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Pickerel Lake – Thu, Aug 30 Temp 70º and 70 minutes on water. We paddled 2.29 miles per Barb’s GPS unit. We saw a heron, an eagle, and an eagle’s nest. First time with us for Tom Schroeder, a resident of Pickerel Lake. Welcome back to the Brubackers.
Pickerel Lake – Thu, Aug 30 • Temp 70º and 70 minutes on water. • We paddled 2.29 miles per Barb’s GPS unit. • We saw a heron, an eagle, and an eagle’s nest. • First time with us for Tom Schroeder, a resident of Pickerel Lake. • Welcome back to the Brubackers. • We went to Mulligan’s Sports & Grill for supper. Paddling Friends
Participants (in tandem canoes): • Elmer & Patty Earnest (green) • Bob & Shirley Rohe (khaki) • Ann Marie Wixom & Rita Shores (aluminum) • Participants (in solo kayaks): • Bob & Patty Obma (lime green & orange) • Dan & Mary Deltgen (green & light blue) • Lonny Jackson (royal blue) • Barb Palmer (green) • Nancy Rehbein (orange and yellow) • Dallas Wixom (yellow) • Barry & Margaret Brubaker (blues) • Tom Schroeder (yellow) Paddling Friends
We paddled counter-clockwise around the lake, going north in the channel towards the dam. Paddling Friends
Shirley & Bob R, Patty E & Elmer Paddling Friends
Dan Paddling Friends
Barb Paddling Friends
Patty O & Bob O Paddling Friends
Nancy, Lonny Paddling Friends
Dallas, Margaret Paddling Friends
Tom, Barry Paddling Friends
Margaret, Dallas Paddling Friends
Patty O, Dan, Barb, Patty E & Elmer, Shirley & Bob R Paddling Friends
Mary, Bob O, Patty O, Dan Paddling Friends
Mary, Patty O, Bob R & Shirley, Bob O, Nancy, Elmer & Patty E Paddling Friends
Dallas is coasting... Paddling Friends
...it was a calm day. Paddling Friends
Boat landing is on the left. Paddling Friends