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Regional Research Cooperation along the Danube

Regional Research Cooperation along the Danube. Status and perspectives for the BMWF Vienna, BOKU, July 5, 2011. Contents. Austrian Research Policy Austrian Research System International Research Cooperation - Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Austrian Research Policy.

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Regional Research Cooperation along the Danube

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  1. Regional Research Cooperation along the Danube Status and perspectives for the BMWF Vienna, BOKU, July 5, 2011

  2. Contents Austrian Research Policy Austrian Research System International Research Cooperation - Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe Heribert Buchbauer

  3. Austrian Research Policy Heribert Buchbauer

  4. Political key messages • Promotion and utilization of new knowledge are of vital importance for the country’s prospect • Research is the operating system of a knowledge-based society and THE driving force for competitiveness, economic growth and full employment • Austria’s R&D share (relative to GDP) shall reach 3,76% by 2020 • Austria‘s research and innovation system is to be strengthened for establishing Austria as “Innovation Leader” Heribert Buchbauer

  5. RTI frontrunner and leading region of excellence (1/2) • Promotion of excellence: • Excellence Clusters • IST Austria • membership in international cutting edge research facilities - Implementation of the ESFRI Roadmap • Reinforcement of the University-Business interface • Increasing European and international research cooperation, mobility and networking • Enabling competitiveness of the Austrian RTI system Heribert Buchbauer

  6. RTI frontrunner and leading region of excellence (2/2) • Funding of national research programs complementary to EU- and international programs • Safeguarding the innovation system through pro-active development of human resources and grants • Special focus on young academics and female researchers (gender budgeting) Heribert Buchbauer

  7. Facts and figuresExpenditure for R&D 2000-2020 Heribert Buchbauer

  8. Facts and figuresExpenditure for R&D in 2011 • approx. 2,79 % of GDP expenditure for research • approx. 8,3 bill€ investment • public sector: 39 % • corporate sector: 61 % Heribert Buchbauer

  9. Facts and figuresEuropean Innovation Scoreboard 2010 Heribert Buchbauer

  10. Austrian Research System Heribert Buchbauer

  11. Austrian Ministries responsible for RTI • BMWF - Federal Ministry of Science and Research “academia” • basic and scientific research • higher education • BMVIT - Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology “applied research” • industry-related research, technology development and innovation • BMWFJ - Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth “economy oriented research” • research co-operation between public and business sector Heribert Buchbauer

  12. Main funding agencies and service organisations • FWF - Austrian Science Fund • basic research - “academia” • FFG - Austrian Research Promotion Agency • applied research, technology and innovation – companies, enterprises; NCP for EU framework programmes • OeAD-GmbH - Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research • S&T agreements, mobility schemes, grants (www.grants.at) Heribert Buchbauer

  13. Main actors in science and research • 22 public Universities • 21 Universities of Applied Sciences • 13 private Universities • Austrian Academy of Sciences • IST Austria • Ludwig Boltzmann Association • Christian Doppler Research Association • Austrian Institute of Technology • Joanneum Research • Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development • Austrian Science Board Heribert Buchbauer

  14. RTI advisory boards to the Federal Government • Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development • Austrian Science Board Heribert Buchbauer

  15. International Research Cooperation - Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe Heribert Buchbauer

  16. Overall aims of international research cooperation • Strengthening Austria’s position in the knowledge society • Positioning Austria as an attractive partner in the European Knowledge Area • Transforming Austria into a node for science and research cooperation with Central, Eastern und South Eastern Europe • Facilitating access of Austrian researchers to European and international research organisations • Understanding and using research and development as a contribution to the solution of regional as well as global problems Heribert Buchbauer

  17. Cooperation with Central, Eastern, Southeastern Europe - the 90s • Building up bilateral cooperation with neighbouring countries in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe • Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices established in Budapest, Bratislava, Brno and Kosice, Sofia and Ljubljana • Austrian Cooperation Offices for science, education and culture in Lviv and Sarajevo • Numerous bilateral initiatives, research projects and programmes Heribert Buchbauer

  18. Cooperation with Central, Eastern, Southeastern Europe - the last decade • Shift of regional focus to Southeast Europe after EU accession of neighboring countries in 2004 (2007) • Multilateral projects and initiatives complement bilateral cooperation • + participation in regional initiatives • CEEPUS • RCC (Task Force Fostering and Building Human Capital) • CEI Heribert Buchbauer

  19. Cooperation with Central, Eastern, Southeastern Europe - presence and future • Continuation of running projects and initiatives in the Balkans and Central Europe • Widening of the geographical scope towards the Danube Region • -> EU-Strategy for the Danube Region Heribert Buchbauer

  20. Main dimensions of international research cooperation • Bilateral cooperation • Regional/multilateral cooperation • EU cooperation • EU framework programme 7 (FP7) • Cooperation • Ideas • People • Capacities • INCO projects and initiatives • EU Regional Policy • Territorial cooperation - macro regional strategies • EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) Heribert Buchbauer

  21. 1. Bilateral cooperation • Bilateral Agreements and MoUs on Scientific and Technological Cooperation in Central and S-E Europe: • Croatia, Czech Republic (Aktion), Hungary (Aktion), Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia (Aktion), Slovenia, Ukraine, Albania (under preparation) • Science Days (+ brokerage events) • Scientific Workshops (Ukraine: material sciences) Heribert Buchbauer

