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Health Information Technology: Current Situation & What to Expect in The Near Future

Health Information Technology: Current Situation & What to Expect in The Near Future. Dr. Made Indra Wijaya Assistant Medical Director BIMC Hospital. BACKGROUND. CURRENT SITUATION. April 2009 ; 21 provinces in Indonesia ; 97 respondents ; questionnaire. Patient’s Perceptions.

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Health Information Technology: Current Situation & What to Expect in The Near Future

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  1. Health Information Technology: Current Situation & What to Expect in The Near Future Dr. Made Indra Wijaya Assistant Medical Director BIMC Hospital

  2. BACKGROUND Indra Wijaya 2009

  3. Indra Wijaya 2009

  4. Indra Wijaya 2009

  5. Indra Wijaya 2009

  6. Indra Wijaya 2009

  7. Indra Wijaya 2009

  8. CURRENT SITUATION Indra Wijaya 2009

  9. April 2009 ; 21 provinces in Indonesia ; 97 respondents ; questionnaire Indra Wijaya 2009

  10. Indra Wijaya 2009

  11. Indra Wijaya 2009

  12. Patient’s Perceptions Indra Wijaya 2009

  13. BIMC Hospital (January – August 2009) Indra Wijaya 2009

  14. Patient Year 2009BIMC Hospital Indra Wijaya 2009

  15. Indra Wijaya, 2009 A cross sectional survey design Data were collected between April 2009 and June 2009 The sample was derived from BIMC Hospital Sampling targeted Indonesian (200 samples)

  16. Indra Wijaya 2009

  17. Indra Wijaya 2009

  18. Chi Square Analysis • 50 respondents • Patient’s perceptions : • 1 = score 0-9 • 2 = score 10-19 • 3 = score 20-29 • 4 = score 30-39 • 5 = score 40-50 • Nationality : • 1 = Australian • 2 = Indonesian Indra Wijaya 2009

  19. Indra Wijaya 2009

  20. Indra Wijaya 2009

  21. H0 accepted H0 rejected 9.448 6.563 Indra Wijaya 2009

  22. Chi Square Analysis • Pearson chi square (X2 measured) = 6.563 • Table chi square (X2 table) : significance 0.05 ; Degree of freedom = 4 ; X2 = 9.488 or on MsExcel  =chiinv(0.05,4)  9.488 • X2 measured < X2 table (6.563 < 9.488) • No significance difference between Australian and Indonesian with regard to patient’s perception Indra Wijaya 2009

  23. What to expect in the near future Indra Wijaya 2009

  24. Indra Wijaya 2009

  25. HIM falls into three categories

  26. Factors Influencing Attitudes Toward Computerization Indra Wijaya 2009

  27. EMR diffusion is the extent to which the full potential of EMR should be embedded within patient care processes • 3 hospitals in Japan • Attitudes toward computerization is the most influencing factor to EMR diffusion Otieno George Ochieng, 2005 Indra Wijaya 2009

  28. Indra Wijaya, 2009 A cross sectional survey design Data were collected between April 2009 and June 2009 The sample was derived from 12 hospitals in Bali Sampling targeted doctors, nurses, and healthcare administrators

  29. Indra Wijaya, 2009 The questionnaire consisted of three sections: • Two items on IT skills with response options ranging from none/never to a great deal/always • A list of 16 functions in patient care where respondents were asked to check whether each had been computerized (yes, no, not sure)

  30. Indra Wijaya, 2009 • A 10-item attitude scale assessing the healthcare workers’ attitude towards the use of computers in patient care, where response were : strongly disagree, disagree, agree, and strongly agree

  31. Indra Wijaya, 2009 • Data were analyzed using SPSS v17 • IT skills were measured on a four-point scale ranging from ‘none/never’ (1) to ‘a great deal/always’ (4) • Current status of computerization was on a 3-point scale ranging from ‘no’ (1), ‘not sure’ (2), to ‘yes’ (3)

  32. Attitudes were measured on a 4-point scale ranging from ‘strongly disagree’ (1) to ‘strongly agree’ (4). Indra Wijaya, 2009

  33. Questionnaire tests Sample = 12 Validity test Reliability test Indra Wijaya 2009

  34. Validity test (Pearson Bivariate Correlation) • Current status : Pearson correlation of item 1 to item 16 were ranging from 0.648 to 0.932 (table r, significance 0.05, 2-tailed, N=12  0.576)  all items are valid • IT skills : Pearson correlation of item 1 & item 2 were 0.851 & 0.880 respectively (table r, significance 0.05, 2-tailed, N=12  0.576  all items are valid Indra Wijaya 2009

  35. Validity test (Pearson Bivariate Correlation) • Attitudes toward computerization: Pearson correlation were ranging from 0.664 to 0.872 (table r, significance 0.05, 2-tailed, N=12  0.576)  all items are valid Indra Wijaya 2009

  36. CURRENT STATUS Indra Wijaya 2009

  37. Attitudes Toward Computerization Indra Wijaya 2009

  38. Healthcare Workers IT skills Indra Wijaya 2009

  39. Reliability test • Current status: Cronbach’s alpha was 0.976 (table r, significance 0.05, 2-tailed, N=12  0.576)  reliable • Attitudes toward computerization: Cronbach’s alpha was 0.926 (table r, significance 0.05, 2-tailed, N=12  0.576)  reliable • IT skills: Cronbach’s alpha was 0.663 (table r, significance 0.05, 2-tailed, N=12  0.576)  reliable Indra Wijaya 2009

  40. Basic Assumption Tests Measures of normality Test for linearity Indra Wijaya 2009

  41. Indra Wijaya 2009

  42. Differ from Normal distribution Normal Distribution Differ from Normal distribution -2 -2 Indra Wijaya 2009

  43. Current status: skewness/std error ratio was 1.310 & kurtosis/std error ratio was -1.784  between -2 to 2  normal distribution • Attitudes: skewness/std error ratio was -1.796 & kurtosis/std error ratio was 0.768  between -2 to 2  normal distribution • IT skills: skewness/std error ratio was -1.316 & kurtosis/std error ratio was -1.608  between -2 to 2  normal distribution Indra Wijaya 2009 Measures of normality

  44. Indra Wijaya 2009

  45. Indra Wijaya 2009

  46. Test for Linearity Attitudes * current status : • P value (linearity) < 0.05  Current status has linear correlation with attitudes toward computerization Attitudes * IT skills : • P value (linearity) < 0.05  IT skills has linear correlation with attitudes toward computerization Indra Wijaya 2009

  47. Classical Assumption Deviation Tests Multicollinearity test Heteroskedasticity test Autocorrelation test Indra Wijaya 2009

  48. Indra Wijaya 2009

  49. Multicollinearity test Collinearity statistics from linear regression revealed VIF (variance inflation factor) of both current status and IT skills were 1.068 (less than 5, Santoso, 2001)  no multicollinearity problem between independent variables Indra Wijaya 2009

  50. Indra Wijaya 2009

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