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Northamptonshire County Council and Kier Getting it ‘right first time ’ County Councils Network Annual Conference Annual Conference 19 th November, 2013. 19/11/2013. David Farquhar - NCC Greg Michael - Kier. Northamptonshire Highways Maintenance Initiative. Discussion today.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Northamptonshire County Council and KierGetting it ‘right first time’County Councils Network Annual ConferenceAnnual Conference19th November, 2013 19/11/2013 David Farquhar - NCC Greg Michael - Kier

  2. Northamptonshire Highways Maintenance Initiative

  3. Discussion today Setting the scene - the contract Greg Michael The catalysts- Why we did what we did David Farquhar The new approach Year 1 results Now Future ideas So what next? Discussion

  4. Setting the scene Contract started in March 2008 Challenged the past Credibility from real transparency Engagement equal from both sides and with market Our approach to risk Did what we said Deliver the best possible solution Trust and true partnership leads to innovation

  5. Kier in Northamptonshire Community and stakeholder engagement Economic growth Jobs Apprenticeships A snapshot of us in the county now • Building- The Innovation Cube building in Northampton. New student accommodation in Northampton Remodelling of Criminal Justice Centre • Recycling in East Northamptonshire • Housing - The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA)

  6. The new approach Less reactive and more planned repairs All permanent repairs except for emergencies Focus on prevention Understanding and communication The Northamptonshire Highways Maintenance Initiative (NMHI) Launched April 2010 Getting it ‘right first time’

  7. The catalysts Reductions in budgets Deteriorating condition of the network Public dissatisfaction with roads and footpaths And ultimately The winters…. In fact, the weather!

  8. Year 1 results Substantial increases in permanent/semi-permanent repairs - 90% of all repairs carried out (10% previously) Efficiency savings of £457k from effective patching minimising temporary repairs. 55% increase in preventative surface treatments. Longer term savings of £2.5 million are anticipated from the preventative approach. Reduction in public reported defects of 23% for carriageway potholes. Reduction in incident claims against the Council caused by poor road surfaces of 48%. Nearly halved our CO2 emissions over a 2 year period through more effective planning of work. Less miles travelled resulted in a £22,000 reduction in fuel usage (current figures). Around approx. 3km of road repair patching completed. Safer and better working practices. Doing more whilst on site – achieved a 9% increase in defects repaired over and above what was initially identified. Positive feedback from the public increased. Recognition and Reputation; • National Highways and Transport (NHT) Public Opinion Survey • Northamptonshire County Council – You Choose Survey

  9. Future ideas Delay winter repairs until the weather improves to allow ‘right first time.’ Re-think the intervention levels and reclassifying some roads. Offer an area package of repairs in partnership with the local community (maintenance makeover). Reclassify some roads/ introduce additional hierarchies to give more flexibility. Reduce some rural carriageway widths and introducing passing places. Reduce the asset with sign decluttering and sign rationalisation, including limiting the use of information signs and other street furniture. Explore options for self financed and maintained street furniture. Explore the options to enable more self help in terms of carrying out maintenance to the asset. Make assets redundant e.g. close bridges, stop up roads and footways when it makes sense to do so and suitable alternative exists.

  10. Managing the expectation Signs informing the public of intention Speed limits on roads awaiting repair Robust communication to our customers about our challenges and solutions

  11. So what next? Discussion

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