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Blood Glucose Monitoring - automated

Blood Glucose Monitoring - automated. Optional , EMT. Course Objectives. Indications for Use Proper Technique Pitfalls and Troubleshooting. Indications. Altered Mental Status Patients with a history of diabetes Diabetic patients with medical or trauma emergencies. Equipment.

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Blood Glucose Monitoring - automated

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Blood Glucose Monitoring - automated Optional , EMT

  2. Course Objectives Indications for Use Proper Technique Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

  3. Indications • Altered Mental Status • Patients with a history of diabetes • Diabetic patients with medical or trauma emergencies

  4. Equipment • Protective gloves & eyewear • Tissue or gauze pads • Alcohol wipes • Fingerstick lancets • Chemical reagent strips (must match monitor) • Electronic blood glucose meter

  5. Technique • BSI • Clean fingertip with alcohol wipe (allow to dry) • Follow manufacturer’s instructions • Use triggered fingertip lancet to side of finger • Record reading and time of test • Remove strip & dispose of strip & lancet properly

  6. DO’s and DON’Ts • Match code on device to strip • Get an adequate sample size • Recap reagent strips • Dispose of lancet in sharps container • Follow manufacturer’s specific instructions • Reuse lancets or reagent strips • Touch target area of strip • Use lancet before alcohol is dry • Forget to calibrate device if needed • Use outdated strips

  7. Pitfalls & Troubleshooting • Follow manufacturer’s instructions for routine maintenance, calibration, and battery replacement • Use correct control solution and test strips for the model of the device • Let alcohol dry before using lancet • Completely cover target area of strip with a single drop of blood • See user’s manual for troubleshooting tips

  8. Treatment Blood Glucose levels below 70 • Follow Hypoglycemia protocol for your level • Glucagon • per local Med Control

  9. Skill Overview • BSI • Select and prep site • Collect and place specimen • Glucometer reading • Charting • Treatment

  10. Summary • Indicated for altered mental status or known diabetic patients with illness or injury • BSI • Prep site with alcohol wipe • Use lancet to obtain sample • Transfer blood to reagent strip • Insert in monitor • Record results and use for differential diagnosis

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