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General Discussion on Cross-Cutting Issues GEO Work Plan Symposium 2 May 2012

General Discussion on Cross-Cutting Issues GEO Work Plan Symposium 2 May 2012. GEO Board Co-Chairs M & E Lead GEO Secretariat. Cross-Cutting Issues & Challenges Delivering on the Targets Answering the Question(s) raised by the Plenary (our sponsors and funders)

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General Discussion on Cross-Cutting Issues GEO Work Plan Symposium 2 May 2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. General Discussion on Cross-Cutting IssuesGEO Work Plan Symposium2 May 2012 GEO Board Co-Chairs M & E Lead GEO Secretariat

  2. Cross-Cutting Issues & Challenges Delivering on the Targets Answering the Question(s) raised by the Plenary (our sponsors and funders) What is the value-added by GEO/GEOSS? What is the complementarity of GEOSS? 1000 flowers – absolutely essential, but not sufficient

  3. Cross-Cutting Issues Resource Mobilization Linkages with policy-makers, GEO Prinicipals European Commission FP7, GEO linkages Data Sharing/Data Availability Mechanics versus policies Challenges for developing countries Timliness, consistency, plethora of portals

  4. Cross-Cutting Issues, cont. Coordination of Data Collection Efforts User Engagement

  5. Assessing Progress against Targets Start with the end in mind – Strategic Targets Bullet Points “Demonstrated by….” section (Outputs) Outputs should map to one or more Components Need concrete, measureable activities and schedules to deliver each Component Ideally one per year, but one MAJOR one that shows forward progress Point person (per component) for monitoring Follow the Plan -- [temptation for scope creep is immense]

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