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General Safety

General Safety . Your responsibilities. Why be concerned with safety?. Protect yourself Protect those around Protect people you will never meet. Types of Threats. Personal safety Nuisances Physical Threats Chemical Threats. Issues of Personal Safety. Avoid working alone

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General Safety

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Presentation Transcript

  1. General Safety Your responsibilities

  2. Why be concerned with safety? • Protect yourself • Protect those around • Protect people you will never meet

  3. Types of Threats • Personal safety • Nuisances • Physical Threats • Chemical Threats

  4. Issues of Personal Safety • Avoid working alone • After Hour Work Permits • Locking Doors

  5. Nuisances • Stains and Dyes • Clothing Damage

  6. Physical Threats • Dropping, falling, bumping • Cuts • Fire • Compressed gasses • Steam • Burns

  7. Dropping, falling, bumping • Avoid wearing open toed shoes (sandals) • Clean up any spills, even water! • Use a proper ladder or step-stool • Keep cabinet doors closed

  8. Sharp Objects

  9. What to do in case of a cut • Let somebody know • Apply light pressure with clean towel, elevate the area above your heart • Clean wound and apply antiseptic • Disinfect any blood spills, decontaminate any waste • Deep punctures should be encouraged to bleed

  10. Fire • Let someone know • Find an exit route (Room 220 Door and Window) • Fire extinguisher by door – PASS!

  11. I’m on fire! • Lab coat, hair tied • Stop, Drop, and Roll • Never reach across an open flame • Never leave a flame unattended

  12. Compressed gases • Pressure • Suffocation • Poisoning • Explosion

  13. Steam • More lethal than fire • Autoclave (make sure pressure is zero!) • Vent all bottles and tubes during heating

  14. “Hot glass and cold glass look exactly alike” Chartrain’s Law of Glass

  15. What to do about minor burns • Apply wet ice to deaden the pain

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