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Dental Hygiene

Dental Hygiene. Fight Against Tooth Decay. Tooth Decay. Did you know germs live inside your mouth? Some of these germs gather together and form a sticky, invisible coating called plaque . The plaque sticks to your teeth and gums. Tooth Decay.

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Dental Hygiene

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dental Hygiene Fight Against Tooth Decay

  2. Tooth Decay • Did you know germs live inside your mouth? • Some of these germs gather together and form a sticky, invisible coating called plaque. • The plaque sticks to your teeth and gums.

  3. Tooth Decay • Unless you remove it, the plaque will attack your teeth and cause decay!

  4. Tooth Decay • When you eat, the plaque mixes with sugar in the food to form an acid. • This acid eats through the outside of your tooth, causing a hole. • The hole, or cavity, can get bigger!

  5. Cavities!

  6. Tooth Decay • If the cavity is not filled, the decay will continue. • When the cavity reaches the nerve inside of your tooth, you feel pain. • Red inside tooth is the nerve.

  7. Fighting Tooth Decay • How can you fight plaque? • Brush AND floss your teeth every day!

  8. Fighting Tooth Decay

  9. Fighting Tooth Decay • How else can your fight plaque? • Visit your dentist regularly! • And, of course, make sure you don’t eat too many sugary snacks!

  10. Questions…. What is the sticky, invisible coating that germs make inside your mouth called? PLAQUE

  11. More Questions! How do you get a cavity? Not brushing your teeth daily. NOT brushing at all! Eating too many sugary snacks.

  12. What can we do to fight plaque? Let’s see what a dentist has to say…

  13. Super Dental Habits! • Eat a healthy diet! • Foods high in calcium such as cheese, yogurt, and milk are especially important for keeping your teeth strong and healthy. • Eat well-balanced meals and few sugary foods to avoid cavities.

  14. Super Dental Habits! • Keep your teeth clean! • Brush your teeth at least two times a day. • Floss at least once a day. • These practices remove food particles and plaque from your teeth.

  15. Super Dental Habits! • Don’t forget about those dental check-ups! • Visit your dentist at least once a year. • With regular appointments, your dentist can recognize dental problems and treat them before they cause serious damage!

  16. One last thing… Timmy the Tooth says “Here’s a great song to sing so you don’t forget how important it is to brush daily!” Brush, brush, brush your teeth Brush them everyday ????? It keeps the germs away!

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