understand other perspectives and cultures.
MathematicsHabit of the Mind • 1. Be curious about “why” and “how math works • 2. Take risks when doing math • 3. Work hard and be persistent when doing math • 4. Value exploration and investigation when doing math • 5. Develop confidence in solving math problems • 6. Develop math intuition when solving math problems • 7. Develop logical thinking skills when solving math problems • 8. Write and discuss math using math terms correctly • 9. Learn how to estimate effectively
Mathematics Habits of the Mind continued … • 10. Be able to check answers for reasonableness and accuracy • 11. Know when & how to use different problem solving strategies • 12. Know how to use technology appropriately & effectively • 13. Appreciate that math is the language of nature and science • 14. Use math to simplify and make sense of real life situations • 15. Recognize that it is possible to learn from mistakes • 16. Become quantitatively literate • 17. Be able to work effectively as a member of a group • 18. Be able to work effectively alone
English Language Arts and Literacy • Focus and coherence – backwards design, grade 12 • Coherent progressions develop literacy skills across grade levels (pg 30,33) • Focus on text complexity ( pg 30, 32, 33) • Students required to read texts of increasing complexity • Literacy as a shared responsibility • Literacy skills in reading and writing included in history/social studies, science, and technical areas • College and Career Readiness text /writing • Students required to write using evidence from informational reading. (pg 5)
PK-5, Balancing Informational & Literary Texts 1 Students read a true balance of informational and literary texts. Elementary school classrooms are, therefore, places where students access the world – science, social studies, the arts and literature – through text. At least 50% of what students read is informational.
2 6-12, Knowledge in the Disciplines Content area teachers outside of the LA classroom emphasize literacy experiences in their planning and instruction. Students learn through domain specific texts in science and social studies classrooms – rather than referring to the text, they are expected to learn from what they read.
3 Staircase of Complexity In order to prepare students for the complexity of college and career ready texts, each grade level requires a “step” of growth on the “staircase”. Students read the central, grade appropriate text around which instruction is centered. Teachers are patient, create more time and space in the curriculum for this close and careful reading, and provide appropriate and necessary scaffolding and supports so that it is possible for students reading below grade level.
4 Text-Based Answers Students have rich and rigorous conversations which are dependent on a common text. Teachers insist that classroom experiences stay deeply connected to the text on the page and that students develop habits for making evidentiary arguments both in conversation, as well as in writing to assess comprehension of a text.
5 Writing from Sources Writing emphasizes use of evidence to inform or make an argument. Personal narrative and other forms of de-contextualized prompts are minimal. While the narrative still has an important role, students develop skills through written perspectives that respond to the ideas, events, facts, and arguments presented in the texts they read.
6 Academic Vocabulary Students constantly build the vocabulary they need to access grade level complex texts. By focusing strategically on comprehension of pivotal and commonly found words (such as “discourse,” “generation,” “theory,” and “principled”) and less on esoteric literary terms (such as “onomatopoeia” or “homonym”), teachers constantly build students’ ability to access more complex texts across the content areas.
