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Welcome to Mr. Crosby’s Class!. Who is Mr. Crosby?. From Vestal, NY (upstate). Graduated high school in 1990. Lives in Richmond with a wife (teaches special education at Kit Carson ele) and 2 boys ages 10 and 14. 12 th year at Tates Creek ( 7 years at Beaumont Middle).
Who is Mr. Crosby? • From Vestal, NY (upstate). Graduated high school in 1990. • Lives in Richmond with a wife (teaches special education at Kit Carson ele) and 2 boys ages 10 and 14. • 12th year at Tates Creek ( 7 years at Beaumont Middle). • Golfer, Runner, Singer, Cellist, Guitarist, Coach, and I love to eat (but not doughnuts or potato chips). • College Degrees • Graduated in 1994 (Earth Science/geography) from EKU • Graduated in 2003 (Masters in Earth Science and Gifted/Talented) from EKU • Currently working on Doctorate in Educational Leadership at EKU (one more year to go).
Subjects Taught • General and Honor’s Integrated Science 1 • 9th grade students • Required course for graduation • 143 students • Meteorology/Astronomy • 11th/12th grade students • Elective • Can be used to fulfill Earth Science Graduation requirement • 23 students
How do I teach? • I teach like I coach. I treat learning like an athlete or musician tries to learn a new skill. • They are expected to make mistakes and learn from them. • They are not penalized when they make mistakes during practice as long as they strive to correct their mistakes. • We practice so we can perform. • This is all based upon the truth that ALL students can learn, but they learn at different rates.
Grades! • 50% Formative (Practice) • Students get multiple chances to “get it right.” • Students must try to get the multiple chances. • I review perfect papers and the correct answers before students turn in their work (they are self-assessing before I grade the paper). • If they think they need more time to adjust their answers, they get it (as long as they tried the first time). • Most formative work are labs/activities that we do in class. • Homework is usually what we did not finish in class so it is possible to complete it before getting home (sometimes) • Quizzes
A New Approach to Quizzes! • Typical Quiz (part of the formative assessment): • Students grade THEIR OWN PAPERS after taking the quiz. • Students justify all correct answers (regardless if the got it right or not) while they are grading the quiz. • Students receive FULL credit on the quiz (as long as they honestly tell me what they got AND justify ALL answers). • I get immediate feedback from students so I know who to help and if the lesson worked. • Students receive immediate feedback so they know if and what they learned. • There is no pressure!!!! • Quiz questions are almost identical to the test questions • All quizzes double as study guides. • If your son/daughter has a zero on a quiz, they either did not take it or they did not justify their answers.
Grades continued • 35% Summative • Unit Exams • Quizzes at as a study guide • 1 week notice given before test • Students may prepare a 3x5 inch note card as a cheat sheet. They may write on both sides • No typing or photocopies • Front and back are accepted
Grades Continued • 15% Cumulative Final Exam • Given at the end of the semester • I recycle old test questions • Study day right before the final exam
Class Webpage • All assignments are posted on the class webpage. • The page is always up to date. • It includes what we did each day, what is due the next day, and what was assigned for HW. • If you are absent, go to the class webpage for make-up work. http://www.staff.fcps.net/kcrosby/
Extra Help in Science • Visit me during my planning periods (A3 and B1) • Email me for help • I cannot stay after school - sorry • Visit me in the mornings (please let me know if you are coming in) • I can come in early to school as early as you want me to (I am a morning person)
Questions/Comments? Please do not hesitate to contact me via email Kevin.crosby@fayette.kyschools.us I will respond within 24 hours. I will also send out emails to all the parents every other week. Please make sure your email address is current in the counseling office.