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Alkyl Halides

Alkyl Halides. Cissy Wang Catherine Gong Block: C. Agenda. 1. Review previous content 2. Introduction of the topic 3. Analyzing details of Alkyl Halides (examples) 4. Question time 4. Fun time

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Alkyl Halides

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Alkyl Halides Cissy Wang Catherine Gong Block: C

  2. Agenda • 1. Review previous content • 2. Introduction of the topic • 3. Analyzing details of Alkyl Halides (examples) • 4. Question time • 4. Fun time • 5 Question time • 6. Assignment

  3. Previous Review • EXAMPLE • Rules of naming Alkyl groups? -1) Name the Alkane group first -2) Next, name the part of the Alkyl group -3)Decide the position of the structure ●(Least rule)—use the smaller number -4)Combine the ideas together and re-write the name of the structure

  4. 1.Previous Review---prefixes • 1-meth • 2-eth • 3-prop • 4-but • 5-pent • 6-Hex • 7-hept • 8-oct • 9-non • 10-dec

  5. Previous Review • How to indicate the position of attachment on the hydrocarbon chain? • Ex. (Least rule)—use the smaller number • CH 3—CH — CH 2 — CH —CH 2—CH 2—CH 2—CH 3 • | | CH 3 CH 2 —CH 3 • =4- ethyl-2-methyloctane

  6. Introduction of the topic • Basically, Alkyl halides is connected with Halogens------------ the special family in the Periodic Table ,formed by F, Cl, Br , I and At • The process of learning naming Alkyl halides is straightforward.

  7. Hydrocarbons with halogens attached e.g): CH 3 — Cl Choromethane CH 3— CH—CH 3 2-fluoropropane | F

  8. 1)Alykl halides tend to be insoluble in water 2)Compounds with many fluorine atoms tend to be unreactive 3)Chloro and bromo compounds are susceptible to chemical attack, but require relatively drastic conditions.

  9. Do you have any part that we have talked about makes you feel confused? Question Time?

  10. Fun time • Rule of the activity: -We want to form groups of 4 -The winner team of this activity can gain a prize -Good luck girls ,and try your best!

  11. Powerpoint Jeopardy

  12. Define: What is the prefix of 7?

  13. What is Alkane?

  14. Give two kinds of branch’s names of the examples of hydrocarbons with halogen attached.

  15. Name the following molecules?(100 point) CH 3— CH 2— CI

  16. Name the following molecules CH 3— CH—CH 2 —CH 2—CH 2— I | CH 3

  17. Name the following molecules See the question on the blackboard!!

  18. Draw the following molecules: trichloromethane

  19. Draw the following molecules: 1,1,1-trifluoro-2-methylpentane

  20. Draw the following molecules: 1,3,5-tribromocyclohexane

  21. True or False??(100 point) Alkyl halides tend to be soluble in water?

  22. Explain One of the properties of Alkyl halides states that: Compounds with many fluorine atoms tend to be unreactive. Why???

  23. You are such a lucky dog! Congratulation !!!

  24. We almost done the lesson, do you have any questions? Question Time?

  25. Assignment • Textbook : • Page: P 225 # 17 b, d, e #18, b, d

  26. Thank you for your listening!!!

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