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Explorers of the Old World. By the 5/6 Discovery team. Exploration of Sir Humphrey Gilbert. By:Addie Shedletsky. Life Goals. - Sir Humphrey Gilbert was from England. -His life goal was to sail over to Newfoundland and make it an English settlement.
Explorers of the Old World By the 5/6 Discovery team
Exploration of Sir Humphrey Gilbert By:Addie Shedletsky
Life Goals -Sir Humphrey Gilbert was from England. -His life goal was to sail over to Newfoundland and make it an English settlement. -Gilbert also had many other goals to accomplish but the most important thing was that he achieved his main goal for life.
Hardships Sir Humphrey Gilbert went through a lot of hardships on his trip to Newfoundland.One of them was a sickness called scurvy which caused that particular ship to turn back. Another hardship was when one of the ships turned back because of leaks.Gilbert went through many other hardships but these were the main two.
Gilbert’s Route • The route that Gilbert took started out in England • When he left England he accomplished his goal by sailing to and conquering Newfoundland. • After that he sailed over to Nova Scotia to explore around the land. • Then Gilbert sailed to the Azure Islands but never returned to England because of his ship sinking.
How Did Gilbert Die? • Sir Humphrey Gilbert died in a very sad and scary way. • On Gilbert’s trip back home his ship sunk near the Azure Islands and Gilbert drowned.
James Cook By:Rebecca Evans
Early James Cook • James Cook was born in Marton ,England. • In 1755 James cook sighned up for the royal navy as a sailor. • 1762 James Cook married Elizabeth Batts.
The voyages of James Cook • In1768 James Cook became captain of the Endeavor. • In 1768 James Cook was assigned a secret mission to find the transit of venues. • In 1772 James Cook went to find the 7th continent • In 1770 James cooks crew spotted a uncharted land
James Cook’s later years As James Cook went on his third voyages to Hawaii. James Cook died a the age 25. James Cook died in 1780.
Samuel de Champlain Power point by, Selina Scharr
Personal info on Samuel De Champlain • He was born in Brouage, France at about 1567 • His goal was to navigate a ship. • He loved the high seas and wanted to sail them
Adventures of Samuel De Champlain • Him and his friend discovered Quebec on July 3,1609. • He refuses to surrender Quebec to the British forces. • He fights on the side of Catholics during France’swar of religion.
More adventures of Samuel de Champlain • Champlain sails to Canada to trade with the native people. • He visits what is now Maine, Boston, and Cape Cod. • Champlain and the French fight against the Iroquois.
John Franklin[1714-1845] BY CJ Busby
Franklin’s land • Franklin sailed through the north west passage and found a new land. • He retuned back to Spain to tell them but no one believed him. • He took a hundred and 28 men with him to prove them wrong. • But he could not find it again.
Franklin’s Goals • One of his goals was to get through the North West Passage. • Another was to find a new land. • To find gold in other lands. • To find Indians. • And to built a new ship.
Franklins Birth/Death • Franklin was born in 1786. • He head lots of adventures to other lands before he died • He died in 1847 a ship wreck . • he wrote one last note to his family and his crew before he died . • It said how and when he had died
Francis Drake By Claire Allen
The beginning • Francis drake was born in Tavistock, Devon, sometime between 1541 and 1543. • His main goal was to do the second circumnavigation of the globe • He was an apprentice on a trading ship which was given to him when the master died. After selling this ship, he returned to Devon and sailed with his relative John Hawkins. Hawkins and Drake made the first English slaving voyages, bringing African slaves to work in the 'New World'.
Francis’s travel • The voyage took three years, from 1577 to 1580.. • After reaching America, Drake was worried that his ships might get separated from each other, so he gave orders for two of them to be destroyed. Then the Marigold was lost, with all her crew, • By October 1578, as the company started up the western coast of South America, there were just 58 people left, all on the Pelican, so Drake renamed his ship the Golden Hind.
