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Uttar Pradesh. Issuance of Utilization Certificate. In Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan up to this year funds are received from two Sources. Govt. of India. State Govt.
Issuance of Utilization Certificate In Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan up to this year funds are received from two Sources. • Govt. of India. • State Govt. Govt. of India transfers its share directly to bank account of SIS/SPO and share of State Govt. is drawn through Treasuries. SPO/SIS transfers this fund to all the DPOs for various activities approved in AWP&B with detailed guidelines through EFT/RTGS.
DPOs transfer the funds to BRCs,NPRCs and VECs. At the time of release of funds from DPOs to implementing agencies like BRCs/NPRCs/VECs, it is treated as advance but for reporting purposes only the same is treated as Expenditure by the SIS/SPO. Below mentioned chart shows the flow of funds from GOI to SIS/SPO and obtaining the U/Cs against the same.
We have set format of Utilization Certificate for each stage. At VEC level we have following formats for getting the U/Cs, one for Civil work & one for other grants /activities.
mŸkj izns'k lHkh ds fy, f'k{kk ifj;kstuk ifj"kn loZ f'k{kk vfHk;ku ¼,l0,l0,0½@,u0ih0bZ0th0bZ0,y0 ftyk ifj;ksstuk dk;kZy; dk uke& fuekZ.k dk fooj.k%& izk0fo@m0 izk0fo@,d d{k@nks d{k@ejEer@'kSkpky;@is;ty] fuekZ.k dk o"kZ%& fo|ky; dk uke& Cykd dk uke& cSad dk uke & [kkrk la[;k& fuekZ.k izHkkjh dk uke& iz/kkukv/;kid@lgk0v/;kid dk uke& xzke iz/kku dk uke& lgk0cssfld f'k{kk vf/kdkjh dk uke&
eS lR;kfir djrk gWw fd Hkou fuekZ.k] fuekZ.k funsZf'kdk ds ekud ds vuqlkj iw.kZ@viw.kZ gSsA fnukaad& gLrk{kj iz0v0dk uke& eks0u0& eksgj
mŸkj izns'k lHkh ds fy, f'k{kk ifj;kstuk ifj"kn loZ f'k{kk vfHk;ku ,l0,l0,0@,u0ih0bZ0th0bZ0,y0 ftyk ifj;kstuk dk;kZy;%&- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cykd dk uke%&-- - - - - - - - - -- fo|ky; dk uke------------------------------------ cSsad dk uke o [kkrk la[;k-------------------------- iz0v0@bZ0iz0v0@l0v0 dk uke-------------------------------------- lgk0 csfld f'k{kk vf/kdkjh------------------------------------------ ,u0ih0vkj0lh0 leUo;d dk uke-------------------------------------- ch0vkj0lh0 leUo;d dk uke----------------------------------- xzke iz/kku dk uke --------------------------------------- ¼d½ izkIr /kujkf'k ,oa O;; /kujkf'k dk en okj fooj.k ¼[k½ f'k{kk fe= ls lEcfU/kr fooj.k
¼x½ Ø; dh x;h LFkk;h lkexzh dk fooj.k izekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd mijksDr lkexzh fo|ky; ds LVkd iaftdk esa vafdr gSA fnukad-------------------- gLrk{kj uke- eks0u0 ekssgj
All these Utilization Certificates are Compiled at the level of BRC and summery Utilization Certificate is prepared by BRC on the following format.
mŸkj izns'k lHkh ds fy, f'k{kk ifj;kstuk ifj"kn loZ f'k{kk vfHk;ku ¼,l0,l0,0½ ftyk ifj;ksstuk dk;kZy; %&-------------------------- ch0vkj0lh0@,u0ih0vkj0lh0 dk uke%&-------------- leUo;d dk uke%&--------------------------------------------------- lgk0cs0f'k{kk vf/kdkjh %&----------------------- dk;Zdky%&------------------------------------------ izkIr /kujkf'k dk fooj.k ¼c½ dqy O;; /kujkf'k ,oa vo'ks’k dk fooj.k 1-mijkssDr O;;ks dks fu;ekuqlkj ctV dss vUrxZr jgrs gq, O;; fd;k x;k gSsA 2-mijksDr O;;ks ls l`ftr LFkk;h lEifRr;ksa dks dk;kZy; ds LVkd iaftdk esa vafadr fd;k x;k gSsA fnukad%& gLrk{kj uke leUo;d eksgj lfgr
Again at DPO level a Utilization Certificate based on the summery Utilization Certificate received from BRCs and VECs is prepared duly signed by the BSA and Asst. Accounts Officers concerned.
SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN (S.S.A.) UTILIZATION CERTIFICATE UNDER SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN FOR THE YEAR ENDED Name of the District- 1. Certified that out of -- Grant in Aid sanctioned during the year ----- in favour of District Project Office (DPO) vide U.P. Education for all Project Board, Vidya Bhawan, Nishatganj, Lucknow - 226007
Letter Nos., noted against each and 0.00 (………… ) on account of interest & miscellaneous income earned during the period ……….. to ……….. and 0.00 (…………) on account of unspent balance of the previous year, a sum of 0.00 (………..) has been utilised for the purpose for which it was sanctioned and that the balance of 0.00 ( ……….. ) remained unutilized at the year end will be adjusted towards the Grant-In-Aid payable during the next year ………... 2- It is also certified that out of amount -------Shown as utilized, accounts for an amount of ----- are yet to be received from the implementing units/agencies which has been allowed to be carried forward
3- Certified that We have satisfied Ourselves that the conditions on which the Grant-In-Aid was sanctioned have been fully fulfilled and that have exercised the following checks Assistant Accounts Officer B.S.A. S.S.A. S.S.A. District - [U.P.] District - [U.P.]
Finally on the basis of Utilization Certificate received from all the DPOs a final Utilization Certificate on the format prescribed by the GOI is prepared by the SIS/SPO, Certified by the Chartered Accountant is submitted to the GOI along with Annual Audit Report.
SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN (S.S.A.) U.P. EDUCATION FOR ALL PROJECT BOARD Vidya Bhawan, Nishatganj, Lucknow (U.P.) UTILIZATION CERTIFICATE UNDER SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN FOR THE YEAR ENDED Name of State: UTTAR PRADESH 1. Certified that out of ----- Grant in Aid sanctioned during the year ----- in favour of Uttar Pradesh Sabhi Ke Liye Shiksha Parishad, Vidya Bhawan, Nishatganj, Lucknow,226007
vide Ministry of Human Resources Development, Department of Elementary Education and Literacy and Gov. of Uttar Pradesh. Letter Nos.----- noted against each and - received as State share from the State Government and ------ on account of interest & miscellaneous Income earned during the period -----to ---- and ----- on account of unspent balance of the previous year, a sum of ---- has been utilized for the purpose for which it was sanctioned and amount of ------ remained unutilized at the year end will be adjusted the Grant-in-aid Payable during the next year. 2- It is also certified that out of amount -------Shown as Unutilized, accounts for an amount of ----- are yet to be received from the implementing units/agencies which has been allowed to be carried forward
3- Certified that I have satisfied myself that the conditions on which the Grant-In-Aid was sanctioned have been fully fulfilled and that have exercised the following checks Kinds of Checks exercised:- 1- Audited Statements of Accounts (Copy enclosed) 2- Utilization Certificates 3- Progress Report 4- Audit Report & Management Letter Finance Controller ADDL.S.P.D. State Project Director AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE The above statements are verified on the basis of audit of books of Accounts and records produced before us by the project and its subsidiary office. Place : Lucknow For M/s ………………………. (Chartered Accountants
Thanks Happy Diwali