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Explore the significance of solemn promises, words of pledge used in court, swearwords, and the context of oaths. Understand the importance of discretion and the keen sense of avoiding offenses in communication. Distinguish between hardship and vacant states, qualifying for opportunities, and asserting one's eligibility.
. solemn promise: a formal or legally binding pledge to do something such as tell the truth in a court of law, made formally and often naming God or a loved one as a witness 2. words of promise: the words said when making a formal pledge, especially when reciting a conventional formula such as that used in a court of law 3. swearword: a swearword, especially one that uses the name of God or another sacred name in a disrespectful way
oath . solemn promise: a formal or legally binding pledge to do something such as tell the truth in a court of law, made formally and often naming God or a loved one as a witness 2. words of promise: the words said when making a formal pledge, especially when reciting a conventional formula such as that used in a court of law 3. swearword: a swearword, especially one that uses the name of God or another sacred name in a disrespectful way
adj[gə lánt, gə lnt] 1. courteous: courteous and thoughtful, especially toward women 2. brave: brave, spirited, and honorable (literary) 3. majestic: grand and majestic (archaic) 4. stylish: stylish or showy in dress (archaic)
gallant adj[gə lánt, gə lnt] 1. courteous: courteous and thoughtful, especially toward women 2. brave: brave, spirited, and honorable (literary) 3. majestic: grand and majestic (archaic) 4. stylish: stylish or showy in dress (archaic)
1. ability to avoid giving offense: skill in situations in which other people’s feelings have to be considered 2. discretion: an intuitive sense of what is right or appropriate
tact 1. ability to avoid giving offense: skill in situations in which other people’s feelings have to be considered 2. discretion: an intuitive sense of what is right or appropriate
n 1. difficulties: difficulty or suffering caused by a lack of something, especially money 2. cause of hardship: something that causes hardship
hardship n 1. difficulties: difficulty or suffering caused by a lack of something, especially money 2. cause of hardship: something that causes hardship
adj 1. without an occupant: having no occupant or contents There were several vacant seats on the bus. a vacant lot2. unoccupied by an incumbent or official: not occupied by an incumbent, official, or possessor 3. lacking expression: showing no signs of thought, intelligence, or expression a vacant stare4. free from activity: free from activity, business, or work a vacant afternoon CORE MEANING: lacking contents or occupants vacant describes a house or room that has no occupants, often temporarily; unoccupied describes a building that has no one in it, especially when this has been the case for quite some time; empty describes something such as a container that has no contents or something such as a room that has no occupants;
vacant adj 1. without an occupant: having no occupant or contents There were several vacant seats on the bus. a vacant lot2. unoccupied by an incumbent or official: not occupied by an incumbent, official, or possessor 3. lacking expression: showing no signs of thought, intelligence, or expression a vacant stare4. free from activity: free from activity, business, or work a vacant afternoon CORE MEANING: lacking contents or occupants vacant describes a house or room that has no occupants, often temporarily; unoccupied describes a building that has no one in it, especially when this has been the case for quite some time; empty describes something such as a container that has no contents or something such as a room that has no occupants;
1. vtibe or make somebody suitable: to have or give somebody a skill or attribute necessary for a particular activity 2. vtihave or give somebody eligibility: to become legally eligible or make somebody legally eligible for a position or privilege • Did your exam results qualify you for the job?3. viwin first round of competition: to complete the preliminary part of a competition successfully and earn the right to go on to the next stage
qualify 1. vtibe or make somebody suitable: to have or give somebody a skill or attribute necessary for a particular activity 2. vtihave or give somebody eligibility: to become legally eligible or make somebody legally eligible for a position or privilege • Did your exam results qualify you for the job?3. viwin first round of competition: to complete the preliminary part of a competition successfully and earn the right to go on to the next stage
1. intense: intense and lively keen competition2. sensitive: finely tuned and able to sense minor differences, distinctions, or details a keen sense of smell3. enthusiastic: very eager and willing not very keen on the idea4. acute: quick to understand things a keen sense of humor5. sharp: with a sharp cutting edge (literary) a keen razor6. biting: extremely cold and penetrating a keen wind7. very good: fine or very good (dated slang) a keen new bike
keen 1. intense: intense and lively keen competition2. sensitive: finely tuned and able to sense minor differences, distinctions, or details a keen sense of smell3. enthusiastic: very eager and willing not very keen on the idea4. acute: quick to understand things a keen sense of humor5. sharp: with a sharp cutting edge (literary) a keen razor6. biting: extremely cold and penetrating a keen wind7. very good: fine or very good (dated slang) a keen new bike
1. envious: feeling bitter and unhappy because of another’s advantages, possessions, or luck 2. suspicious of rivals: feeling suspicious about a rival’s or competitor’s influence, especially in regard to a loved one
jealous 1. envious: feeling bitter and unhappy because of another’s advantages, possessions, or luck 2. suspicious of rivals: feeling suspicious about a rival’s or competitor’s influence, especially in regard to a loved one
1. vtleave somebody behind: to leave somebody or something behind for others to look after, especially somebody or something meant to be a personal responsibility • pets abandoned by their owners2. vtleave a place because of danger: to leave a place or vehicle, especially for reasons of safety and without intending to return soon • Drivers caught in the snowstorm had to abandon their vehicles.3. vtrenounce something: to renounce or reject something previously done or used • The practice was abandoned long ago.
