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Favorite Indoor/Outdoor Games

Favorite Indoor/Outdoor Games. By: Brett Grade 5 Franklin Township School Quakertown, New Jersey, USA. Indoor Games. Favorites: Xbox 360 Mass Effect 3 Skyrim Forza 4 Game of Life Black Ops NBA Jam. Xbox 360.

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Favorite Indoor/Outdoor Games

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Favorite Indoor/Outdoor Games By: Brett Grade 5 Franklin Township School Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

  2. Indoor Games Favorites: Xbox 360 Mass Effect 3 Skyrim Forza 4 Game of Life Black Ops NBA Jam

  3. Xbox 360 Xbox 360 is a video game console. You can play with friends if you have Xbox live. You can also play with non-friends.

  4. Game of Life The Game of Life is a board game. I think it is fun because you go through the stages of life. The Game of Life goes on for a long time. It is a fun game, but takes a long time to complete.

  5. Outdoor Games Favorites: Capture the Flag Lacrosse Soccer

  6. Capture the Flag Capture the flag is a fun game to play because you are running across the field and the other team has hidden the flag. The goal of the game is to get the other team’s flag and bring it back to your side without getting tagged. If you get tagged, you drop the ball and go to jail.

  7. Lacrosse Lacrosse is a fun sport. I don’t play lacrosse, but we pass the ball back and forth in Phys. Ed.

  8. Soccer Soccer is a fun sport. I play soccer on a team. We also play soccer in school.

  9. What Is Your Favorite Game?

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