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BR 3: vocabulary review 1/9/14. Identify the following vocabulary words by filling in the spaces. Copy the definitions 1. H_ _ _ hty: arrogantly superior 2. In _ _ _ _ _ _: wanting to avoid activity 3. Sc_ _ _i _ ize: examine or inspect closely. 4. A_ _a _ _ e: friendly, good-natured.
BR 3: vocabulary review 1/9/14 • Identify the following vocabulary words by filling in the spaces. Copy the definitions • 1. H_ _ _ hty: arrogantly superior • 2. In _ _ _ _ _ _: wanting to avoid activity • 3. Sc_ _ _i _ ize: examine or inspect closely. • 4. A_ _a _ _ e: friendly, good-natured. • 5. C _ nj _ _ _ _ _ _: an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incorrect information. • Identify and define the remaining vocabulary words to the best of your knowledge!.
Announcements & Agenda 1/9/14 • Announcements: • Bring your textbook tomorrow! There will be a textbook check • Remember to always check Teacher web for: announcements, due dates, upcoming quizzes, power points and assignments. Agenda: • Open notes quiz = class expectations • I-station mid-year testing (this is mandatory)
Bell-ringer 4: vocabulary review 1/13/14 Draw a large circle into your notebook and ‘slice’ it into fifths. Copy the following synonyms and match them to your vocabulary words in each slice. • examine - investigate - inspect – scan. • lazy - idle - sluggish - slothful - slack. • guess - presumption – assumption. • arrogant - proud - supercilious –uppish. • amiable - kind - polite - friendly- courteous
Announcements & Agenda 1/13/14 • 1. vocabulary quiz = 1/16/14 • 2. Homework: complete author study activity for Monday (this requires taking your textbook home) • 3. Satire/Parody Unit test = 1/24/14 • 4. BRING TEXTBOOK EVERYDAY! EXPECT TEXTBOOK CHECKS! Agenda: • Note-taking on Satire and Parody • Analysis of satirical cartoons and video clip • Group activity: author study
Satire and Parody Analysis of Don Quixote English 10 Honors 1/10/14: this power point contains bell-ringers, announcements and class activities/comprehension questions for the days of 1/10/14-1/21/14
What is satire? • Satire is a type of humorous writing that ridicules the shortcomings of people/institutions. • It is an attempt to bring about a change. • Satire ranges from gentle mockery to harsh condemnation. What is satirical about this cartoon?
The characteristics and examples of Satire • Ingredients in Satire • 1. Humor • 2. Criticism • 3. A moral voice (there must be some sort of moral to the satire) • 4. Irony/Sarcasm • Examples of Satire • 1. Parody • 2. Caricature • 3.Hyperbole/understatement • 4.Utopia(nism) • 5.Dystopia(nism)
Parody = a work of literature that mimics another work of literature, usually as a way of criticizing it. • Monty Python and the Holy Grail • Austin Powers • Scary Movie/Epic Movie • Gulliver’s Travels • Don Quixote • Wicked
Independent Activity • Draw the following chart into your notebooks:
Cartoon Three: what is the satirical point made in this cartoon?
Movie Clip • http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/spartan-cheerleaders-at-a-chess-tournament/n10803/
Turn to page 828 in your textbook. • Copy the following spider-web chart into your notebooks and title it author study: Miguel de Cervantes. • In groups of two, identify 6 facts from each sub-section on pages 828-829.
1/13/14 Homework and reminders • Complete author study on Miguel de Cervantes: this will be checked tomorrow! • Bring textbook everyday!
Bell-ringer 5: vocabulary review 1/14/14 Copy the following sentences and complete them using the vocabulary bank. • Haughty B. Incongruous C. Infatuation D. Indolent E. interminable F. Ingenuity 1. There was a __________sight of water next to a vast desert. 2. Lauren could be a real ' prima donna ' and very ___________at times but she was very much loved. 3. I was looking for an interior designer of great __________to decorate my new house.
Announcements & Agenda: 1/14/14 Announcements 1. Author study activity due today 2. Homework: Don Quixote Chapter One Comprehension Questions due tomorrow 1/16/14 3. Bring your textbook! 4. Vocabulary Quiz 1/16/14 (17th for 6th) Agenda 1. Review of Parody 2. Reading and Analysis of Don Quixote Chapter One
Activity OneActivating Prior Knowledge • Copy the following questions and answer them independently. 5 min • Identify and describe the difference between a satire and a parody • What is utopia(nism)? How is it different from dystopia(nism)? 3. Describe some of Cervantes personal challenges. Where did he come up with the idea of Don Quixote?
