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How Network Topology Defines its Behavior - Serial Code Detection with Spiking Networks

How Network Topology Defines its Behavior - Serial Code Detection with Spiking Networks. Dr. Gerd Heinz Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Informatik e.V Berlin-Adlershof. Workshop „Autonomous Systems” Herwig Unger & Wolfgang Halang Hotel Sabina Playa, Cala Millor

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How Network Topology Defines its Behavior - Serial Code Detection with Spiking Networks

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  1. How Network Topology Defines its Behavior -Serial Code Detection with Spiking Networks Dr. Gerd Heinz Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Informatik e.V Berlin-Adlershof Workshop „Autonomous Systems” Herwig Unger & Wolfgang Halang Hotel Sabina Playa, Cala Millor Mallorca, 13-17 Oct. 2013 Sensor- und Motor- Homunculus. Natural History Museum, London

  2. Contents Abstract Convolution A Small Interference Network Construction of Transfer Functions Applying a Convolution Spike Output Frequency Analysis Unipolar or Bipolar Signal Levels? Interpreting Bursts Examples

  3. Abstract • Compared with technical sensors, sound and code analysis of nerve system is fascinating • We differ between the whisper of the wind or the branding of waves, we know the songs of birds, we hear dangerous noises of a defect car engine, we feel, if an airplane starts • And we speak and understand languages: Do we have a chance, to interprete the function of a nerve net on the level of net structure? • We try to analyze a simplest delaying network in nerve-like structure • Our net consists of delays T and weights W • Basing on Interference Network (IN) abstraction we transform the net into a transfer function H of a linear time-invariant system (LTI-system) • We use convolution between input time-function and transfer function to find the "behaviour" of the LTI-system * The work bases on the book "Neuronale Interferenzen", Kap.8b, S.181, download: www.gfai.de/~heinz/publications/NI/index.htm

  4. Convolution • "Faltung" (terminus created by Felix Bernstein, 1922): • Discrete form (Cauchy product): • Example: FIR-filteras direct implementationof convolution, form: Y = X * S

  5. N N' N + N' . . . . . . . . . x(t) y(t) y(t) x(t) A Small Interference Network • Form: Our Abstraction: Delay vector: Weight vector: Transfer function:

  6. fs = 1/ts Construction of Transfer Function H (Transfer function of LTI-system) Discrete transfer function H seen as discrete time function with sample distance ts = 1/fs and with growing index i : i = [… 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, …] H = [… wi-1, wi, wi+1, wi+2, wi+3, wi+4, wi+5, wi+6, …] • Length of H is greater the delay difference: length(H) ≥ max(T) – min(T) • Construction of the transfer function of the net by addition of weights: H(j) = H(j) + W(i) mit j = T(i) : H(T(i)) = H(T(i)) + W(i)

  7. Get Transfer Function with Scilab function [H] = trans(T,W,fs); if length(T) == length(W) then T = T * fs; // apply sample rate of H T = round(T); // T becomes index: integer H = 1:max(T); H = H * 0; // create an empty H for i = 1:length(T), // for all T(i), W(i) j = T(i), // delay becomes the H-index j H(j) = H(j) + W(i), // add the weight to H end // for else // if printf('\n\nerror: T and W have different size\n'); end // if endfunction; H is the transfer function of a LTI-system!

  8. H X Y Applying a Convolution What is the system answer Y for different input functions X ? It is simple the convolution with H , the multiplication of time series y(t) = h(t) * x(t) • Using vectors Y = X * H • Scilab form Y = convol(H,X) • Fourier Analysis of H F = abs(fft(H))

  9. Barker Codes and Spikes • Hebbian rule in neuro-science shows, that a neuron needs high synchronous emissions to learn • We need spikes at the output of the neuron • Barker codes maximize spike-like output of long sequences in RADAR technology: • Example: H = [1, 1, 1, -1, 1] (Barker code no. 5) X = rev(H) Y = convol(X,H) = [1, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 1] • But neurons don't have negative signal values!What can we do?

