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PGCE Physical Education Sheffield Hallam University 2010-2011. Developing Professional Practice in Physical Education Module Code 77-7982-00L (L7) 77-6675-00L (L6). Words of wisdom. “is this a thinking lesson Miss?”.
PGCE Physical Education Sheffield Hallam University2010-2011 Developing Professional Practice in Physical Education Module Code 77-7982-00L (L7) 77-6675-00L (L6)
Words of wisdom “is this a thinking lesson Miss?”
Use Pass the Buck (see Giniss Files on BB) task to connect the learning- Working on your own You have one minute to bullet point all the attributes of what you think is effective teaching (Connect). Working with a partner Swap information and add to your list After a minute swap papers with another pair and read what you receive. (Activate 1) Now add to the list anything that you feel is missing. Get your original paper back and read the bullet points. Using this information draft a statement that underpins the essence of effective teaching (Activate 2) ALL working together Either read out or transfer to white board (Demonstrate) Look at the bottom of the iceberg – any similarities or differences – why is this so – pedagogical approach based on your own approach Study the statement on the iceberg below the water. Infill the iceberg below the water the behind the scene stuff with what you think effective teaching is about(Consolidate) (Process )
Effective Teaching The Processes of Pedagogy A combination of thinking, planning, philosophy and ongoing self reflection involved teaching. • Passion • Pupils teacher relationships • Respect • Individualised learning • Embedding Appropriate teaching styles • Recognition of difference in preferred learning style • Innovation • Taking risks • Making mistakes • Reflecting on practice • Variation from lesson to lesson and week to week • Having some ground rules • Provision of thinking time • low stress high challenge environment • Motivation • energy • planning
Words of wisdom “You arethe lead learner in your own classroom”
We need to look at the big picture. The learning and teaching sessions in university, college and school Module Assessment of Learning See Modular Handbook and Blackboard site lead learner of the moment ......
By the end of the session you should : What I am looking for: What are we learning today: Compare and contrast the difference and similarities between learners Differentiate between teaching styles and pupils learning styles Appraise the theoretical principles of personalised learning and active learning Outline the principles of both active and accelerated learning and the role of these in managing pupils learning in the classroom setting Learning Outcomes (WILF & WALT)
What was that lesson like for you Colin? And you Katie, and Ben, and Leanne and Vicky and - how was it for you? 'It's a bit like having a tin of beans but no can opener. What a waste' year 10 student
Words of wisdom “teachers’ perceptions of a pupil’s intelligence strongly affect the pupil’s own view of his or her ability, and pupils’ opinions of peers are heavily influenced by such perceptions” Oxford Brookes University August 2000
Good or bad ? – the choice is yours!! “Learning is a full bodied, human process, and so is teaching” ( R W Connell – School and Social Justice) Its not just about Having a body of knowledge- but of course this is important! Or having the capacity to control a classroom – you can’t control people or the behaviour of others, but you can influence that person, and that behaviour Teaching and learning are about establishing human relationships with the people being taught So from now onwards see yourself as the teacher who is the architect of the learning episode – introducing, organizing, making it safe, giving feedback, encouraging , asking probing questions and managing the learning experience throughout Influencing pupils is not an option!
HIGH QUALITY TEACHING AND LEARNING - A teacher perspective highly focused lesson design with sharp objectives high demands of pupil involvement and engagement with their learning high levels of interaction for all pupils not just between teacher and pupil but pupil/s and pupil/s appropriate use of teacher questioning, modelling and explaining an emphasis on learning through dialogue, with regular opportunities for pupils to talk both individually and in groups an expectation that pupils will accept responsibility for their own learning and work independently regular use of encouragement and authentic praise to engage and motivate pupils. personalised learning agenda http://www.teachers.tv/videos/active-learners
FROM - The learners perspective Learning environment is well organised and used flexibly Quality learning space. Good lighting, heating, ventilation, acoustics, access for disabled pupils, and a sense of well-being will enhance levels of pupils' concentration. Good decorative order, the appropriate use of colour and visual displays are also key prerequisites for accessibility and an effective learning environment. Visual resources, ICT resources and the 'outdoor classroom' provided within the school grounds or locality Other common adaptations include: rearrangement of furniture within the classroom to facilitate whole-class or small group teaching and learning approaches, taking account of any access requirements maximising the use of shared spaces for large group activities, such as team teaching or providing a common stimulus for a number of groups or classes providing suitable small spaces for small group intervention work or one-to-one tuition, or calm withdrawal areas personalised learning agenda
http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/node/156770 Other aspects of personalised learning
1. Locating the teaching sequence or lesson in the context of: ●the scheme of work ● the pupils’ prior knowledge and understanding 2. Identifying the learning objectives for the pupils High Quality Teaching and Learning - How?
