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Neolithic Period (The New Stone Age)

Neolithic Period (The New Stone Age). 8000bc-3000bc. Ancient Civilizations. Catal Huyuk 6,500bc-5,000bc Located in Anatolia- a large mt . plateau in south central Turkey (Northwest of Mesopotamia). Origin of Agriculture.

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Neolithic Period (The New Stone Age)

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  1. Neolithic Period(The New Stone Age) 8000bc-3000bc

  2. Ancient Civilizations • CatalHuyuk • 6,500bc-5,000bc • Located in Anatolia- a large mt. plateau in south central Turkey (Northwest of Mesopotamia)

  3. Origin of Agriculture • About 3,000 years after the last ice age, nomadic people stumbled across Western Europe. • The warmer climate was more tolerable and produced fields of wild grains and grasses.

  4. Civilization • A civilization is a group of cohabitating people that demonstrate cooperation, organization, and specialization.

  5. Why CatalHuyuk is a Civilization… • Cooperation- Trading took place between various groups of people • Organization- Houses and jobs were organized ie. Crop rows etc… • Specialization- citizens had various jobs that contributed to society

  6. CatalHuyuk(Fork Mound) • 32 acres • 1000 houses • 5,000-6,000 residents

  7. Housing at CatalHuyuk • Houses were connected and had an intricate pattern of ladders and roof access through out the homes

  8. Catal Homes • These homes were keep in pristine condition and were decorated with art of aesthetic and religious value • Ie • Wall paintings, animal heads, figurines ect…

  9. Ceilings Access • The opens in the ceilings allowed the residents to move from one home to another and worked as a chimney during the winter months.

  10. Trade at CatalHuyuk • Archeologist have discovered various obsidian tools with different chemical compounds suggesting C.H. was a central trade hub for the region.

  11. Religion at CatalHuyuk • Religion was very important to the people of CT. They built over 40 shrines. • The dead were given ceremonies and their bodies were buried in the plaster floors of CT.

  12. The Fertile Crescent • The Fertile Crescent is the land between and surrounding the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. • Many early settlements started in and around this area.

  13. Mesopotamia- Between 2 Rivers (5300bc-539bc) • Mesopotamia is located between Tigris and Euphrates Rivers • The geography (mts., plains, and rivers) of the land made it very fertile.

  14. Mesopotamia • The people of Meso. irrigated (water canals) the farmland to prevent flooding and to provide water for crops. • Food was now in surplus (more than they could use).

  15. Division of Labor • The division of labor (specialized jobs for each citizen of the city) allowed the city to prosper.

  16. City-States (1st Political Unit) • City-States (the cental city and countryside surrounding it) began popping up around the Fertile Crescent. • The Earliest of these civilizations was Sumer, founded in 3000bc and located in southern Mesopotamia.

  17. The Rise and Fall of Power • As society advance and political powers arose. • The leaders of these various societies began building militias and fighting over land. • Rule of the land shifted between Sumer, Uruk, Ur, and Akkad.

  18. GilgameshKing of Uruk • Legendary figure in Sumerian literature. • The Epic of Gilgamesh, the 1st epic (long poem), outline the tale of Gilgamesh and his stories of the pursuit of immortality. • The tablets, written in cuneiform, are among the earliest known stories in literature.

  19. The Rise of the Akkadian Empire • Located north of Sumer • The Akkadians were of a different culture, but lived in peace for many years with the Sumerians until the 2,300’s BC

  20. Sargon- Akkadian Emperor • Sargon built a new capital on the Euphrates near what is now Baghdad. He was the first ruler to maintain a permanent Army. He declared war on all his neighbors and brought the entire northern Mesopotamia area under his rule. This became the World’s first empire- land with different territories and people under a single rule.

  21. Ur- Regains Sumerian Control • The Sumerian city-state of Ur regained political control of the Mesopotamian area a century after Sargon’s death. • The city of Ur was the most advanced of its time.

  22. Religion of Sumer • Religion was the most important component of shaping society. • Sumerians practiced polytheism- the worship of many gods. They believed success in life depended on pleasing these gods.

  23. Priests • Led religious ceremonies and had great status in the community • They interpreted the wishes of the gods and made offerings in giant temples during religious ceremonies

  24. Social Hierarchy • 1st Kings- chosen by gods to rule • 2nd Priest- interpreted wishes of gods and made offerings • 3rd craftspeople, merchants and traders- travelled and brought in goods • 4th farmers and laborers- made up the large working class • 5th slaves- were at the bottom of the social order

  25. Men and Women of Sumer • Men- held political power, made laws and were educated. • Women- raised children, only a few wealthy women were educated. • Enheduanna- Sargon’s daughter, was educated and is believed to be the 1st female writer in history.

  26. Sumerian Advances and Inventions • The wheel • Carts • Clay spinning wheel • The plow • The water powered clock • Sewer systems • Bronze weapons • Makeup and jewelery

  27. Other Achievements • Developed 60 digit math system, 360 degree circle, 12 month year, and calculated areas • Made medicines, medical journals, and treated systems and body parts • They were the 1st to build ziggurats- large pyramid temples

  28. Later People of the Fertile Crescent • By 2000BC, Ur lay in ruins and waves of invaders fought to take control of the area. • Babylonians was one of these groups.

  29. Babylonian Empire • By 1800BC, Babylon had a powerful government and King in Hammurabi. • Babylon’s second chance was built to succeed because of his rule.

  30. Hammurabi’s Code • Hammurabi was a brilliant leader. He won on the battle field, used tax dollars to build the city and irrigate its land, but most importantly created a list of 282 laws to govern the empire. • The empire fell after his death.

  31. Hittites • Hittites were masterful fighters and ironworkers, mastering the technique of fighting from a chariot- a wheeled horse drawn cart. • Hittites ruled Babylon for a short while, until the Kassites took the reign for the next 400 years.

  32. Assyrians • The Assyrians briefly ruled Babylon in 1200BC and for a longer term 300 years later in 900BC. • During the second term the rulers were more fierce, feared and demanding of the citizens.

  33. Chaldeans • The Assyrians self-destructed and fought internally. • The Chaldeans attacked and destroyed the Nineveh and Assyrian Empires. • Nebuchadnezzar rebuild Babylon beautifully, featuring the famous hanging gardens.

  34. Phoenicians • Located west of the Fertile Crescent rose the nation of Phoenicia, now Lebanon. • The master craftsmen and sailors revolutionized the trade industry. They became very wealthy and powerful. • They also created the 1st alphabet

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