The end • He died at sea on his final voyage on the coast of Panama, in Nombre de Dios Bay. He had been suffering from dysentery for a while and on January 1596, he died. His body was placed inside a lead casket and he was slipped overboard. Two other ships, his most recent prizes, were sunk near his body. He was about 54 years old when he died.
The Samuel de Champlain Museum! Owner: Kate Colagreco
Samuel de Champlain was born in Brouage, France in 1567. He died in Quebec on December 25, 1635. Who is He?
On his first voyage he met the Native Americans. He ended up in Quebec. They were the Iroquois. At first they were friendly people, they would trade many things with them. Like fur for metal ware like knives. After a while the Hurons and the Iroquois got into a war. Samuel de Champlain helped fight the war. The Important Voyage
Samuel de Champlain • So now that you know some facts about de Champlain come to: The Samuel de Champlain Museum to learn even more! • ($15 per Person) • (Located on route 841)
John Cabot(1450-1498) By, Danielle Diehle
Findings & Discoveries • One thing that he found was a new land in what came to be Canada. The land was called Labrador or Newfoundland. • He also found a part of Canada. He found it while trying to find the Northwestern Passage across Asia. • The last thing that he found was what people think was a little bit of America according to the maps.But because he was never heard from their not sure.
Tour Bus Route Map Overview The United States Capitol The United States Capitol The Congressional Office Buildings The Congressional Office Buildings Capitol Complex Map The Capitol Grounds Overview The Capitol Grounds Works of Art Works of Art Capitol Complex Map Capitol Complex Map Overview Architectural Features & Historic Spaces Overview Architectural Features & Historic Spaces Capitol Complex Map Overview Overview Overview Overview Responsibilities of the Architect Responsibilities of the Architect The Architects since 1793 Overview Employment Opportunities Tour Bus Route Map The Architects since 1793 Overview Project Map Project Map Overview Overview Project Updates Project Updates Employment Opportunities Francisco IardellaSandstone1828Rotunda, above Landing of Columbus Chemin des Erables1999/2003 - Tous droits de reproduction réservésConditions de lecture optimale navigateur MSIE 4 ou + Office of the Curator, April 2001 Comment on this Web site using our Feedback Form Accomplishments • One accomplishment that he made was becoming the first explorer to sail to Canada and to discover the mainland of North America. • Another accomplishment he made was he got an award for discovering the “land of spices” which was very good to the people. • The last accomplishment he got was to discover two different lands and had many statues all over the land made after him. U.S. Capitol > Works of Art >Rotunda John Cabot
John Cabot’s Voyages • One of John Cabot’s voyages was to find a way to the Northwest passage to the Indies.But he actually had been exploring the coastline & islands of Canada, although he thought that he reached Northern Asia. • Another voyage he went on was on the boat “Matthew” hoping to sail to Canada which he did.He landed in Labrador along with his sons.He claimed the land for England. • In 1498 he hoped to have a second big voyage but to America.Once in this voyage he was never heard from again.
John Cabot(1450-1498) By, Danielle Diehle
Findings & Discoveries • One thing that he found was a new land in what came to be Canada. The land was called Labrador or Newfoundland. • He also found a part of Canada. He found it while trying to find the Northwestern Passage across Asia. • The last thing that he found was what people think was a little bit of America according to the maps.But because he was never heard from their not sure.
