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S L O V E N S K Á T E C H N I C K Á U N I V E R Z I T A V B R A T I S L A V E Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie S L O V A K U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y I N B R A T I S L A V A Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology.
S L O V E N S K Á T E C H N I C K Á U N I V E R Z I T A V B R A T I S L A V E Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie S L O V A K U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y I N B R A T I S L A V A Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology U N I V E R Z I T A K O M E N S K É H O V B R A T I S L A V E Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky C O M E N I U S U N I V E R S I T Y I N B R A T I S L A V A Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Subject „Radiation Protection“ in environmental study programmes Oľga Holá, Karol Holý
Introduction • Natural radioactivity - an inseparable ingredient of environment. Mankind during its evolution was permanently exposed to an influence of radioactive radiation. • Artificial radioactivity and applications of ionizing radiation - practically everywhere. Enormous development of applications of IR: • in medicine, biology, chemistry, technology,material sciences, • IR – basis of new fields of activity – e.g. nuclear medicine • nuclear energy – irreplaceable source of energy Negative influences of ionizing radiation: • atomic and nuclear explosions • atomic weapon tests • accidentsof nuclear power stations
General public • disscussion about influence of IR on man and on environment • interest in recognition of physics of radioactive radation • interest of all potentialinfluences So the question is: Is IR biological hazard, or is our helper?Consequences of radiation – - in all complex matters the specific changes occur - many biochemical reactions in human organism →Study of the relation between: radioactivity and human being, radioactivity and environment has received great attention in recent years. → importance of radiation protection → education
Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology of SUT in Bratislava Engineering stage of study: • „Laboratory exercises of environmental engineering I, II, III“ - parts of radioecology,(1 + 2. IS) • New subject “Radiation Protection” into the engineering study at Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology in Bratislava last year In engineering study programmes: 1. Environmental Chemistry and Technology 2. Chemical Engineering
Content Understanding of philosophy of radiation protection assumes a perfect knowledge of: • physical principles of an origin of various types of ionizing radiation, • various types of IR sources, • interaction processes of ionizing radiation with the matter • basic detection methods • applications of IR in science, industry, medicine • radioactive waste dispoasal • chemical and biological effects
Subject Radiation Protection • 1. Ionizing radiation and its properties • 2. Relation of radioactive decays • 3. Basic classification of IR • 4. Interaction of IR with matter • 5. System of dosimetric quantity • 6. Natural sources of IR • 7. Industrial sources of IR • 8. Detectors of IR • 9. Application of IR – nuclear power engineering • 10. IR in science, industry and medicine • 11. Radioactive waste • 12. Biological effects of IR • 13. Radiation protection – organization and technical measures, legislation
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics CU in Bratislava Bachelor's stage of study Study branch: Physics • study programme: Physics „Bases of radiation physics and protection against radiation“ „Laboratory exercises of radiometry“ „Radionuclides in environment“ • study programme: Renewable sources of energy and environmental physics „Bases of radiation physics“ „Laboratory exercises of radiometry and spektrometry“
Master's stage of study: Study branch: Physics • study programme: Renewable sources of energy and environmental physics „Environmental radioactivity“ „Methods of radioactive monitoring“ „Nuclear power engineering a environment“ „Protection against IR and its biological effects“ „Dosimetry and microdosimetry of radiation“ • study programme: Nuclear and subnuclear physics „Radiation environmental physics“ „Nuclear power engineering a environment“ „Biologicaleffects ofIR“ „Radon, measurement and risk“
Textbooks and videos • Multimedia textbook: „Ionizing Radiation and Radiation Protection“ (Holý,Holá,et al.= 18 coauthors), finantial support KEGA MŠ SR 2005-2009 Є - text part (25 chapters with many hypertexts) - multimedia part (12 films, 43 presentations) - informations about authors and their research workplaces
2. University textbook: „Radiation Protection“ with subtitle: „Ionizing Radiation, its Effects and Protection against it“ (Holá, Holý 2010).APVV LPP-0230-09 • text part: 31 solved + 31 unsolved problems, 292 controlling questions, table supplements • DVD supplement: ⋲image attachment (85 fig.) short video-films (7)
RADIAČNÁ OCHRANA Ionizujúce žiarenie, jeho účinky a ochrana pred ionizujúcim žiarením S T U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave Oľga HOLÁ Karol HOLÝ ISBN 978-80-227-3240-6
Usage of X- rays in medical diagnostics Nuclear medicine – free sources in diagnostics and therapy Radioaktivity; Source of irradiation; X-rays and rtg difractometer Modern depictive techniques in radiology and nuclear medicine Ionizing radiation and radiation protection in medicine
Conclusion Aims Students, but also general public would have a complex perception about origin, physical principles and interactions of ionizing radiation with the matter. Also knowledge of universal applications of ionizing radiation but also of its undesirable effects and finally knowledge of radiation protection principles is very important.
Usage of our multimedia materials University stage of study – at various types of faculties – facultiesof natural science, medicine faculties, health education, pharmaceutical faculties, as well as at technical and technological faculties in subjects that have something to do with ionizing radiation Secondary stage of study – as study material for teachers to obtain professional training, e.g. multimedia part can be used also as educational material for students General public – information and promotive material at various projects „Root of all the evil in the world is lack of cognition“
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