  10. Spectral Analysis of Transfer Function H • FFT of any unipolar transfer function shows the maximum for frequency f = 0 Hz (DC) • It is not possible to learn with unipolar H ; codes are AC: Highest level at 0 Hz Unipolar{0…1} Bipolar{-1…1}

  11. Unipolar or Bipolar Signal Levels? • Unipolar signals, unipolar synapses: {-1…0…1}

  12. Unipolar or Bipolar Signal Levels? • Bipolar signals, bipolar synapses: {0…1}

  13. Unipolar or Bipolar Signal Levels? • Unipolar signals, bipolar synapses (neuron) {0…1} {-1…1}

  14. Unipolar or Bipolar Signal Levels? unipolar signals and bipolar synapses (neuron) X, Y: uni {0…1} H: bi {-1…1} Big surprize: • Using unipolar signals X, Y and bipolar H, the system is not significant worse compared to the best case uni/uni Test it: • Use relating Scilab sources underwww.gfai.de/~heinz/publications/papers/2013_autosys.pdfwww.gfai.de/~heinz/techdocs/index.htm#conv Conclusion • Nerve systems do not need bipolar signals to detect code and sound, if the synapses are bipolar (inhibiting or exciting)!

  15. Interpreting Bursts • Noisy groups of pulses are known at different locations in nerve system • Is it possible, to find the net structure behind them?

  16. The Inversive Procedure • We interprete a burst as transfer function H (seen as pulse response) and reproduce the delays T and weights W of the network behind: function [T,W] = net(H,fs); // returns T and W j=1; // W-index j for i=1:length(H) // H-index i if H(i) == 0 then ; // do nothing else // write the value to W, the index to T W(j) = H(i); // value to W T(j) = i; // index to T j = j+1; // increment j end; // endif end; // endfor T = T ./ fs; // multiply with sample duration T = T - min(T); // scale to min: reduced T-vector endfunction;

  17. Example H = f(T,W) • Delays T, weights W, transfer function H, reducing vectors: index r Delays: Weights: Reduced T, W: Transfer function:

  18. Example Key X and keyhole Hunipolar max(FFT) at 0 Hz (uni/uni)

  19. Conclusion • To characterize time- and frequency domain, we transform delays and weights of a simplest interference network into a LTI transfer response • A procedure [H] = trans(T,W,fs) calculates the (time-discrete) transfer functionH (pulse response) of the net from delay vector T (delay mask) and weight vector W • The FFT shows learning problems for unipolar signals and unipolar H because of highest DC-value • A mixture between unipolar signals and bipolar transfer function (weights) acts as good alternative (nerve nets) • Interpreting bursts as transfer functions (pulse responses), we design an inverse procedure [T,W] = net(H,fs) that reconstructs the net structure [T,W] from transfer function H • Find Scilab sources and the paper on the webwww.gfai.de/~heinz/publications/papers/2013_autosys.pdfwww.gfai.de/~heinz/techdocs/index.htm#conv

  20. Relevance for ANN • The transfer function or pulse response H is responsible for all sequential properties of a network: for code and sound generation or detection • The lecture shows, that smallest delays and delay differences change the pulse response H of the network • Remembering the "Neural Networks" (NN, ANN) approach with layers clocked by clock cycles we find, that the NN-approach destroyes the sequential structure of each network complete • In no case ANN or NN are candidates to understand the function of nerve like structures • Thinking about nerves we need interferential approches that does not destroy the delay structure of the net.

  21. Vielen Dank für die Aufmerksamkeit! Und der Herr sprach: "So führte ich euch auf den Weg der Erkenntnis. Gehet nun, und traget die Botschaft in die Welt hinaus!" Dr. G. Heinz, GFaI Volmerstr.3 12489 Berlin Tel. +49 (30) 814563-490 www.gfai.de/~heinz heinz@gfai.de Erfolgreiche Google-Suchterme: "Interferenznetze", "Mathematik des Nervensystems", "Heinz", "Akustische Kamera"

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