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مَدُّ البَدَلِ The Exchange Medd

مَدُّ البَدَلِ The Exchange Medd. When will it be observed?. Medd Al- badal observed when …. continuing but NOT when STOPPING. مَدُّ البَدَل Has 4 states in terms of when it is observed. continuing AND when stopping. ONLY at BEGINNING of a word. s topping but NOT when CONTINUING.

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مَدُّ البَدَلِ The Exchange Medd

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  1. مَدُّ البَدَلِ The Exchange Medd When will it be observed?

  2. Medd Al-badal observed when … • continuing but NOT when STOPPING مَدُّ البَدَل Has 4 states in terms of when it is observed • continuing AND when stopping ONLY at BEGINNING of a word stopping but NOT when CONTINUING

  3. (1) • Medd Al-badal is observed when continuing but NOT when STOPPING For example: ﴿وَإِنَّ لَهُ عِندَنَا لَزُلفَىٰ وَحُسنَ مَـَئابٍ﴾ ﴿وَلَهُ ٱلجَوَارِ ٱلمُنشَـئاتُ﴾ Stopping means the medd type changes from • مَدُّ البَدَلtoعارِض للِسُّكون. عارِض للِسُّكونisstronger, hence overtakenمَدُّ البَدَل .

  4. (2) • Medd Al-badal observed ONLY at BEGINNING of a word For example: ﴿ٱئْذَن﴾﴿ٱؤْتُمِنَ﴾﴿ٱئْتُوني﴾ Such words do not have medd al-badal as they are. Medd al-badal occurs ONLY when we begin reading with these words.

  5. (2) • Medd Al-badal observed ONLY at BEGINNING of a word To read such words look at the 3rd letter. ﴿ٱؤْتُمِنَ﴾ ﴿ٱئْتِنا﴾ ﴿ٱئْتُوني﴾ ﴿ٱئْذَن﴾

  6. (2) • Medd Al-badal observed ONLY at BEGINNING of a word If 3rdletter is Kesrah /fetha / non original dhamma. ﴿ٱئْذَن﴾ ﴿ٱئْتِنا﴾ ﴿ٱئْتُوني﴾ 1) Put a kesrah on the 1st hamza. 2) Change 2ndhamza to aي ﴿إيْتِنا﴾ ﴿إيتُوني﴾ ﴿إيذَن﴾

  7. (2) • Medd Al-badal observed ONLY at BEGINNING of a word If 3rdletter isan originaldhamma. ﴿ٱؤْتُمِنَ﴾ 1) Put a dhammahon the 1st hamza. 2) Change 2ndhamza to aو ﴿أُوتُمِنَ﴾

  8. (3) • Medd al-badalis observed when stopping but NOT when CONTINUING For example: ﴿وَجَآءُوٓ أَبَاهُمۡ ﴾ Continuing means the medd type changes from • مَدُّ البَدَلtoمدٌّ جائِزٌ مُنفَصِلٌ. مدٌّ جائِزٌ مُنفَصِلٌisstronger, hence overtakenمَدُّ البَدَلwhen continuing.

  9. (4) • Medd Al-badalis observed when continuing AND when stopping For example: ﴿ءَامَنَ﴾ ﴿أَنبِئُوني﴾ • The hamza followed by the medd is either in the middle of the word or at beginning.

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