Activity Two: Reading and Analysis of Don Quixote Chapter One by Cervantes • Where is Don Quixote from? What is his real name? Describe his life, financial situation, and social class. 2. What has Don Quixote been reading? What effect do the things he reads have on him?
Reading and Analysis of Don Quixote continued… 3. What does Don Quixote decide to do? How does he prepare himself? Who or what is Rocinante? 4. Who is Dulcinea del Toboso? Why does Don Quixote need to choose her? What is her real name?
Concluding Chapter One of Don Quixote 5. At this point in the story, do you like the character Don Quixote? Why or why not?
1/14/14 Homework and reminders • 1. Complete your comprehension questions if not finished in class; this pertains only to questions 4 & 5 (we will discuss the questions for further discussion in class) • 2. Don’t forget to bring your textbook!
Announcements & Agenda: 1/16/14 (5th) • 1. Vocabulary quiz today! • 2. Test on satire and parody 1/24/14 • 3. Bring textbook tomorrow and Tuesday. Agenda: • Vocab quiz! • Review of exposition and characterization (chapter one Don Quixote) • Questions for further discussion
Bell-ringer 7: final review of vocab. 1/16 • Copy and match the vocabulary words for today’s quiz to the sentences/definitions: 1. to be out of place is to be ____________ 2. to have an arrogant, supercilious attitude is to be _____________ 3. To be clearly stated is to be ____________ 4. An endless meeting can be described as ______________ 5. Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da’Vinci, and Mark Zuckerberg can all be described as having __________. 6. To be lazy is to be ____________ 7. To examine thoroughly is to _____________. 8. An assumption is also a ________________ 9. A friendly person can be described as ___________ 10. To have an obsession and passion for something or someone is to have an ______________ with them.
During and after the quiz • During the quiz: • Talking = zero • You may write on the quiz • When you have completed the quiz, complete your questions on Further Discussion on your worksheet for Chapter one
Activity one: review of plot and characterization • Answer the questions by participating in class discussion. Copy the notes as we discuss! • Exposition: • Setting: 2. Characters: 3. Initial conflict/problem: • Characterization: how can we characterize Don Quixote?
Bell-ringer 3: Understanding Parallelism 1/17/14 Copy the following definition of parallelism: • Parallelism involves writing balanced sentences. Two or more ideas that are logically related should be expressed in grammatically similar constructions. Copy the following sentences and circle the similar ideas: • Sally loves to go hiking, swimming and running • I need to decorate a cake, bake a pie and prepare a stew. • The basketball players value honesty, punctuality and positivity in their coach.
Announcements & Agenda 1/17/14 Announcements • 1. Bring your textbook on Tuesday • 2. Text on Satire and Parody Unit on 1/24/14 Agenda • Read chapters 7 & * of Don Quixote/complete questions • Watch video • Complete and share writing prompt.
Copy the following questions: Don Quixote Chapter 7 & 8 1. Why do the residents burn Quixote’s books? 2. What reason does the housekeepers give to Quixote when he questions the whereabouts of his library? 3. Why does Sancho Panza agree to become Don Quixote’s squire? 4. How is Quixote’s madness evident in Chapter 8? 5. How is Don Quixote an example of a satire? (think about what is being criticized)
Don Quixote • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkWy163k9eA
Creative Writing Prompt Write a short, one paragraph story in the shoes of Don Quixote: imagine that you stumbled upon a football game or a car wash. What would you think? What would you do? (remember to include humor) In 10-15 minutes we will share our humorous stories
Bell-ringer activity: applying understanding of parallelism 1/27 • Copy the following rule for parallelism: Rule #1 Parallel Structure should be used when elements are joined by coordinating conjunctions: Example: • Incorrect: I am allergic to the dog’s hair and how it smells. • Correct: I am allergic to the dog’s hair and its smell. Copy the following sentences and correct the errors in parallelism: • 1. When the weather outside is cold and getting windy, I like to be indoors. • 2. Students like to sleep, relax and to watch TV during the summer.
