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UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS MSc . Social Statistics Subject: SST - 501 [Design of Research Studies] Assignment 1: Research Concept Presenter: Samuel G. Njuguna Adm. No: I56/80011/2012 Lecturer: Mr. E. Obudho Date: 6-Dec-2012.
UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBISCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS • MSc. Social Statistics • Subject: SST - 501 [Design of Research Studies] • Assignment 1: Research Concept • Presenter: Samuel G. Njuguna • Adm. No: I56/80011/2012 • Lecturer: Mr. E. Obudho • Date: 6-Dec-2012
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Education has always been considered as a key driver of a country’s economy. Investment in human capital is among the key objectives of any economy. With the prevalent scarcity of privately owned material resources such as land and livestock, the greatest inheritance that a child can get from the parents in today’s economy is education. With the realization of this, the Kenyan government has taken drastic measures to ensure that education is affordable and accessible by all. Such measures include offering free primary education, tuition free secondary education , raising the enrollment levels in the public universities, reducing the duration between completion of high school course and university admission, among others. Other than education, the government is as well investing in other projects to enhance economy development which will greatly facilitate the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as well as Vision 2030. Among these projects, is the rural electrification project which is overseen by the Rural Electrification Authority (REA). Since its establishment under Section 66 of the Energy Act, 2006 (No 12 of 2006) as a body corporate, with the mandate of accelerating the pace of rural electrification in order to promote sustainable socio-economic development, REA has made great achievements in reaching vast of the rural Kenya in its task. Among the beneficiaries of this noble task of REA in conjunction with Kenya Power and other stakeholders is Kirinyaga South District.
1.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Everything that is done to solve a problem or to make a step ahead in development, will always have its pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages. Rural electrification is a great achievement for Kenya as a country and as an economy, but the use of the availed electricity by the beneficiaries will greatly determine whether the objectives of the electrification will be achieved or not. Of the sectors that are affected by this electrification is education. Among the uses of electricity that benefit learners are; lighting of schools which may see learning hours increased in a day, lighting of homes which may see the study hours of students at home increased, increased use of computers and internet, enhanced school administration and secretariat services, etc. Other outcomes of the electrification within the society where the learners reside include; emergence of entertainment hubs in the neighborhoods, increased use of television, radio, internet, and other entertainment facilities at the homes, increased use of public address systems at churches, mosques and other public facilities in the neighborhoods, among others. These uses of electricity, if not properly handled and controlled will adversely affect the learners’ behavior thus their commitment, discipline and performance in education. Consequently, a problem of controversy arises between the merits and the demerits of rural electrification as far as education is concerned.
1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The main objective of the study is to establish the negative effects of rural electrification on education. The specific objectives will be: • To establish the negative effects of upcoming entertainment businesses (hubs) in the neighborhood on education. • To establish the negative effects of the newly used public address systems in public places like churches and mosques on education. • To establish the negative effects of the improved home entertainment on education.
1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS The research questions will be: • How do the upcoming entertainment businesses (hubs) in the neighborhood negatively affect education? • How do the newly used public address systems in public places like churches and mosques negatively affect education? • How do the improved home entertainment negatively affect education?
1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The study is significant in the sense that it will put into perspective the effects of rural electrification on education. This will help: • The government authorities to see the need to regulate the kind of businesses that are upcoming in the rural areas where electricity has been supplied, so as not to affect education of the learners in those areas. • The government authorities, the churches and the mosques to see the need of moderating the use of public addresses in all their meetings so as not to affect learning in the neighborhoods. • The parents to see the need to moderate and monitor home entertainment so as not to affect education of their children and their neighbors’ children adversely.
1.5 THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study will only be carried out within Kirinyaga South district, where the learners, parents, teachers, and local authority officials will be involved. In addition, only the areas that have benefited from the rural electrification project, within the district, will be considered. The research will only be confined in establishing the negative effects of rural electrification on education.1.6 LIMITATIONS A number of limitations are anticipated such as; • Insufficient resources and instruments to capture all the required data/information • Inaccessibility of some areas due to poor infrastructure and lack of suitable means of transport • Some respondents failing to fill questionnaires and others filling inadequately • 1.7 ASSUMPTIONS • The study will be carried out on the assumptions that; • The respondents will give correct and accurate information as at the time • Rural electrification has significant positive effects on education
2.0 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Intervening variables Independent variable Dependent variable Upcoming entertainment hubs in the neighborhood Rural Electrification Education Use of public address systems in churches and mosques in the neighborhood Improved home entertainment
3.0 METHODOLOGY 3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN • Descriptive design will be used for the study so as to enhance thorough investigation of the stated problem. This will culminate in proper definition and clarification of the problem, and digging out of pertinent information that could be of use to policy makers on education, where electrification in the rural areas is concerned. This kind of research design has been recommended as the best (Orodho, 2004; Dane, 2000). • 3.2 DATA COLLECTION • Questionnaires will be used to collect primary data. Four sets of questionnaires will be administered using the drop and pick method to the potential and targeted respondents. These respondents will include learners, parents, teachers and local authority government officials. The data collection exercise will be aided by seven research assistants, where each will be assigned one location from which to collect data. This task of data collection is expected to be completed within a period of one month.
3.3 Sample Size and Sampling Techniques The study targets an approximate population of 153,013 people distributed as follows: A total sample size of at least 10% (15,301 respondents) of the population (Mugenda & Mugenda, 1999) would be preferred. However, due to the constraint in budget and other resources, the fact that not all areas have been supplied with electricity and not all areas may be considered to be rural, this sample has been revised downwards to 3000 respondents. Cluster sampling technique will firstly be applied to ensure coverage of the whole population. Further, proportional sampling will be used to determine the sample size per cluster (location). Purposive sampling will as well be used within the clusters so that the sample units are only obtained from the areas that have already benefited from the rural electrification. In the final stages, simple random sampling method will be used to sample households and individuals within the households.
4.0 DATA ANALYSIS Once the questionnaires are collected, they will be screened to ensure completeness and consistency. They will be grouped according to the four categories of respondents; learners, parents, teachers and local authority government officials. The data will then be coded, entered in well designed data/work sheets and edited (cleaned) ready for presentation and analysis. Methods of data presentation to be used are tables, line graphs, frequency histograms, charts and plots. Descriptive statistics will then be obtained on various sets of data, and inferential statistics investigations performed. The R statistical software, Social Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and MS Excel will be used for the presentation and analysis of data.
5.0 EXPECTED RESULTS The study is expected to adduce the existence of significant negative effects of rural electrification on education through the intervening variables. The study will also establish some of the corrective actions that may be taken by the relevant authorities and education stakeholders so as to curb these negative effects of rural electrification on education.
REFERENCES Ginsburg, H.R., & Russell, R.L. (1981). Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 46(6), 1-69 Kothari, C.R. (2004).Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques (2nd Ed.).New Delhi, India: New Age International Publishers. Mugenda O.M. & Mugenda, A.G. (1999).Research methods: quantitative and qualitative approaches. Nairobi: ACTS Press. Muola, J.M. (2010).A study of the relationship between academic achievement motivation and home environment among standard eight pupils. Educational Research Reviews, 5,213-217.available at: http://www.academicjournals.org/ERR2