Definition of Effective Teaching • Effective Teachers focus relentlessly on the achievements of their learners. Research has shown that teacher knowledge and skills in key areas – the learner and learning, content knowledge, instructional practice, and professional responsibilities – contribute, in varying degrees, to student growth and achievement. • College and Career Ready Students are: • Knowledgeable • Skilled and possess • Dispositions … …to succeed in school, career, and life. 21stCentury Skills
Gary L. Williamson (2006) found a 350L (Lexile) Gap between the difficulty of end-of-high school and college texts – a gap equivalent to 1.5 standard deviations or the difference between grade 4 and grade 8 texts on NAEP Source: Gary Williamon 2006)(from Appendix A of the CCSS)
Considerations for Reader and Task • Cognitive Capabilities • Reading Skills • Motivation and Engagement with Task and Text • Prior Knowledge and Experience • Content and/or theme concerns • Complexity of Associated Tasks
Framework of Literacy Assessment • Competency = Knowledge + skill(Assess + Instruct) • Apply CCSS to current curriculum • Feedback – Student Evidence of learning applied to novel situations • Response to Instruction – Differentiated Instruction • Multi-tiered system of Support
English Language Arts and Literacy • College and career readiness in writing • Students required to write using evidence from informational reading. • Literacy as a shared responsibility • Literacy skills in reading and writing included in history/social studies, science, and technical areas • Technology
Let’s Dig a Little Deeper in Math… • The new standards support improved curriculum and instruction due to increased: • FOCUS, via critical areas at each grade level • COHERENCE, through carefully developed connections within and across grades • CLARITY, with precisely worded standards that cannot be treated as a checklist • RIGOR, including a focus on College and Career Readiness and Standards for Mathematical Practice throughout Pre-K-12
Why: Item One - FocusFocus strongly where the Standards focus • Significantly narrow the scope of content and deepen how time and energy is spent in the math classroom • Focus deeply only on what is emphasized in the standards, so that students gain strong foundations • K – Counting, Sequencing, Value, Measurement • 1st & 2nd – Adding, Subtracting-Whole numbers & Quantity • 3rd – Multiplication, Division, Fractions • 4th, 5th – Fractions…moving to ratios at the very end
Why: Item Two CoherenceCoherence across grades, link to major topics within grades • Carefully connect the learning within and across grades so that students can build new understanding onto foundations built in previous years. • Begin to count on solid conceptual understanding of core content and build on it. Each standard is not a new event, but an extension of previous learning. Fraction example: “The coherence and sequential nature of mathematics dictate the foundational skills that are necessary for the learning of algebra. The most important foundational skill not presently developed appears to be proficiency with fractions (including decimals, percents, and negative fractions). The teaching of fractions must be acknowledged as critically important and improved before an increase in student achievement in algebra can be expected.” Final Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel (2008, p. 18)
Why: Item Three: RigorRigor pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application • The CCSSM require a balance of: • Solid conceptual understanding • Procedural skill and fluency • Application of skills in problem solving situations • This requires equal intensity in: • Time • activities • resources in pursuit of all three
A Word about Fluent in Math… • Fluent in the particular Standards cited here means “fast and accurate.” It might also help to think of fluency as meaning the same thing as when we say that somebody is fluent in a foreign language: when you’re fluent, you flow. Fluent isn’t halting, stumbling, or reversing oneself. Confidence? • The word fluency was used judiciously in the Standards to mark the endpoints of progressions of learning that begin with solid underpinnings and then pass upward through stages of growing maturity. K-5 Foundation to 6-12…
Structure of Knowledge in CCSS Critical Areas Domains Clusters Standards Top Level Similar to STRANDS from GLEs and GSEs Middle Level Similar to STEMS from GLEs and GSEs Bottom Level
How do critical areas promote focus? What is the number of critical areas per grade level/course? How will/could it improve teaching and learning in our school/district when each grade focuses on a few Critical Areas?
Major Mathematical Instructional Shifts • Focus: Focus strongly where the standards focus. • Coherence: Think across grades, and link to major topics • Rigor: In major topics, pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application
Student Readiness • 21st Century Skills – “soft skills” • “Habits of Mind” • “Capacities of a Literate Individual” • Technology Skills
SMARTER Balanced • Computer Adaptive • Multiple Choice, Constructed Response, Technology Enhanced • Performance Tasks • Writing, listening and speaking • Emphasis of mathematical practices
Components of SBAC System • Summative Assessments • Grades 3-8 and 11 in ELA and Mathematics • Computer Adaptive Testing • Performance Tasks • Interim Assessments • Optional • Progress of Students • Linked to content clusters in CCSS • Formative Tools and Processes • Evidence of progress toward learning goals Claim #1 - Students can read closely and critically to comprehend a range of increasingly complex literary and informational texts. Claim #2 - Students can produce effective writing for a range of purposes and audiences. Claim #3 - Students can employ effective speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences.