abandon • 1. vtleave somebody behind: to leave somebody or something behind for others to look after, especially somebody or something meant to be a personal responsibility • pets abandoned by their owners2. vtleave a place because of danger: to leave a place or vehicle, especially for reasons of safety and without intending to return soon • Drivers caught in the snowstorm had to abandon their vehicles.3. vtrenounce something: to renounce or reject something previously done or used • The practice was abandoned long ago.
4. vtgive up control of something: to surrender control of something completely to somebody else As troops closed in the town was abandoned to its fate.5. vthalt something in progress: to stop doing something before it is completed, usually because of difficulty or danger 6. vt INSURANCE give up to insurer: to surrender part of an insured property to the insurer in order to make a claim for total loss 7. vrgive in to emotion: to give yourself over to a powerful emotion He abandoned himself to his grief. n lack of restraint: complete lack of inhibition or self-restraint
abandon 4. vtgive up control of something: to surrender control of something completely to somebody else As troops closed in the town was abandoned to its fate.5. vthalt something in progress: to stop doing something before it is completed, usually because of difficulty or danger 6. vt INSURANCE give up to insurer: to surrender part of an insured property to the insurer in order to make a claim for total loss 7. vrgive in to emotion: to give yourself over to a powerful emotion He abandoned himself to his grief. n lack of restraint: complete lack of inhibition or self-restraint
n (takes a singular or plural verb) 1. factual information: information, often in the form of facts or figures obtained from experiments or surveys, used as a basis for making calculations or drawing conclusions 2. COMPUTING information for computer processing: information, for example, numbers, text, images, and sounds, in a form that is suitable for storage in or processing by a computer
data n (takes a singular or plural verb) 1. factual information: information, often in the form of facts or figures obtained from experiments or surveys, used as a basis for making calculations or drawing conclusions 2. COMPUTING information for computer processing: information, for example, numbers, text, images, and sounds, in a form that is suitable for storage in or processing by a computer
adj 1. not accustomed: not used or accustomed to something 2. unfamiliar: not usual or known before
unaccustomed adj 1. not accustomed: not used or accustomed to something 2. unfamiliar: not usual or known before
n 1. unmarried man: a man who is not married, or one who has never been married 2. young knight: a young knight in feudal times who served under the banner of another knight or a great lord 3. unmated young male seal: a young male seal, especially a fur seal, that older male seals keep from having access to breeding grounds 4. CanadaSee bachelor apartment
bachelor n 1. unmarried man: a man who is not married, or one who has never been married 2. young knight: a young knight in feudal times who served under the banner of another knight or a great lord 3. unmated young male seal: a young male seal, especially a fur seal, that older male seals keep from having access to breeding grounds 4. CanadaSee bachelor apartment
phrase 1. GRAMMAR grammatical unit: a string of words that form a grammatical unit, usually within a clause or sentence 2. LANGUAGE fixed expression: a string of words that are used together
clause • n • 1. GRAMMAR group of words: a group of words consisting of a subject and its predicate. A clause usually contains a verb and may or may not be a sentence in its own right. • The sentence “she left before he arrived” contains two clauses, “she left” and “before he arrived.”
gerund 1. noun from a verb: a noun formed from a verb, describing an action, state, or process. In English, it is formed from the verb’s -ing form, as “smoking” is in the phrase “No smoking.”
infinitive • basic form of verb: a form of a verb with no reference to a particular tense, person, or subject. • In English, an infinitive is usually preceded by the word “to,” as in “to see.” • The form of the verb that expresses existence or action without reference to person, number, or tense and can also function as a noun: in English, it is usually the form of the the first person singular present preceded by the marker to (Ex.: to go, to think) or by another verb form (Ex.: can he speak? make him try)