3. Structuring the teaching sequence or lesson as a series of episodes by separating the learning into distinct stages or steps and selecting: ● the best pedagogic approach to meet the learning objectives ● the most appropriate teaching and learning strategies and techniques ● the most effective organisation for each episode
4. Ensuring coherence by providing: ● a stimulating start to the lesson that relates to the objectives ● transitions between episodes which are clearly signposted for the pupils ● a final plenary that reviews learning and identifies next steps
Modelling This is more than demonstrating. Through the teacher ‘thinking aloud’ it helps pupils to understand underlying structures,processes and conventions. Explaining Explaining is crucial in helping pupils understand abstract concepts and events that are outside their own experiences. Questioning When planned and correctly sequenced, questioning can promote higher order thinking skills and structure the development of knowledge and understanding. Strategy Importance
A pattern based learning process know as constructivism where learning is essentially active where new learning is based on the constructs of previous experience that new learning is assimilated into the web of understanding that already exists in the learners mind that each child structures his or her knowledge in a unique pattern of understanding Thus differentiation is a major component of active learning methodology For more information on the biological principles of learning see Paul Ginnis's text the Teachers Toolkit or let watch an expert in action! active Learning as a part of personalised learning
Personalised learning - the policy Accelerated Learning Cycle - a framework for planning lessons to meet personalised learning agenda VAK - a type of learning style (rational but a basic grouping of learners)
By the end of the session you should: or WILF and WALT apply theoretical and experiential knowledge of learning, teaching and assessment to classroom based lessons select and evaluate strategies designed to encourage more active learning approaches Learning Outcomes
1. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and think about a teacher or a number of teachers that had a positive influence on you. 2. Imagine yourself as that teacher. What feelings do you have as you are teaching? Remember as many things as you can and write them down. 3.Look around the room and pick a partner that you want to work with. When you have a partner choose which one is A and which one is B tell each other about your learning experiences and compare you written notes. Add to your own if necessary 4. After 3 -4 minutes change partners and do the same 5. Join 2 other pairs and map out attributes of good teaching on a learning poster using the group role criteria on the OHP/PP 6. transfer to a learning board at the front of the classroom A connection Phase activity -Task teacher biography
Watch a teacher at work - Alite DVD Chemistry lesson ? PE lesson How does she/he connect, active and consolidate learning? What VAK strategies are used
Words of wisdom ‘Walk the talk’ Be realistic – Rome wasn’t built in a day! Take responsibility – Don’t become a victim! Take action – leave your comfort zone Keep an open mind – make sure your glass is always half full - not half empty Words of wisdom -Teaching is an ongoing journey – you are at the start
Insanity – doing the same thing the same way and expecting a different result Without deviation, progress is just not possible A Lesson from the best Phil Beadle Teacher of the year 2004 http://www.teachers.tv/videos/a-lesson-from-the-best Words of wisdom 'Variety is the Spice of Life'
“Practical experience shows us that direct teaching of concepts is impossible and fruitless. A teacher who tries to do this usually accomplishes nothing but empty verbalisation, a parrot like repetition of words by the child, simulating a knowledge of the corresponding concepts but actually covering up a vacuum” ( Vygotsky 1986, cited in Capel 1997 pg229) Don’t become insane
Many studies have show that attainment improves when learner are taught in their preferred style - any problems with this? Look at the National Curriculum inclusion statement(2008) http://curriculum.qcda.gov.uk/key-stages-3-and-4/About-the-secondary-curriculum/equalities-diversity-and-inclusion/index.aspx Personalised Learning is at the heart of equal opportunity issues Why are we bothered?
