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Kairali provides you with chemical free ayurvedic formulations, which enriches your skin with essential nutrients making it flawless. Our Ayurvedic massage oils, cleansing powders and organic facial packs and serums are an outcome of age long formulations with remedial and therapeutic values. Kairali operates as a center of excellence and develops high-quality products including Ayurvedic Body Care products of different types.
Kairali’s Ayurvedic Skin Care & BeautyProducts Being the most conspicuous organ of the human body, skin is the mirror of both our external and internal beauty. Our skin is full of life and turmoil and, therefore, it must be nurtured and cherished with utmost care. In today’s hush bush life, we tend to ignore giving an indispensable care, which is required making it to be dreary and gloomy. Due to stress, unhealthy lifestyle, hormonal misbalance and inappropriate digestion, skin problems areincreasing. Areyouthevictimtoo?Doyouwantadazzlingandshimmeringskin?Doyouwant yourskintobeasradiantasastar?IfYes,thenletKairalihelpyouovercomethat quandary via most authenticated way i.e.Ayurveda. With an assorted range of Ayurvedic skin care products, Kairali brings to you the solution, right here. In Ayurveda, Science of Life, lays the secrets of beauty and skin. Kairali provides you with chemical free ayurvedic formulations, which enriches your skin with essential nutrients making it flawless. Our Ayurvedic massage oils, cleansing powders and organic facial packs and serums are an outcome of age long formulations with remedial and therapeutic values. Kairali operates as a center of excellence and develops high-quality products including Ayurvedic Body Care products of differenttypes.
Kaircin a production of Kairali is a unique facial oil, which gives your skin sparkling and sprightly effect. Made by only by using organic ingredients— Saffron and Lotus extracts, Kaircin when applied on regular basis to the face reinstates the vanished glow of theskin. 1. Kaircin – Ayurvedic FacialOil 2.Kairwash – Ayurvedic Hair WashPowder Kairwash herbal powder which is exclusively manufactured to enhance the hair growth and curb hair loss. A blend of natural ingredients like ragapuspi, mugda, gooseberry, fenugreek, neem,makesKairwashatotalsolutiontohairproblems.Thepowderhelpsincontrollingpre- mature greying of hair. It leaves the hair looking lustrous, shiny, silky andsmooth.
3. Kairbal – Ayurvedic Body WashPowder Kairbalpowder,traditionalayurvedicskin-repairingandskincareproduct,revitalizestheskin and supplies it with essential nourishment making the skin look naturally beautiful and full of glow. Its herbal ingredients like kulatha, sathi, mustha, mudga, samagandhika and others makethispowderaperfectalternatetothenon-organicsoaps.2-3tablespoonofthepowder has to be mixed up with lukewarm water and the formulated paste should be applied throughout the body barring the intimate parts. Daily usage of the powder will leave your body moisturised andsmooth. 4.Kairpack – Ayurvedic FacePack Kairpack is an Ayurvedic Face Pack which is highly effective and gives you graceful and glittering skin. With medicinal and herbal enriched ingredients like mudga, sathi, kavi, srikhandam and vatadha this pack possesses anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti- ageing properties. If used regularly this pack helps in getting rid of acnes, pimples, wrinkles, dark spots and acne marks. This pack detoxifies the blood flowing through face, providing yourfacewithexemplaryyounglook.Ithasnosideeffects andissuitabletoeveryskintype.
There are lot more Ayurvedic influenced Cosmetics which can beautify you. Kairali presents a whole range of handmade bathing bars andshowergels.Neembathingbarhasantibacterialandantifungalpropertieswhilethesandalbathingbarmoisturisesyourskin.Green tea bathing bar deep cleanses your body and Beauty bathing bar is to nourish your body with essential nutrients. Strawberry shower gel rejuvenates and reposes your body and provide you with a freshened feeling. Kairali’s Ayurvedic natural skin care products are safe to use and the results are also longlasting! There are Lotions like Green Tea Lotion and Grapeseed Lotion, for your skin which will keep it smooth and hydrated all daylong.
Varied Shampoos are there to resolve your ailments and provide you with strong hair. A few to mention— Lemon Shampoo exclusively to assure you from dandruff free hair, Henna shampoo which strengths the quality of your hair and, Amla and Shikakai Shampoo which deep cleanses the oil from your hair. Orange and Hibiscus Hair conditioner will add on to the results when used after theshampoo. All our Shampoos, Conditioner, Body was and Body Lotion are made using organic and naturalingredients. Contact Us:- www.kairaliproducts.in Add: - D-130, Andheria Modh, Mehrauli, New Delhi – 110030(INDIA) E-mail us: - support@kairaliproducts.com Contact No.:+91-9555156156