English Language Arts Content Specs • Claim #1 – Students can read closely and critically to comprehend a range of increasingly complex literary and informational texts. • Claim #2 – Students can produce effective writing for a range of purposes and audiences. • Claim #3 – Students can employ effective speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences. • Claim #4 – Students can engage appropriately in collaborative and independent inquiry to investigate/research topics, pose questions, and gather and present information. • Claim #5 – Students can skillfully use and interpret written language across a range of literacy tasks.
Mathematics Content Specs • Claim #1 – Concepts and procedures – Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts and interpret and carry out mathematical procedures with precision and fluency. • Claim #2: Problem Solving – Students can solve a range of complex well-posed problems in pure and applied mathematics, making productive use of knowledge and problem solving strategies. • Claim #3 – Communicating Reasoning – Students can clearly and precisely construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the reasoning of others. • Claim #4 – Modeling and Data Analysis – Students can analyze complex, real-world scenarios and can construct and use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems.
Steal These Tools . . . They’re free! • New Hampshire Department of Education • http://www.education.nh.gov/ • The Common Core State Standards • http://www.corestandards.org/ • Outsource Educational Resources • http://engageny.org/common-core/ - New York – SLO’s, videos & more • http://www.achievethecore.org/ - assembled by Student Achievement Partners • http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/acre/standards/common-core-tools/#gomath NC • Parent Information • http://www.pta.org/common_core_state_standards.asp
Free tools continued…. • Mathematics • www.nctm.org – National Council of Teachers of Mathematics • http://illustrativemathematics.org/ - K – 8, high school – lessons & videos • Text Complexity • http://ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=4778 – Kansas Common Core Standards • Videos • http://www.youtube.com/user/TheHuntInstitute/featured • Assessment • www.smarterbalanced.org • College and Career Ready Standards • https://www.epiconline.org/
Center on Instruction – K-5 Reading Foundational Skills in the CCSS • BUILDING THE FOUNDATION - A Suggested Progression of Sub-skills to Achieve the Reading Standards: Foundational Skills in the Common Core State StandardsDeveloped by Center on Instruction - Orange Cover This document is based on an analysis that determined the sub-skills students need to achieve in each of the Foundational Skills (K–5) in the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). • Student Center Activities Aligned to the Common Core State StandardsDeveloped by Center on Instruction - Blue Cover Published: 3/6/2012 3:28 PM • This publication helps educators create differentiated reading instruction experiences for their students by showing the relationship between two distinct resources: Student Center Activities (SCAs), created by the Florida Center for Reading Research for K–5 classroom teachers as differentiated reading activities for use in small student groups, and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). • http://www.centeroninstruction.org/topic.cfm?s=1&k=L&c=45
Center on Instruction – K-3Instructional Routines for Differentiated Instruction • Using Instructional Routines to Differentiate Instruction: A Guide for Teachers Developed by Center on Instruction Turquoise Cover Published: 3/7/2012 3:21 PM • This publication helps educators plan differentiated instruction using 72 formatted activities called Instructional Routines, which provide a structure for teaching specific foundational reading skills. Included is a table which displays the alignment between the Instructional Routines and the Common Core State Standards organized by the five reading components (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension). • As a trio – Orange, Blue and Turquoise can support a K-5 Literacy block for the full Reading Foundations strand of the CCSS
APPS & Miscellaneous Tools… • APPS to support Common Core Instruction • Math lesson evaluation - $1.99 • Study Island • Common Core App - looks like a green atom/moving • NECAP SERVICE CENTER – 1-877-632-7774
Questions/Comments Thank you! Let’s keep in touch…. Patty Ewen 603-271-3841 Patricia.Ewen@doe.nh.gov