Announcements & Agenda 1/27 • Announcements • 1. Satire & Parody test = Friday Jan 30th • 2. Have parent permission form (for recording of parody skit) signed by Thursday Jan 30th Agenda • Note-taking on Jonathan Swift • Reading and Analysis of “A Modest Proposal”
Swift’s Literary Position and Works one of the greatest masters of English prose. • a master satirist. • Even today, he is still regarded as a national hero in Ireland. • Gulliver’s Travels (1726), his greatest satiric work
Biography • 1667-1745 • Born in Ireland • Family had important connections, but little wealth. • Educated • Worked as a secretary.
Swift’s Concerns in his Works • Moral attributes • Swift was a man of great moral integrity and social charm. He had a deep hatred for all the rich oppressors and a deep sympathy for all the poor and oppressed. • Human nature • His understanding of human nature is profound. In his opinion, human nature is seriously and permanently flawed. To better human life, enlightenment is needed, but to redress it is very hard. He intends not to condemn but to reform and improve man nature and human institutions, there is often an under or overtone of helplessness and indignation.
Activity one: silent reading of “A Modest Proposal” • Silently read Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” • With a highlighter, highlight sentences that cause you to question the speaker.
Reading and Analysis of “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift Pause and check for comprehension by answering these questions as we read the satirical essay: 1. What is this essay about? 2. What is the difference between the speaker and the author? 3. How does the speaker feel about the poor and the children of the poor? 4. What does the author do for a living?
Analyzing tone… 5. What is tone? List words to describe the tone. How does his tone change from the first paragraph to paragraph 6?
Reading Comprehension Questions for discussion 6. “A Modest Proposal” is an ironic essay: the author deliberately writes what he does not mean. What is the real thesis? Is there more than one? (what is a thesis? **)
Analysis of “A Modest Proposal” continued… 7. Look closely at paragraphs 4, 6, and 7, and study how the appeals to logic are put in mathematical and economic terms. Underline those words and phrases. 8. Irony: when does the essay become ironic?
Questions for further discussion of “A Modest Proposal” continued… 9. A clear difference exists between Swift and the persona who makes this proposal. Characterize the proposer. 10. Would it be possible to read this essay as a serious proposal? Why or why not?
The big picture The main idea: how is Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” an example of satire?
Bell-ringer: Applying the rules of parallelism 1/28 • Copy the following rule for parallelism: Rule #2 Parallel Structure should be used when comparing or contrasting elements (A is better than B – X is less than Y): Example: Incorrect: James enjoys reading more than to write. Correct: James enjoys reading more than writing. Copy the following sentences and correct the errors in parallelism: • 1. I have always enjoyed reading the book more than to watch the movie. • 2. Professor Jensen was neither a good lecturer nor skilled at grading.
Announcements & Agenda 1/28/14 • Test on satire & parody = 2/3/14** • Complete reading of “A Modest Proposal” and questions by Thursday. • Complete reading of modern day satire and questions by Friday. • Have parent permission form (for recording of parody skit) signed by Feb. 6th 2014 ***We will work on study guide on Friday but I will post it on my teacher web by midnight this evening. Agenda: • Conclude reading and analysis of Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” • Reading and analysis of modern satire.
Reading and analysis of a modern satire. • “Prison overcrowding Solution Creates Controversy in Alabama” Copy and answer the following questions for homework and bring to class on Friday. • 1. State the problem in the article: • 2. State the solution: how is this solution impractical and ludicrous? • 3. Who is the author satirizing? How do you know this?
BR: Understanding Parallelism 1/27/14 • Copy the following rule for parallelism: Rule #3 Parallel Structure should be used when writing elements/ideas in the form of a list or a series: Example: Incorrect : The class valued respect, honesty, and being on time in a teacher. Correct: The class valued respect, honesty, and promptness in a teacher. Copy the following sentences and correct the errors in parallelism: • 1. Justin was excited about inviting friends over, eating a good meal, and to play a game of cards. • 2. Bob performs his tasks quickly, willingly, and with accuracy.
Announcements & Agenda 1/27/14 Announcements: • 1. test on satire and parody tomorrow! this test will cover Don Quixote, “A Modest Proposal”, power point notes on satire and parody. • 2. parody presentations will be on 2/6/14 Agenda: • Paired activity: review for test. • Planning and drafting for parody skits.