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2009-2010 Burlington Township School District’s State Test Results

2009-2010 Burlington Township School District’s State Test Results. 3 rd Grade NJASK Percent Proficient. Note: The data being shown is the “Total Population” which includes all Sp. Ed. and ESL students. Note: The year NJASK changed highlighted in blue.

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2009-2010 Burlington Township School District’s State Test Results

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  1. 2009-2010Burlington TownshipSchool District’sState Test Results

  2. 3rdGrade NJASK Percent Proficient Note: The data being shown is the “Total Population” which includes all Sp. Ed. and ESL students. Note: The year NJASK changed highlighted in blue.

  3. 4th Grade NJASK Percent Proficient Note: The data being shown is the “Total Population” which includes all Sp. Ed. and ESL students. Note: The year NJASK changed highlighted in blue.

  4. 5th Grade NJASK Percent Proficient Note: The data being shown is the “Total Population” which includes all Sp. Ed. and ESL students.

  5. 6th Grade NJASK Percent Proficient Note: The data being shown is the “Total Population” which includes all Sp. Ed. and ESL students.

  6. 7th Grade NJASK Percent Proficient Note: The data being shown is the “Total Population” which includes all Sp. Ed. and ESL students.

  7. 8th Grade NJASK Percent Proficient Note: The data being shown is the “Total Population” which includes all Sp. Ed. and ESL students.

  8. 11th Grade HSPA Percent Proficient Note: The data being shown is the “Total Population” which includes all Sp. Ed. and ESL students.

  9. SAT Averages

  10. 2010-2011 District Program Initiatives • Leadership: Expand leadership capacity to promote ISA • Improved Curriculum Articulation - Restructured the assignments of cluster coordinators, head teachers, and supervisory staff to focus on curricular areas • Data: Continue administrative training for Pearson Inform - data collection & analysis • Support: Introduced four additional PT Academic Achievement teachers (Total of 8 PT) to provide additional services to more students • Curriculum: Evaluate District math curriculum • Program • Elementary • District-wide licenses for Reading A-Z and RAZ Kids • Develop, institute, and monitor systems to effectively utilize elementary literacy folders • Implement running records for all elementary school students • Restructured schedule of Literacy Coach to better serve both elementary buildings • Evaluate the effectiveness of MS Math Lab model through the collection of data • Create and administer HS math and English benchmark assessments to monitor and improve student achievement

  11. For Board Consideration During Budget Process Issues For Consideration • Reading Proficiency • Improved process for articulation, student assessment, and AA Services • Under-resourced • Lost LA Supervisor • Literacy Coach stretched • AA teachers can’t service all students in need • MS and HS need additional support for struggling readers • More time needed for PD and articulation • Math Performance • Evaluating entire K-12 math curriculum • Curriculum is dated and out of alignment with new standards • Overhaul of curriculum will cost $$$ • Under-resourced • Lost Math Supervisor • AA teachers can’t service all students in need • More time needed for curriculum review and evaluation • Time will be needed for PD and articulation once changes are instituted • Reading Proficiency • Additional personnel support or reallocation of personnel resources • Evaluate calendar for more PD/articulation opportunities • Math Performance • Additional personnel support or reallocation of personnel resources • Budgeting for new/revised curriculum and program implementation • Evaluate calendar for more PD/articulation opportunities

  12. Burlington Township School District’s Violence and Vandalism Report 2009-10

  13. Violence and Vandalism Report Per (N.J.S.A. 18A:17-46 and N.J.A.C. 6A:16-5.3(f)) – Annually, at a public hearing, all chief school administrators and charter school lead persons must report to the board of education all acts of violence and vandalism which occurred during the previous school year. The Incident categories that must be reported on are: Violence Vandalism Weapons Substance To report an Offense to the Violence and Vandalism report: An incident must take place on school grounds, school sponsored event or on a school bus, The offense must meet the EVVRS definition and The offense must result in an Out-of-School Suspension

  14. Burlington Township High SchoolViolence and Vandalism StatisticsGrades 9 - 12 Administrators addressed 1866 Code of Conduct concerns. 1.4% met the reporting requirements for Violence and Vandalism. 1.4% Violence 5 Fights 7 Assaults 6 HIB & Threats 1 Sex Offense Vandalism 1 Theft of Student Property Weapons 1 Possession of Screw Driver (Non-threatening) Substances 2 Possession – Alcohol 4 Use Confirmed Breakdown of Offenses

  15. Burlington Township High School5 year Comparison of Total Incidents and Student Enrollment

  16. Burlington Township Middle School at SpringsideViolence and Vandalism StatisticsGrades 6 - 8 Administrators addressed 797 Code of Conduct concerns. 3.0% met the reporting requirements for Violence and Vandalism. 3% Vandalism 1 Theft 1 Damage to School Property 1 Fire Alarm Violence 3 Fights 11 Assaults 3 HIB & Threats Weapons 1 Possession of Knife (Non-threatening) 1 Possession of Pellet Gun (Non-threatening) Substances 1 Possession – Alcohol 1 Possession – Marijuana Breakdown of Offenses

  17. Burlington Township Middle School at Springside5 year Comparison of Total Incidents and Student Enrollment

  18. Fountain Woods Elementary SchoolViolence and Vandalism StatisticsGrades 3 - 5 Administrators addressed 549 Code of Conduct concerns. 2.5% met the reporting requirements for Violence and Vandalism. 2.5% Violence 3 Assaults 10 HIB and Threats Vandalism None Weapons 1 Possession of Swiss Army Knife (Non-threatening) Substances None Breakdown of Offenses

  19. Fountain Woods Elementary School5 year Comparison of Total Incidents and Student Enrollment

  20. B. Bernice Young Elementary School • 2009-10: 2 Incidents; Weapon - Possession of Box Cutter (Non-threatening) Theft • 2008-09: 3 Incidents • 2007-08: 1 Incident • 2006-07: 1 Incident • 2005-06: 1 Incident

  21. High School SRO & Teen Pep Outreach Presentations Counseling Groups for Students School Violence Awareness Week Student In Good Standing & Recognition Programs Mediations conducted by Peers & Staff Boys and Girls Conferences Held Every Other Year Middle School GAAP Gang Awareness and Prevention – Grades 7 and 8 Gang Resistance Education and Training (GREAT)- Grade 6 Spotlight Character Development Program Building Young Men & Women for Change groups Friday and Saturday Detention SRO Presentations Programs

  22. Fountain Woods Renaissance Program SRO Presentation on Bullying Character Education Assemblies School Violence Awareness Week School Bus Safety Week Peaceful School Bus Program Counseling Groups for Students Young School Be Cool, Be Safe Character Ed. Assemblies Safe Schools Week No Name Calling Week Playground and Bus Safety Assemblies Mix It Up Week Adopt-A-Cop Program Programs

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