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Sustainability - A driving force for Innovation

Sustainability - A driving force for Innovation. The Role of universities and research. Klaus Woltron. The actual situation. Demographic Revolution. more and younger. Less and older. Increasing pollution in the emerging regions. Shrinking population. Migration. Quelle: 29. 12. 2005.

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Sustainability - A driving force for Innovation

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  1. Sustainability - A driving force for Innovation The Role of universities and research Klaus Woltron

  2. The actual situation

  3. Demographic Revolution more and younger Less and older Klaus Woltron

  4. Increasing pollution in the emerging regions Klaus Woltron

  5. Shrinking population Migration Quelle: 29. 12. 2005 Klaus Woltron

  6. Unequalness: richer get richer; the poor are moving slower Klaus Woltron

  7. Decreasing resources:The Reference Scenario(Dennis Meadows, Club of Vienna, Nov.2006) Pollution Population Industrial Output Food Resources Klaus Woltron

  8. Increasing hunger for energy Klaus Woltron

  9. Energy – Poker – right or wrong? 2005 the peak of fossile energy production has been reached (is it true?) "Oil, Oil, Everywhere..." was the title of a fact-filled essay is a recent issue of The Wall Street Journal, which showed how absurd the "oil shortage" fears truly are: "To pick just one example among many, finding costs are essentially zero for the 3.5 trillion barrels of oil that soak the clay in the Orinoco basin in Venezuela, and the Athabasca tar sands in Alberta, Canada. Yes, that's trillion -- over a century's worth of global supply, at the current 30-billion-barrel-a-year rate of consumption." Klaus Woltron

  10. Riches get richer Klaus Woltron

  11. Liberty is not secured Klaus Woltron

  12. Violence increasing Klaus Woltron

  13. Global warming Source: United Nations Environment Program http://www.grida.no/climate/vital/19.htm Klaus Woltron

  14. Increase of disasters Source: Swiss Re Klaus Woltron

  15. Enormous dynamics in all areas of society • Technology • Lifestyle • Migration • Political environment • Borderless economy • Styles of cooperation • Communication networks • Reengineering of life Klaus Woltron

  16. Growth in any respect Outlook to 2050 ..but not so much in insight and wisdom. Source: ETH Zurich, A. Zehnder Klaus Woltron

  17. Overstressed biocapacity Transition to use-up biocapacity capital Klaus Woltron

  18. Environment and resources: The bottleneck Today ? Quelle: Sustainable Performance Group, 2006 Klaus Woltron

  19. Risks Immediate risks Long term risks Klaus Woltron

  20. Technology enabled the growth of mankind's populations Years Klaus Woltron

  21. There is no way back to pure nature Without controlled use of technology earth cannot nurture more than max. 1,5 billion people Why sustainability? Klaus Woltron

  22. Collateral economic damage: Good tasks – bad side effects Klaus Woltron

  23. Steps into a sustainable world Economic incentives and system approach Responsibility for causalities Measures against causes Target - oriented measures Regulations, subsidies End of pipe Problem identification 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Club of Rome Efficiency increase Rio Tokyo 2000 Watt-society (?) Red. Of poverty, stab. of pop. growth Sustainability as guiding principle of all decisions (follows ETH/Zehnder) Klaus Woltron

  24. 2000- Watt- Society 7000 total 6000 Renewable energies 5000 4000 Watt Fossile energy consumption 3000 2000 Erneuerbare Energie 1000 1920 1980 2100 2160 1940 2000 2040 2120 1960 2020 2140 2180 2200 2060 2080 1900 Source: BFE, IPCC Klaus Woltron

  25. In average: 2000 Watt/Person 10`000 W 6000 W 2000 W 0 W Jahr 2050 Jahr 2000 Klaus Woltron

  26. From gas guzzlers to nearly emission free vehicles VW Golf 1974 (Benzin, 55 kW, 810 kg) Clean Engine Vehicle (CEV)(LNG, 44 kW, 1‘055 kg) 40.4 g/km 3.5 g/km 1.3 g/km 165.7 g/km 8.6% (off. EU-Fahrzyklus) COHC NOx CO2Efficiency 0.15 g/km 0.10 g/km 0.00 g/km 109.5 g/km 15.4% (off. EU-Fahrzyklus) Klaus Woltron

  27. Bulbs who give light instead of heat Factor: 25 Edison- lamp (1880) Energy saving bulb 75-100 lm/W 3 lm/W Efficiency: (Lichtstrom pro bezogene Leistung) Klaus Woltron

  28. Fuel made of wood Ecogas Pilot plant for production of biogas made of wood Site: Güssing (Austria) Product: fuel for engines 1000- hour test end June, 2004 Target: 20 resp. 100 Megawatt- plant Klaus Woltron

  29. New fuelling techniques Klaus Woltron

  30. Buildings without CO2- emissions Factor 8 MINERGIE-P EAWAG/Zurich 1970 200 kWh/m2a Energy input 25 kWh/m2a Klaus Woltron

  31. Opportunities and chances for universities The challenge to set examples

  32. Core elements of scientific values • Safeguarding human development • Integration of civilization- systems in the system of nature and synchronization with the potential of ecological systems • Integration of all this into scientific and technological long-term targets Klaus Woltron

  33. Sustainability as basic principle of innovation • Sustainability is a driving force for innovation • Innovations are the driving forces for competitiveness and wealth. • Innovations ask for boldness, risk taking and entrepreneurship • Sustainability demands interconnected, interdisciplinary competences • Sustainability is top managements/the rectors business. … a pioneer's affair! Klaus Woltron

  34. Good professional perspectives Much more important in former times…. Rising challenge! Source: Föhrenbergkreis Vienna, 2000 Klaus Woltron

  35. Big companies change their attitude Klaus Woltron

  36. Sustainable investment targets: Water, energy, resource efficiency, healthy living Klaus Woltron

  37. In the post- reengineering- world innovation is the key factor of success Average Shareholder Return vs. Innovativeness Rating 80% agree to: 60% 50% "Top management's commitment to and focus on increasing its organization's innovative ability could lead to significant bottom line results over and above typical costcutting and re-engineering initiatives" Source: ADL innovation survey 40% 30% 20% 10% Average Annual Shareholder Return 1986-96 0% -10% -20% 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 7,00 8,00 9,00 Innovativeness Rating Innovativeness Rating: Based on America’s Most Admired Corporations, Fortune Magazine ranking of 578 U.S. companies based on executive peer ratings and investment analyst evaluations. Klaus Woltron

  38. Be prepared for setbacks and disappointments… 40% of all plans fail 30% of all new enterprises disappear within the first five years 50% of all mergers and re – development plans fail One has therefore to live with disappointments and failures. Without frustration tolerance you are chanceless in tomorrow's world. Klaus Woltron

  39. Evolutional approach: Find new system guidelines and parameters……. …and leave further development to self – organization within the system. Klaus Woltron

  40. The best plans are useless without the will to succeed.... Sub – consciousness drives our inspiration, intention, mood, and perception. Consciousness and action follow behing! Klaus Woltron

  41. Thanks for your attention! THINK ! Klaus Woltron

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