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Beyond The Image

Beyond The Image. Does Size and Shape Really Matter?. Quotes for Discussion. 80% of American women are dissatisfied with their appearances. Almost half of American children between first and third grade say they want to be thinner.

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Beyond The Image

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Beyond The Image Does Size and Shape Really Matter?

  2. Quotes for Discussion • 80% of American women are dissatisfied with their appearances. • Almost half of American children between first and third grade say they want to be thinner. • “Men’s dissatisfaction with body appearance has tripled in the past 30 years-43% are dissatisfied with their appearance”

  3. Questions for Discussion • Does media influence your body image? • Are we manipulated so that diet/cosmetic, etc and industries companies make money on us? • Do marketers use unobtainable body standards to really guarantee profits forever?

  4. What is an Eating Disorder? • An eating disorder is when a person’s attitudes about food, weight, and body size lead to very rigid eating and exercise habits that jeopardize one’s health, happiness, and safety. • An eating disorder may begin as a way to lose a few pounds or get in shape, but these behaviors can quickly get out of control, become obsessions, and may even turn into an eating disorder.

  5. Anorexia A classic definition of anorexia would be "dying to be thin", literally. By starving themselves, the anorexic deprives their body of essential nutrition.

  6. Anorexia is an eating disorder that usually follows a path of self-starvation, leading to extreme loss of weight and many severe physical problems. A sufferer does not have to be a stereotypical young, white, thin female. He/she can be male or female, black or white, underweight or overweight, young or old.

  7. Signs to Look For ~ Refusal to maintain body weight above a minimal normal weight for height, body type, age and activity   level.~ Intense fear of weight gain or being “fat.”~ Feeling “fat” or overweight despite dramatic weight-loss.~ Loss of menstrual periods in girls and women post-puberty. ~ Extreme concern with body weight and shape.

  8. Fashion or Death? The above models are from Germany. The question this raises is “Is this true beauty? Or Is this an touched up photo?

  9. Dying to be Thin! This is an untouched photo of the anorexic models you saw in a previous slide. Can you really believe your eyes? It is interesting to note that one of the models pictures is missing. That is because she died shortly after the pictures were taken. The editor didn’t have to touch up her picture. Take a look back to identify which model had anorexia.

  10. Bulimia Nervosa The Latin meaning of which is “ox hunger”

  11. There are two types of bulimia, the purging and the non-purging type. • The purging type binges on food, and then uses inappropriate methods to get rid of the food, including vomiting or taking overdoses of laxatives, diet pills or even enema’s. • The non-purging type binges on food, and then self starves for a period of time to lose the weight put on by the bingeing. • Both methods are dangerous, and can lead to death in some circumstances.

  12. Signs to Look For • Eating large quantities of food in short periods of time, often secretly. This is without feelings of “hunger” or “fullness,” and to the point of feeling out of control while eating. • Following these binges, the person will then use some form of purging or compensatory behavior to make up for the excessive calories taken in. This can be self-induced vomiting, laxative or diuretic abuse, fasting and/or compulsive exercise. • Extreme concern with body weight and shape.

  13. What I see is not what you see. When I look in the mirror I see the person on the left in the first picture but what you see is the reflection on the right. I eat and then I purge my food. It hurts me to do this but I am “Dying to be thin.”

  14. How to Help a Friend Ask yourself the following questions... • Is your friend suffering from physical and psychological lapses in strength, energy, and concentration? • Is your friend clearly suffering? Is she angry, depressed, anxious, obsessed, or sad? • Is your friend’s constant concern with and thoughts about eating, weight, exercise, and body image cutting her off from you and her family and friends, and even from himself/herself. • Is your friend doing things that are frightening, upsetting, or generally disturbing to her and to others?

  15. What to Say, Step by Step • Find a time to talk when you won’t be interrupted by others. • Tell your friend that you are concerned and want to listen. • Ask your friend to share with regards to your concerns. • If your friend says nothing is wrong, don’t argue, it may not be the right time to talk about this issue. • Do not shame or blame or make your friend feel guilty. • Let your friend know how much you care. • After talking with your friend, if you are still concerned for his/her safety and health, find a trusted adult or doctor to talk to about your concerns.

  16. Simple Review • True or False. Males can suffer from anorexia. • True or False. People can die from anorexia. • True or False. A symptom of Bulimia is bingeing and purging. • True or False. Anorexia and bulimia are not “phases” and those who suffer from these eating disorders need their families to help them.

  17. Resource List • Beyond the Image: Study Guide, Developed by Sheila Gohr, M.S. 2003 • www.ezinearticles.com • www.geocities.com • www.googleimages/Bulimia&Nervosa&gbv

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