  22. 2. Regional/multilateral cooperation • Salzburg Group: Strengthen cooperation to maximize the benefits in the framework of the European Research Area (ERA) in the fields of research infrastructure, joint programming etc.. • Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Malta, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland • Trilateral agreement between Austria, Bulgaria and Romania to strengthen cooperation in science and research • Multidimensional Project for the Implementation of an Institutionalised Partnership between Austria and Kosovo in the Field of Higher Education, Research and Innovation Heribert Buchbauer

  23. 3. EU cooperation • European Knowledge Area = European Research Area + European Higher Education Area • Knowledge Triangle = Education + Research + Innovation • Main funding instrument: Framework Program for Research and Technological Development (FP 7 2009 -2013): total budget 50,5 bill€ • Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative “Innovation Union”new strategic approach: innovation is the overarching policy objective, all policy instruments, measures and funding are designed to contribute to innovation Heribert Buchbauer

  24. 3.1 INCO projects and initiatives(EU FP 7 / capacities) • EU-INCO projects • Southeast European ERA.NET (2004-2009) • Southeast European ERA.NET PLUS (2009-2013) • Western Balkan Countries INCO.NET(2008-2013) • EU-INCO initiatives • Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries (2006) Heribert Buchbauer

  25. 3.2 EUSDR(EU-Regional Policy / territorial cooperation) • The EUSDR is the 2nd macro regional EU strategy. It aims at coordinating existing networks, institutions, projects, etc. • There will be no new EU-funds and no new EU-institutions. • It establishes four main pillars for action: • Connecting the Danube Region • Protecting the Environment in the Danube Region • Building Prosperity in the Danube Region • PA 7 “To develop the Knowledge Society (research, education and ICT)” • Strengthening the Danube Region • The implementation official started with the Presidency Conclusions of the European Council on 24 June 2011. Heribert Buchbauer

  26. EUSDR Priority Area 7 PA 7 actions and projects (1/5) • Action “To cooperate in implementing the flagship initiative “Innovation Union”of the Europe 2020 Strategy” in the Danube Region countries” • Proposed project: “To establish a peer-review mechanism of regional smart specialisation strategies” • Action “To coordinate better national, regional and EU funds to stimulate excellence in research and development, in research areas specific for the Danube Region” • Proposed project: “To create a Danube research area through coordination of funds” Heribert Buchbauer

  27. EUSDRPA 7 actions and projects (2/5) • Action “To strengthen the capacities of research infrastructure” • Proposed project: “To establish joint international research centres for advanced studies” • Action “To strengthen cooperation among universities and research facilities and to upgrade research and education outcomes by focusing on unique selling points” • Proposed project: “To promote the exchange of students and scientists in the Danube Region” • “To emphasise Danube Region specifics in the curricula of university programmes” Heribert Buchbauer

  28. EUSDRPA 7 actions and projects (3/5) • Action “To develop and implement strategies to improve the provision and uptake of Information and Communication Technologies in the Danube Region” • Proposed project: “To build upon the existing projects to promote the Information Society in lagging or in rural areas” • Proposed project: “To build upon the existing projects to promote the Information Society for SMEs” • Proposed project: “To provide ICT based training for the general public, especially for prioritized target groups such as low-income, elderly or disabled” Heribert Buchbauer

  29. EUSDRPA 7 actions and projects (4/5) • Action “To draw up internet strategies” • Action “To use e-content and e-services to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public and private services” • Proposed project: “To increase the use of electronic signatures/ e-identification for e-commerce and e-administration” • Proposed project: “To promote the availability of e-government services across the region” • Proposed project: “To promote the availability of e-health services across the region” Heribert Buchbauer

  30. EUSDRPA 7 actions and projects (5/5) • Action “To stimulate the emergence of innovative ideas for products and services and their wide validation in the field of the Information Society, using the concept of Living Labs” • Proposed project: “To promote innovation and business' success in new markets” Heribert Buchbauer

  31. LINKS • Funding Agencies and Service Organisation: • Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research www.oead.at ; www.grants.at • Researchers’ mobility portal: http://www.euraxess.at ; http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess • Austrian Science Fund www.fwf.ac.at • Austrian Research Promotion Agency www.ffg.at • Funding Agencies and Service Organisation: • Public Universities www.portal.ac.at • Austrian Academy of Sciences www.oeaw.ac.at • Institute of Science and Technology Austria www.ist.ac.at • Ludwig Boltzmann Association www.lbg.ac.at • Christian Doppler Research Association www.cdg.ac.at • Austrian Institute of Technology http://www.ait.ac.at • Joanneum Research www.joanneum.at Heribert Buchbauer

  32. Austrian Federal Ministries mainly responsible for RTI: • Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research www.bmwf.gv.at • Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology www.bmvit.gv.at • Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth www.bmwfj.gv.at • Multilateral cooperation projects in/with Westbalkans: • Western Balkan Countries INCO.NET www.wbc-inco.net (Info-Portal) • Southeast European ERA.NET PLUS http://plus.see-era.net Heribert Buchbauer

  33. Thank you ! • Heribert Buchbauer • Head of Unit “Multilateral and Regional Cooperation” • Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research • Rosengasse 4 • 1014 Vienna • Phone: +43-1-53120-5137 • Email: heribert.buchbauer@bmwf.gv.at • http://www.bmwf.gv.at Heribert Buchbauer

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