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Karen Desoto- An Inspiration

Karen Desoto is a lawyer by profession but that is just the starting of the many talents of this inspirational woman. She is also a humanitarian, an activist and an on-air legal analyst for NBC. For more detail you can visits other official site http://karendesoto.info/

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Karen Desoto- An Inspiration

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  1. Karen Desoto- An Inspiration http://karendesoto.info

  2. About Karen Desoto • Karen Desoto is a lawyer by profession but that is just the starting of the many talents of this inspirational woman. • She is also a humanitarian, an activist and an on-air legal analyst for NBC. • She has also appeared on other leading news channels like Court TV, CNN headline News, Fox News, ABC news and MSNBC. • Karen Desoto also co-founded and is a co-director of the Institute for dispute resolution at the business school of New Jersey City University. http://karendesoto.info

  3. Not just this but she is also a visiting professor at her institute. • In recent interviews she has also talked about her institute and the idea behind it. • She has received numerous awards and recognitions for her efforts and worked with many legal organizations as well. http://karendesoto.info

  4. Awards And Accolades Received By Karen Desoto • She was named Humanitarian of the Year by the Bayonne Youth Center. • Attorney of the Year by the Heritage Foundation. • Honored by the NAACP and the Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education magazine. • She was also named on the list of the top most influential people in Hudson County. http://karendesoto.info

  5. Why This Lady Is An Inspiration To A Generation? • If here many talents are not enough Karen Desoto still takes out time for people of her community. • She has devoted her time and efforts to her community by acting as a mentor, an activist and an advocate of civil rights. • She works to ensure that people are treat justly. • Be it in India or anywhere else in the world Karen Desoto is an inspiration to many young girls who have faced bias. • Her work and success should motivate girls to achieve their dreams. http://karendesoto.info

  6. Contact • Address: Jersey City, New Jersey, 07305 • Phone: 201-204-3487 Resource • http://karendesoto.info/ • http://missperfectwoman.com/karen-desoto-is-a-woman-to-admire/ • http://www.brieaustin.com/2016/08/interview-with-karen-desoto/ • https://www.crunchbase.com/person/karen-desoto • https://branded.me/karendesoto

  7. Thank You http://karendesoto.info

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