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Ergonomics: What, Why, and How Ergo.Dave.CPE.LLC@Hotmail.com. Ergonomics er -go-nom- ics. Ergo Dave. CPE LLC. WHAT. Fitting the task to the person
Ergonomics: What, Why, and How Ergo.Dave.CPE.LLC@Hotmail.com Ergonomicser-go-nom-ics Ergo Dave CPE LLC
WHAT Fitting the task to the person an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely —called also biotechnology, human engineering, human factors (Merriam-Webster’s) Controlling fatigue Ergonomics definitions
WHAT • Force • Posture • Repetition • Secondary • Cold • Vibration • Static positions • Impact/contact stress Ergonomics risk factors Overall Ergo Risk R R F P P
WHAT Quiz: find as many ergo features as you can Wind screen Throttle Rocker Back rest Low seat pan Highway bars Floor boards Heel and toe shifters
WHAT Use a variety of neutral postures
WHAT New work processes, tools and equipment have ergonomics designed into them from the start Ergo issues are found before they cause harm All employees report discomfort Ergo issues are resolved quickly and at the lowest possible organizational level All employees use good work methods, use provided ergo tools, and follow written SOP or JHA Ergonomics culture exists when:
WHAT • Work in groups at your table • Review set of tools • Pick speaker to report findings • Most ergonomic tool • Least ergonomic tool Ergo tool exercise
WHY top 10 injuries Ergo Ergo Ergo http://www.libertymutualgroup.com / omapps / ContentServer?c=cms_docu / cms_document / ShowDoc&cid=1138365240689
WHY Increasing age Previous injury Tobacco use Arthritis Diabetes Personal ergonomics risk factors M. Hagberg, B.A. Silverstein, R.P. Wells, R. Smith, P. Carayon, H. Hendrick, M. Pe´russe, I. Kuorinka, L. Forcier (Eds.), Workrelated musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD): A handbook for prevention, Taylor and Francis, London, UK, 1995. http://www.npr.org/2011/10/27/141760591/workplaces-feel-the-impact-of-obesity
HOW Addressing ergo issues • Screen w/comfort survey first. • Detailed assessments: NIOSH Lifting index; Job Strain Index etc. • Finalize new design • Document in SOP and/or JHA • Correct similar cases Repeat • Brainstorm solutions • Check design guidelines • Build/buy prototype • Ask for feedback • Repeat comfort survey • Repeat detailed assessment
HOW comfort survey http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/97-117/pdfs/97-117.pdf DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 97-117
HOW NIOSH Lifting Equation Snook Tables RULA REBA Job Strain Index Washington State checklist Most popular ergo assessments http://ehstoday.com/health/ergonomics/ergonomics_assessment_tools_1215/
HOW Revised niosh lifting equation Read pages 1 - 35 http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/94-110/pdfs/94-110.pdf DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 94-110
HOW There’s an app for that http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ht-niosh-lift-calculator/id447112695?mt=8
HOW In Series In-100 $115 described as good to weigh “Muskie, Sturgeon, Coyote, Fox” (1 lb markings 2 to 100 lbs) Chatillon DFXII; listed at $582.55; 200 lb capacity; accuracy +/- 0.3% Push Pull measurement
HOW Snook tables • Also called Push/Pull tables or Liberty Mutual tables • Need force gauge • Need set acceptable criteria • OK for • 95% of all females • 90% of all females • 75% of all females • (same as NIOSH Green Lifting Index)
HOW design guidelines http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/97-117/pdfs/97-117.pdf DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 97-117 Page 125
HOW Evaluating your computer workstation How to make it work for you http://www.orosha.org/pdf/pubs/1863.pdf
HOW 4 Key office ergo check points Eyes on task Back supported Hands on task Feet supported http://www.orosha.org/pdf/pubs/1863.pdf
HOW Creating your office ergochecklist Select 10 to 20 questions From pages 38 to 43 http://www.orosha.org/pdf/pubs/1863.pdf
HOW Resources
HOW membership benefits Hfes HFES members enjoy the following benefits: 1. Free annual subscriptions to: Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Choose either the print or the online version. View the journal FAQ for details. Ergonomics in Design: The Quarterly of Human Factors Applications. Choose either the print or the online version. JCEDM: Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making. Members have access to the online version or may purchase the print version for $30. Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics: Members have access to the online version and may also purchase printed volumes. HFES Annual Meeting Proceedings: Members have access to the online version and may also purchase the CD-ROM version. HFES Bulletin: A monthly e-newsletter bringing members news about important activities related to the field, Society news, a calendar of meetings and other events, and news from related fields. HFES Directory and Yearbook: Includes descriptions of activities within HFES committees, chapters, and technical groups; alphabetical member listings; a geographical index of members, as well as historical information about the Society and the field. 2. Special member prices on all other HFES Publications 3. Opportunity to participate in the HFES Annual Meeting and other HFES meetings: Reduced registration fees, Discounts on workshops, On-Site Career Center Paper presentations, panel sessions, and posters 4. Subscription to the HFES Members-only Career Center, including Confidential résumé posting, Job search, Résumé search for employers 5. Members-only access to the Online Member Directory 6. Members-only access to placing listings in the Online Consultants Directory (requires full membership) 7. Access to Membership in 23 Technical Groups, including, Newsletters, Technical program tracks, Listservs, Networking 8. Members-only participation in Webinars: Monthly webinars with access to previous recordings and handouts. Linkedin group: For HFES, with sub-groups for Technical Groups and chapters. 9. Local and Student Chapters 10. Discounts from other publishers/providers: 20% off software, workload assessment tools, data analysis tools, and other products from the Human Systems Information Analysis Center (formerly CSERIAC) 15% off Taylor & Francis books and subscriptions to Ergonomics 15% off selected book from Academic Press 11. Discounts on car rentals from Hertz
HOW Keeping up to date on ergo news http://www.ergoweb.com/news/
Ergonomics: What, Why, and How Ergo.Dave.CPE.LLC@Hotmail.com Questions & Comments? Ergo Dave CPE LLC