Tour Bus Route Map Overview The United States Capitol The United States Capitol The Congressional Office Buildings The Congressional Office Buildings Capitol Complex Map The Capitol Grounds Overview The Capitol Grounds Works of Art Works of Art Capitol Complex Map Capitol Complex Map Overview Architectural Features & Historic Spaces Overview Architectural Features & Historic Spaces Capitol Complex Map Overview Overview Overview Overview Responsibilities of the Architect Responsibilities of the Architect The Architects since 1793 Overview Employment Opportunities Tour Bus Route Map The Architects since 1793 Overview Project Map Project Map Overview Overview Project Updates Project Updates Employment Opportunities Francisco IardellaSandstone1828Rotunda, above Landing of Columbus Chemin des Erables1999/2003 - Tous droits de reproduction réservésConditions de lecture optimale navigateur MSIE 4 ou + Office of the Curator, April 2001 Comment on this Web site using our Feedback Form Accomplishments • One accomplishment that he made was becoming the first explorer to sail to Canada and to discover the mainland of North America. • Another accomplishment he made was he got an award for discovering the “land of spices” which was very good to the people. • The last accomplishment he got was to discover two different lands and had many statues all over the land made after him. U.S. Capitol > Works of Art >Rotunda John Cabot
John Cabot’s Voyages • One of John Cabot’s voyages was to find a way to the Northwest passage to the Indies.But he actually had been exploring the coastline & islands of Canada, although he thought that he reached Northern Asia. • Another voyage he went on was on the boat “Matthew” hoping to sail to Canada which he did.He landed in Labrador along with his sons.He claimed the land for England. • In 1498 he hoped to have a second big voyage but to America.Once in this voyage he was never heard from again.
1 2 Leif Eriksson By: Kelsey Philipp 3
HOME Eriksson’s Death and Birth • Leif Eriksson was born in the year 970. • Leif Eriksson died in year 1020. • Leif was the second of Eric the Red’s three sons.
HOME Leif Eriksson’s Goals • After hearing about Bjarni Herjulfsson who spotted the coast of America in 985 or 986 but did not go ashore. Eriksson sailed for North America in the year 1000 with a crew of 35 people.
HOME Accomplishments • When Leif was sailing in search of Vinland… he found Vinland as well as two other new lands. • He found Helluland which we now believe is Baffin Island. • He also found Markland which we now believe to be Labrador Island. • After finding Helluland and Markland. Eriksson found Vinland or present day Newfoundland.
The Vikings of Scandinavia By:Bobby Benditt
The Vikings Goals • The vikings were a group of people and Leif Eriksson son of Erik the Red was there leader. • His goals were to find land and to be remembered for finding land.
Leif Eriksson was a great explorer. Leif Eriksson’s other goal was to sail many seas and to be a great viking. I think that Leif Eriksson was right he is remembered. Leif Eriksson son of Erik the red who is is father was a great person. Leif Eriksson’s father had also been an explorer. The Vikings Goals
Conquered places • The vikings conquered many places. • Some places that they conquered were the British Isles, colonized ice land and greenland from that moment they became the explorers of North America.
Jacques Cartier By Logan Cooley The biography of Jacques Cartier
Jacques Cartier and His First Voyage • He was born in 1491 at Saint Malo Brittany. • In 1534 he set sail with two ships and 200 men to find a new route to the Pacific. • He returned home to France and told them that he had found a new route to the pacific.
His second voyage • When he went on his second voyage he had a different goal. • This time his goal was to find some new land. • He returned home again except this time he found a new land and it was actually Canada and he claimed it for France.
His Death • Jacques Cartier died in 1557 in France. • He died because he was sick for 7 years and he finally died.
Martin Frobisher By: Michael Rooney • Martin Frobisher was born on 1535 in Yorkshire, England. • Frobisher discovered what is today Frobisher Bay, near Baffin Island, Canada • Frobisher was arrested several times in the 1560s on piracy charges but managed to avoid trial • Frobisher was good friends with Sir Francis Drake, another explorer. They teamed up for many journeys together.
Frobisher’s route • Martin Frobishers was to find a northwest passage from England to Asia through Canada. He actually landed on a bay near Baffin Island. That Bay today is called Frobisher Bay.
Frobisher’s Death • Frobisher died in 1492 when he invaded the Spanish Armada. He was wounded in the battle and later died in Plymouth, England. He died when he was 59.
Seiur Da La Salle' Life By Nick Taylor