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A Food Manifesto for the Future. Adriano Corbetto, Andrea Freyre, Alvaro Siu, Gianluca Valerga. A Food Manifesto for the Future. A good nutrition plays an essential role in our lives. Our food choices are very important because they influence our health and the quality of our lives.
A Food Manifesto for the Future Adriano Corbetto, Andrea Freyre, Alvaro Siu, Gianluca Valerga
A Food Manifesto for the Future A good nutrition plays an essential role in our lives. Our food choices are very important because they influence our health and the quality of our lives.
Effects of a poordietonchildren • A poor diet may contribute to the development of many health conditions. • Vitamin deficiency can cause serious and irreversible health problems in children and a low level of immunity. • Poor nutrition is also reflected in the academic performance and in the behavior of children.
Effects of a poordietonchildren • The most common consequence of a poor diet is overweight or obesity. • Many fat children are bullied by other kids, thus having a negative consequence on their self-esteem.
The foodsyoueat and their role onhealth • Checking your fat and calorie intake helps you control your weight. • Carbohydrates, fiber and protein are nutrients that offer several health benefits when eaten in adequate amounts. • The vitamins and minerals present in healthy foods prevent future diseases, and a higher intake of them offers more protection and immunity. • A diet rich in antioxidants may protect you from cell damage and may help prevent many diseases.
Educatingchildrenfor a goodnutrition • In the first years of life, healthy nutrition has a decisive influence on physical and mental growth and development.
FoodPyramid The food pyramid is an excellent tool to help you make healthy food choices. Eat a varied diet that includes foods from all the basic food categories. 1. The mainbasis of a healthydiet are grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes. 2. Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products should make up a smaller proportion of the diet.
3. Fats and sugars should be restricted. 4. We also need water for a healthy diet. 5. Exercise. Find your balance between food and physical activity.
Interview to LittziePorras, Nutritionist • Children all over the world need an adequate nutrition to support their growth and performance at school. • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it gives you energy for the entire day. • The menu for Altair school`s cafeteria is chosen considering food that provides the “three important nutrients”: proteins, carbohydrates, and fruits and vegetables”.
ACTION • Project to transform the health and wellness of our community. • We need to change the choices and behaviors of children and their families through • good nutrition • promotion of preventative health behaviors • exercise Change your choices, Change the Future
Sources Internet Sources: • http://www.azamra.org/Heal/Parents_Guide/nutrition.htm • http://healthyeatingclub.com/info/articles/food-guides/he-pyramid.htm • http://www.choosemyplate.gov/foodgroups/downloads/resource/MyPyramidBrochurebyIFIC.pdf • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-vYXzXxN70 • http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/01/a-food-manifesto-for-the-future/ • http://www.freedomyou.com/nutrition_book/List_of_the_Most_Nutritious_Foods.htm Video: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siqDOyraQVs&feature=relmfu Books: • Sacha Barrio, Alejandro. La granrevolución de lasgrasas. Editorial Norma, pg.229. • Miro Quesada Garland, Alejandro. Guia Familiar VivirMejor. Unaobrasana, paraunavidaplena. Editorial Dorling Kindersley, D K Direct Limited, Gran Bretaña, 1998. pg. 44-45, 95.