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Nurturing Bonds: Strategies to Love Your Child

Embrace positive strategies to show love to your child. Create unique signals, offer compliments, and maintain emotional control for a harmonious relationship. Avoid negative touch and words.

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Nurturing Bonds: Strategies to Love Your Child

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  1. Strategy 2 Hug, Rock and Love Your Child 1. Hug your children, tell them you love them, compliment more than you criticize. 2. Create a signal that only you and your child know that means “I love you.” Then you can use it anywhere even when they are older. 3. Use positive interactions with your children such as “good morning” and “have a great day” and “I’m proud of your hard work.” 4. Refrain from using negative touch such as pulling on a jacket or shirt or spanking a child. 5. Do not loose control and say negative things you do not really mean. Don’t let them push your buttons!

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