Some may learn by information that they receive – Visual learners Others by information that they hear - auditory learners while others learn best by doing, touching and feeling – kinaesthetic learners Etch the following in your mind (or on you school planning diary) People are different and react differently to the same circumstances Look at the Geography lesson on the Alite DVD - Learners are all different
Watch Alite Geog lesson Comment on the professional relationship that this teach has with his group. Comment on his professional linguistic code with his students What strategies does he use to engage his pupils? What do you think about how this teacher uses his voice? Is a noisy classroom a unproductive classroom? Comment on his differentiation techniques. Close up - minimising classroom stress
Families have changed • Leisure has become more individualized • More children in the classroom • We are not as healthy • We teach information migrants • We have become time shifters • Certainties are fewer • Who are the children's role models? • Technology is pervasive and penetrative The context of teaching and learning in the 'noughtiess'
Left & right brains Words Logic Syntax Sequence Linearity Analysis Lists Details Rhythm Awareness Imagination Images Colour Daydreaming Dimension Whole context
Stretching the connections Interactive http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/words.html
“to activate real understanding represent the key learning via different intelligences”
What is a learning style? ' a set of biological and developmentally imposed set of personal characteristics that make the same teaching method effective for some students and ineffective for others' It is like your signature – a preferred way of using your abilities Much work now being done on multiple intelligences http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/mi/index.html But I have 30 pupils – how can I manage all learning styles?
A persons learning style is a combination of all five categories ENVIRONMENTAL – sound, light, temperature, design EMOTIONAL – motivation, persistence, responsibility, structure SOCIOLOGICAL – self, peers, team, adult, varied PHYSICAL – perceptual, intake, time, mobility PSYCHOLOGICAL- global/analytic, hemisphericity, impulsive/reflective Can teachers influence any of these elements? Dunn's and Dunn's framework of learning styles
A starting point then is to recognise your own style ' There are...utterly destructive consequences of acting without knowing what one is doing' Explain to an other how to get to university from your house Could you get there? How would you like to have it explained to you? http://www.teachers.tv/video/3141 Some excellent resources to use with care http://www.support4learning.org.uk/education/learning_styles.cfm This one may be useful to you in school http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks1/ict/multiple_int/questions/choose_lang.cfm What about me what's my learning style?
Danger ! 'Do not fall into the trap of teaching to your own learning style'
Check your students learning styles through: OBSERVATION – natural and least intrusive STRUCTURED CHOICE – provide different types of learning experience for the same topic. e.g. discussion group ( auditory), a group using a audio cassette or computer software ( visual, auditory), a group who can provide visual aids for teaching or build a concept using readily available materials ( visual and kinaesthetic). THROUGH QUESTIONAIRRES – quick, easy to administer but should only be used for reflection and to enhance your teaching effectiveness So I prefer this way – where next?
“the basics of self-esteem: Belonging Aspiration Safety Identity (challenge) Success”
CONNECTION PHASE Do I connect the: Content? The processes? The learners themselves? A summary of the Accelerated Learning Cycle CONSOLIDATION PHASE Do I : Structure active reflection on content and process? Seek transfer? Review and then preview? ACTIVATION PHASE Do I : pose problems? utilize a multi-sensory approach? add language to doing? DEMONSTRATION PHASE Do I : Use educative feedback? Vary groupings? Offer multiple Ways of demonstrating understanding?
Principles of Active Learning– Success, ownership and involvement are key principles Pupils must see the learning as individually important to them Pupils must see that their ideas and contributions are valued Pupils should feel emotionally secure and psychologically safe Create ACTIVE LEARNING environments
“Stress in the classroom arises from threat – perceived or real”
Just a cautionary note! There are no magic wands, no guarantees, we are simply looking for strategies that make it more likely that students will think about and make sense of the material that they encounter.
“trying to learn without reviewing is like trying to fill a bath without putting the plug in” Mike Hughes Personalised learning
“Combining the Art of Teaching with the Science of Learning”
A teacher internalised view of a student can have a direct impact on the students actual performance – self fulfilling prophecy So it is important that you always express confidence in your ability to help a student express confidence in the students ability use non verbal signs positively and consistently e.g.. eye contact, tone of voice, levels of energy give detailed input to all students encourage individual improvement through challenge Where is my starting point?
“adults laugh up to twenty times a day, whilst young children laugh as much as three hundred times” The Owner’s Manual for the Brain